No Matches
SmallProgressMeasures Class Referenceabstract

#include <SmallProgressMeasures.h>

Inheritance diagram for SmallProgressMeasures:

Public Member Functions

 SmallProgressMeasures (const ParityGame &game, ParityGame::Player player, LiftingStatistics *stats=0, const verti *vmap=0, verti vmap_size=0)
virtual ~SmallProgressMeasures ()
long long solve_some (LiftingStrategy &ls, long long attempts=work_size)
long long solve_some (LiftingStrategy2 &ls, long long attempts=work_size)
std::pair< verti, bool > solve_one (LiftingStrategy &ls)
verti solve_one (LiftingStrategy2 &ls)
verti get_strategy (verti v) const
void get_strategy (ParityGame::Strategy &strat) const
template<class OutputIterator >
void get_winning_set (ParityGame::Player player, OutputIterator result)
bool lift_to_top (verti v)
bool lift_to (verti v, const verti vec2[], bool carry=0)
bool less_than (verti v, const verti vec2[], bool carry=0)
void debug_print () const
void debug_print_vertex (int v) const
bool verify_solution ()
const ParityGamegame () const
ParityGame::Player player () const
int len () const
const vertiM () const
void set_M (const verti *new_M)
void decr_M (int i)
int len (verti v) const
bool is_top (const verti vec[]) const
bool is_top (verti v) const
virtual const vertivec (verti v) const =0
virtual void set_vec (verti v, const verti src[], bool carry)=0
virtual void set_vec_to_top (verti v)=0
void initialize_lifting_strategy (LiftingStrategy2 &ls)

Static Public Attributes

static const int work_size = 10000
 Maximum number of lifting attempts in a row before checking timer.

Protected Member Functions

void initialize_loops ()
void set_top (verti v)

Protected Attributes

const ParityGamegame_
 the game being solved
const std::size_t p_
 the player to solve for
 statistics object to record lifts
const vertivmap_
 active vertex map (if any)
verti vmap_size_
 size of vertex map
std::size_t len_
 length of SPM vectors
 bounds on the SPM vector components
ParityGame::Strategy strategy_
 current strategy
bool * dirty_
 marks unstable vertices

Private Member Functions

 SmallProgressMeasures (const SmallProgressMeasures &)
SmallProgressMeasuresoperator= (const SmallProgressMeasures &)
int vector_cmp (const verti vec1[], const verti vec2[], int N) const
int vector_cmp (verti v, verti w, int N) const
bool take_max (verti v) const
bool compare_strict (verti v) const
verti get_ext_succ (verti v, bool take_max) const
verti get_ext_succ (verti v) const
verti get_min_succ (verti v) const
verti get_max_succ (verti v) const
verti get_successor (verti v) const
bool is_dirty (verti v) const


class PredecessorLiftingStrategy
class MaxMeasureLiftingStrategy2
class OldMaxMeasureLiftingStrategy

Detailed Description

Implements the core of the Small Progress Measures algorithm, which keeps track of progress measure vectors, and allows lifting at vertices.

Note that besides these vectors, it tracks the current lifting strategy and (optionally) a statistics object. All public methods of this class notify the lifting strategy whenever vectors change (due to one of the solve..() lift..() methods), but only when vertices are lifted through one of the solve..() methods, are lifting attempts recording in the statistics object.

As a result, the lift..() methods can be used to introduce information from external sources into the game, without affecting the statistics for updates that result from local lifting attempts. These methods are thus used in the two-way approach to propagate information from the dual game, and the MPI recursive solver.

Note that this is an abstract base class: subclasses may implement different storage formats for the progress measure vectors.

Definition at line 84 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SmallProgressMeasures() [1/2]

SmallProgressMeasures::SmallProgressMeasures ( const ParityGame game,
ParityGame::Player  player,
LiftingStatistics stats = 0,
const verti vmap = 0,
verti  vmap_size = 0 

Definition at line 37 of file SmallProgressMeasures.cpp.

◆ ~SmallProgressMeasures()

SmallProgressMeasures::~SmallProgressMeasures ( )

Definition at line 110 of file SmallProgressMeasures.cpp.

◆ SmallProgressMeasures() [2/2]

SmallProgressMeasures::SmallProgressMeasures ( const SmallProgressMeasures )

Member Function Documentation

◆ compare_strict()

bool SmallProgressMeasures::compare_strict ( verti  v) const

Returns whether the progress measure for vertex v must be strictly greater than its successors or not (which is true if its priority has parity different from the current player).

Definition at line 233 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ debug_print()

void SmallProgressMeasures::debug_print ( ) const

For debugging: print current state to stdout

◆ debug_print_vertex()

void SmallProgressMeasures::debug_print_vertex ( int  v) const

◆ decr_M()

void SmallProgressMeasures::decr_M ( int  i)

Decrements the i'th element of M.

Definition at line 170 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ game()

const ParityGame & SmallProgressMeasures::game ( ) const

Return the parity to be solved.

