.. index:: lpssuminst .. _tool-lpssuminst: lpssuminst ========== Instantiate the summation variables in an LPS by applying induction on the values of the sort of the variable. Example ------- Take the the following LPS: .. code-block:: mcrl2 sort D = struct d1 | d2; E = struct e1(D) | e2; act a: D; b: E; proc P = sum d: D. a(d) . P + sum e: E. b(e) . P ; init P; :ref:`tool-lpssuminst` instantiates the variable ``d`` to the constructors ``d1`` and ``d2`` of sort ``D``, and variable ``e`` to the constructors ``e1(d1)``, ``e1(d2)`` and ``e2``: .. code-block:: mcrl2 sort D = struct d1 | d2; E = struct e1(D) | e2; act a: D; b: E; proc P = a(d1) . P + a(d2) . P + b(e1(d1)) . P + b(e1(d2)) . P + b(e2) . P ; init P; .. include:: man/lpssuminst.rst