57 if (!contains(labels, a.label()))
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bool check_sort(const sort_expression &s, const SortContainer &sorts)
Returns true if the domain sorts and the codomain sort of the given sort s are contained in sorts.
bool check_action_labels(const process::action_list &actions, const std::set< process::action_label > &labels)
Returns true if the labels of the given actions are contained in labels.
bool check_action_label_sorts(const process::action_label_list &action_labels, const std::set< data::sort_expression > &sorts)
Returns true if the sorts of the given action labels are contained in sorts.
bool check_action_sorts(const process::action_list &actions, const std::set< data::sort_expression > &sorts)
Returns true if the sorts of the given actions are contained in sorts.
bool contains(const atermpp::indexed_set< Key, ThreadSafe, Hash, Equals, Allocator, KeyTable > &c, const typename atermpp::indexed_set< Key, ThreadSafe, Hash, Equals, Allocator, KeyTable >::key_type &v, const std::size_t thread_index=0)
A class that takes a linear process specification and checks all tau-summands of that LPS for conflue...
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