Definition at line 154 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ get_ext_succ() [1/2]

verti SmallProgressMeasures::get_ext_succ ( verti  v) const

Returns the minimum or maximum successor for vertex v depending on whether it is owned by player p_ or not.

◆ get_ext_succ() [2/2]

verti SmallProgressMeasures::get_ext_succ ( verti  v,
bool  take_max 
) const

Returns the minimum or maximum successor for vertex v, depending on whether take_max is false or true (respectively).

Definition at line 39 of file SmallProgressMeasures_impl.h.

◆ get_max_succ()

verti SmallProgressMeasures::get_max_succ ( verti  v) const

Returns the maximum successor for vertex v.

Definition at line 247 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ get_min_succ()

verti SmallProgressMeasures::get_min_succ ( verti  v) const

Returns the minimum successor for vertex v.

Definition at line 244 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ get_strategy() [1/2]

void SmallProgressMeasures::get_strategy ( ParityGame::Strategy strat) const

Takes an initialized strategy vector and updates it for the current player. The result is valid only after the game is solved.

Definition at line 235 of file SmallProgressMeasures.cpp.

◆ get_strategy() [2/2]

verti SmallProgressMeasures::get_strategy ( verti  v) const

After the game is solved, this returns the strategy at vertex v for the current player, or NO_VERTEX if the vertex is controlled by his opponent (in that case, any move is winning) or if it is won by his opponent (in that case, all moves are losing).

Definition at line 230 of file SmallProgressMeasures.cpp.

◆ get_successor()

verti SmallProgressMeasures::get_successor ( verti  v) const

Returns whether the succesor with the extreme progress measure for the given vertex. (Extreme means minimal for even-controlled vertices, and maximal for odd-controlled vertices.)

Definition at line 252 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ get_winning_set()

template<class OutputIterator >
void SmallProgressMeasures::get_winning_set ( ParityGame::Player  player,
OutputIterator  result 

Returns the winning set for the given player by assigning the vertices in the set to the given output iterator. If the game is not completely solved yet, then this returns a subset of the winning set.

Definition at line 57 of file SmallProgressMeasures_impl.h.

◆ initialize_lifting_strategy()

void SmallProgressMeasures::initialize_lifting_strategy ( LiftingStrategy2 ls)

Recalculates the set of dirty vertices, and pushes them into the given lifting strategy (which is assumed to be freshly allocated).

Definition at line 88 of file SmallProgressMeasures.cpp.

◆ initialize_loops()

void SmallProgressMeasures::initialize_loops ( )

Sets odd-controlled vertices with (only) loops to top. Should be called by derived classes after allocating SPM data.

Definition at line 57 of file SmallProgressMeasures.cpp.

◆ is_dirty()

bool SmallProgressMeasures::is_dirty ( verti  v) const

Returns whether the given vertex is dirty; i.e. its progress measure is less than its successor (or less than or equal to, if its priority is odd).

Definition at line 257 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ is_top() [1/2]

bool SmallProgressMeasures::is_top ( const verti  vec[]) const

Return whether the given SPM vector has top value.

Definition at line 177 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ is_top() [2/2]

bool SmallProgressMeasures::is_top ( verti  v) const

Return whether the SPM vector for vertex v has top value.

Definition at line 180 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ len() [1/2]

int SmallProgressMeasures::len ( ) const

Return the length of the SPM vectors (a positive integer).

Definition at line 160 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ len() [2/2]

int SmallProgressMeasures::len ( verti  v) const

Return the number of odd priorities less than or equal to the priority of v. This is the length of the SPM vector for v.

Definition at line 174 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ less_than()

bool SmallProgressMeasures::less_than ( verti  v,
const verti  vec2[],
bool  carry = 0 

Returns the same result as lift_to() but without changing any progress measure vectors.

Definition at line 247 of file SmallProgressMeasures.cpp.

◆ lift_to()

bool SmallProgressMeasures::lift_to ( verti  v,
const verti  vec2[],
bool  carry = 0 

Sets the given vertex's progress measure to the given value, if this is greater than the current value, and returns whether it changed. val[] must be an array of length len(v). If carry is set, the new value must be strictly greater (or top).

Definition at line 255 of file SmallProgressMeasures.cpp.

◆ lift_to_top()

bool SmallProgressMeasures::lift_to_top ( verti  v)

Sets the given vertex's progress measure to top, if it isn't already, and returns whether it changed:

Definition at line 151 of file SmallProgressMeasures_impl.h.

◆ M()

const verti * SmallProgressMeasures::M ( ) const

Returns the SPM vector space; an array of len() integers.

Definition at line 163 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ operator=()

SmallProgressMeasures & SmallProgressMeasures::operator= ( const SmallProgressMeasures )

◆ player()

ParityGame::Player SmallProgressMeasures::player ( ) const

Return the player to solve for.

