For tests can be run the python packages yaml and psutil need to be installed.
This can be done using pip as follows:
pip install pyyaml psutil
Before executing tests, make sure that your build has been configured
with the value of MCRL2_ENABLE_TESTS
set to YES
and that
the toolset has been compiled.
To conduct the tests specified in the build tree execute:
Specific tests can be run by using ctest
. Below some examples are given.
To displays the list of tests, without running them, execute:
ctest -N .
To execute the 2nd up until the 5th test targets, execute:
ctest -I2,5 .
To execute tests targets that match the description “FOO”, execute:
ctest -R FOO .
For additional help, run:
ctest --help
Regression tests
The toolset contains several types of regression tests. These tests are
automatically executed on a continuous integration service to maintain the
quality of the toolset, for information see Regression testing with TeamCity. First of
all, each library contains a test directory consisting of several .cpp
files in which unit and integration tests are defined using the unit testing
framework of the Boost library. Existing tests give an idea on how the tests are
There are also tests which execute the compiled tools themselves and check for
errors in the results. Here, we have random tests that generate random (P)BES or
mCRL2 specifications. See the section below for a detailed description of their
setup and how to declare new tests. There are also regression tests with
concrete specifications as input for issues that have been reported in the past
or that have been observed during development. Regression tests are located in
the tests/regression/
directory and use a similar setup as random
All tests are set up such that they can be executed locally by using ctest. For example, by executing ctest -j8 in the build directory we can run all test on eight cores. This can take more than an hour to complete. Furthermore, using the -R option we can only execute tests that contain the given string in their name.
Random Testing
The random tests are implemented by the tests/random/random_testing.py
script. There are three types of random tests, modeled by the following classes:
ProcessTest - tests with a randomly generated process specification as input
PbesTest - tests with a randomly generated PBES as input
BesTest - tests with a randomly generated BES as input
In the constructor of each of these classes the parameters of the random generation are set.
To add a random test, the following steps must be taken:
Define a new class that inherits from one of those three. There are many examples of this in the script.
Optionally change the parameters of the random generation in the constructor.
Create a test specification in the directory tests/specification. This is a graph specified in YAML format, with three sections.
The section ‘tools’ contains nodes that represent tool invocations. For example the following specifies an invocation of the tool lps2pbes with inputs l2 (an LPS) and l5 (a modal formula), output l8 (a PBES) and with additional command line flag –structured:
input: [l2, l5]
output: [l8]
args: [--structured]
name: lps2pbes
The section ‘nodes’ contains nodes of the types below. These nodes are the inputs and outputs of tools:
mcrl2 - a process specification in text format
lps - a linearized process specification in .lps format
lts - an LTS in .lts format
aut - an LTS in .aut format
pbesspec - a PBES in text format
pbes - a PBES in .pbes format
mcf - a modal formula in text format
text - a text file
For example:
type: pbesspec
type: pbes
type: pbes
The section ‘result’ contains a python expression that is used to evaluate the result, for example:
result: |
result = t4.value['solution'] == t6.value['solution'] == t8.value['solution'] == (not t2.value['has-deadlock'])
Note that after a tool node has been executed, the results of the execution are put in the mapping value. The command line output of the execution is stored in the attributes stdout and stderr, so if needed this can also be used to determine the result of a test. There are many examples available in the directory tests/specifications. Moreover there is a python script draw.py that generates a graphical representation of the test. This is useful to check if the test has been specified correctly.
Add an entry in the mapping available_tests. For example:
'lpsconstelm' : lambda name, settings: LpsConstelmTest(name, settings)
The parameter settings is the dictionary that corresponds to the YAML file of the random test. This file has to be specified during construction of the class LpsConstelmTest.
