.. index:: lpssim .. _tool-lpssim: lpssim ====== The lpssim tool simulates a linear process specification (LPS) using a command-line interface. In the first screen, lpssim shows the state vector of the initial state and a list of all possible transitions that can be taken from this state. These transitions are numbered from 0 onwards. For each transition, the state vector of the state that is reached after taking that transition, is shown. When a transition has been taken, lpssim shows the action label of that transition, the state vector of the current state and (again) a list of numbered transitions that can be taken from the current state along with the state vector of the resulting state, respectively. On the lpssim command-line - which starts with a question mark ``?`` - the following commands can be entered: ``n`` Execute the action with number n from the list of actions that are possible in the current state. ``u, undo`` Go to previous state in the trace. ``r, redo`` Go to next state in the trace. ``i, initial`` Go to initial state. Note that this preserves the trace; it is equivalent to ``goto 0``. ``g n, goto n`` Go to position n of the trace. ``t, trace`` Print the current trace. The current position in the trace is indicated with ``>``. ``l filename, load filename`` Load a trace from filename. ``s filename, save filename`` Save the current trace to filename. ``h, help`` Display a help message explaining the available commands. ``q, quit, Ctrl-D`` Quit :ref:`tool-lpssim`. .. include:: man/lpssim.rst