Definition at line 157 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ set_M()

void SmallProgressMeasures::set_M ( const verti new_M)

Changes the SPM vector space. new_M must be an array of at least len non-negative integers.

Definition at line 167 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ set_top()

void SmallProgressMeasures::set_top ( verti  v)

Set the SPM vector for vertex v to top value. This can decrease the vector space, but nothing else; e.g, the lifting strategy is not notified of the lift.

Definition at line 158 of file SmallProgressMeasures_impl.h.

◆ set_vec()

virtual void SmallProgressMeasures::set_vec ( verti  v,
const verti  src[],
bool  carry 
pure virtual

Assign the first len(v) elements of the vector for vertex w to the vector for v, or its successor if carry is set.

Implemented in DenseSPM.

◆ set_vec_to_top()

virtual void SmallProgressMeasures::set_vec_to_top ( verti  v)
pure virtual

Set the value for vertex v to top.

Implemented in DenseSPM.

◆ solve_one() [1/2]

std::pair< verti, bool > SmallProgressMeasures::solve_one ( LiftingStrategy ls)

Performs one lifting attempt, and returns the index of the vertex and whether lifting succeeded. Returns NO_VERTEX if no more vertices were candidates for lifting.

Definition at line 130 of file SmallProgressMeasures.cpp.

◆ solve_one() [2/2]

verti SmallProgressMeasures::solve_one ( LiftingStrategy2 ls)

Definition at line 152 of file SmallProgressMeasures.cpp.

◆ solve_some() [1/2]

long long SmallProgressMeasures::solve_some ( LiftingStrategy ls,
long long  attempts = work_size 

Performs some work on the game using the given lifting strategy (which must have been initialized).

max_attemptsMaximum number of lifts attempted.
How many attempts remain; i.e. if the result is greater than zero, the game is succesfully solved.
See also

Definition at line 116 of file SmallProgressMeasures.cpp.

◆ solve_some() [2/2]

long long SmallProgressMeasures::solve_some ( LiftingStrategy2 ls,
long long  attempts = work_size 

Definition at line 123 of file SmallProgressMeasures.cpp.

◆ take_max()

bool SmallProgressMeasures::take_max ( verti  v) const

Returns whehter vertex v is lifted to the maximum successor (true) or minimum successor (false), which in turn depends on whether it is controlled by the player p_ we are solving for.

Definition at line 228 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ vec()

virtual const verti * SmallProgressMeasures::vec ( verti  v) const
pure virtual

Return the SPM vector for vertex v. This array contains only the components with odd (for Even) or even (for Odd) indices of the vector (since the reset is fixed at zero).

Implemented in DenseSPM.

◆ vector_cmp() [1/2]

int SmallProgressMeasures::vector_cmp ( const verti  vec1[],
const verti  vec2[],
int  N 
) const

Compares the first N elements of the given SPM vectors and returns -1, 0 or 1 to indicate that v is smaller than, equal to, or larger than w (respectively).

Definition at line 24 of file SmallProgressMeasures_impl.h.

◆ vector_cmp() [2/2]

int SmallProgressMeasures::vector_cmp ( verti  v,
verti  w,
int  N 
) const

Compares N elements of the SPM vectors for the given vertices.

Definition at line 19 of file SmallProgressMeasures_impl.h.

◆ verify_solution()

bool SmallProgressMeasures::verify_solution ( )

For debugging: verify that the current state describes a valid SPM

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ MaxMeasureLiftingStrategy2

friend class MaxMeasureLiftingStrategy2

Definition at line 261 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ OldMaxMeasureLiftingStrategy

friend class OldMaxMeasureLiftingStrategy

Definition at line 262 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ PredecessorLiftingStrategy

friend class PredecessorLiftingStrategy

Definition at line 260 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ dirty_

bool* SmallProgressMeasures::dirty_

marks unstable vertices

Definition at line 273 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ game_

const ParityGame& SmallProgressMeasures::game_

the game being solved

Definition at line 265 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ len_

std::size_t SmallProgressMeasures::len_

length of SPM vectors

Definition at line 270 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ M_

verti* SmallProgressMeasures::M_

bounds on the SPM vector components

Definition at line 271 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ p_

const std::size_t SmallProgressMeasures::p_

the player to solve for

Definition at line 266 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ stats_

LiftingStatistics* SmallProgressMeasures::stats_

statistics object to record lifts

Definition at line 267 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ strategy_

ParityGame::Strategy SmallProgressMeasures::strategy_

current strategy

Definition at line 272 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ vmap_

const verti* SmallProgressMeasures::vmap_

active vertex map (if any)

Definition at line 268 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ vmap_size_

verti SmallProgressMeasures::vmap_size_

size of vertex map

Definition at line 269 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

◆ work_size

const int SmallProgressMeasures::work_size = 10000

Maximum number of lifting attempts in a row before checking timer.

Definition at line 88 of file SmallProgressMeasures.h.

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