.. index:: pbesparelm .. _tool-pbesparelm: pbesparelm ========== The purpose of this tool is to find those parameters in parameterised Boolean equation sytems that do not affect the solution, and remove those in a similar fashion as :ref:`tool-lpsparelm`. Example: .. math:: \begin{array}{l} \nu V(n{:}\mathbb{N}, b{:}\mathbb{B}) = (b \Rightarrow V(n + 1, b)) \land W(n, b)\\ \mu W(n{:}\mathbb{N}, b{:}\mathbb{B}) = b \lor (b \land W(n+1, b))\\ ~\\ \mathbf{init}\ V(0,\mathit{true}) \end{array} Instantiation of this PBES using tools such as :ref:`tool-pbes2bool` or :ref:`tool-pbessolve` does not terminate. However, in this PBES, parameter :math:`n` of both equations is redundant (it does not appear positively in any equation), and can be removed. The resulting PBES will be: .. math:: \begin{array}{l} \nu V(b{:}\mathbb{B}) = (b \Rightarrow V(b)) \land W(b)\\ \mu W(b{:}\mathbb{B}) = b \lor (b \land W(b))\\ ~\\ \mathbf{init}\ V(0,\mathit{true}) \end{array} The algorithm underlying the tool is described in detail in [OWW09]_. .. include:: man/pbesparelm.rst