The random tests can be run using commands like this:
--- run one repetition of all available tests ---
python3 random_testing.py -r1
alphabet-reduce_0 Pass
bessolve_0 Pass
bisimulation-bisim_0 Pass
bisimulation-bisim-gjkw_0 Pass
bisimulation-bisim-gv_0 Indeterminate
bisimulation-branching-bisim_0 Pass
bisimulation-branching-bisim-gjkw_0 Pass
bisimulation-branching-bisim-gv_0 Pass
bisimulation-weak-bisim_0 Pass
lps-quantifier-one-point_0 Pass
lps2lts-algorithms_0 Pass
lps2pbes_0 Pass
lpsbinary_0 Indeterminate
lpsconfcheck-commutative_0 Pass
lpsconfcheck-commutative-disjoint_0 Pass
lpsconfcheck-disjoint_0 Pass
lpsconfcheck-triangular_0 Pass
lpsconfcheck-trivial_0 Pass
lpsconstelm_0 Pass
lpsparelm_0 Pass
lpsstategraph_0 Indeterminate
lpssumelm_0 Pass
lpssuminst_0 Pass
lts2pbes_0 Pass
ltscompare-bisim_0 Pass
ltscompare-bisim-gjkw_0 Pass
ltscompare-bisim-gv_0 Pass
ltscompare-branching-bisim_0 Pass
ltscompare-branching-bisim-gjkw_0 Pass
ltscompare-branching-bisim-gv_0 Pass
ltscompare-dpbranching-bisim_0 Pass
ltscompare-dpbranching-bisim-gjkw_0 Pass
ltscompare-dpbranching-bisim-gv_0 Pass
ltscompare-dpweak-bisim_0 Pass
ltscompare-ready-sim_0 Pass
ltscompare-sim_0 Pass
ltscompare-trace_0 Pass
ltscompare-weak-bisim_0 Pass
ltscompare-weak-trace_0 Pass
pbes-srf_0 Indeterminate
pbes-unify-parameters_0 Pass
pbesconstelm_0 Pass
pbesinst-alternative_lazy_0 Pass
pbesinst-finite_0 Pass
pbesinst-lazy_0 Pass
pbesparelm_0 Pass
pbespareqelm_0 Pass
pbespgsolve_0 Pass
pbespor2_0 Pass
pbesrewr-data-rewriter_0 Pass
pbesrewr-pfnf_0 Pass
pbesrewr-quantifier-all_0 Pass
pbesrewr-quantifier-finite_0 Pass
pbesrewr-quantifier-inside_0 Pass
pbesrewr-quantifier-one-point_0 Pass
pbesrewr-simplify_0 Pass
pbesrewr-simplify-data-rewriter_0 Pass
pbesrewr-simplify-quantifiers-data-rewriter_0 Pass
pbesrewr-simplify-quantifiers-rewriter_0 Pass
pbesrewr-simplify-rewriter_0 Pass
pbessolve_0 Pass
pbessolve-counter-example-optimization-0_0 Pass
pbessolve-counter-example-optimization-1_0 Pass
pbessolve-counter-example-optimization-2_0 Pass
pbessolve-counter-example-optimization-3_0 Pass
pbessolve-counter-example-optimization-4_0 Pass
pbessolve-counter-example-optimization-5_0 Pass
pbessolve-counter-example-optimization-6_0 Pass
pbessolve-counter-example-optimization-7_0 Pass
pbessolve-depth-first_0 Pass
pbesstategraph_0 Pass
--- run 5 repetitions of all tests that match the pattern parelm ---
python3 random_testing.py -pparelm -r5
lpsparelm_0 Pass
lpsparelm_1 Pass
lpsparelm_2 Pass
lpsparelm_3 Pass
lpsparelm_4 Pass
pbesparelm_0 Pass
pbesparelm_1 Pass
pbesparelm_2 Pass
pbesparelm_3 Pass
pbesparelm_4 Pass
--- run 10 repetitions of bessolve and keep the results ---
python3 random_testing.py -pbessolve -r10 -k
bessolve_0 Pass
bessolve_1 Pass
bessolve_2 Pass
bessolve_3 Pass
bessolve_4 Pass
bessolve_5 Pass
bessolve_6 Pass
bessolve_7 Pass
bessolve_8 Pass
bessolve_9 Pass
When a test results in Indeterminate, it means that there was either a timeout, or the memory limit was exceeded.