27template <
typename Term>
39 template <
typename Term2>
82template <
typename Expression >
Term containing a string.
const core::identifier_string & name() const
const core::identifier_string & name() const
The class function symbol.
sort_of_expression< variable > sort_of_variable
Function object that returns the sort of a data variable.
bool is_basic_sort(const atermpp::aterm &x)
Returns true if the term t is a basic sort.
bool is_sort_expression(const atermpp::aterm &x)
Test for a sort_expression expression.
A class that takes a linear process specification and checks all tau-summands of that LPS for conflue...
Tests if a term is a sort, and if it is equal to s.
bool operator()(const atermpp::aterm &t) const
compare_sort(sort_expression s_)
bool operator()(Term2 t) const
Function call operator.
compare_term(const Term &t)
Function object that determines if a term is equal to a given data variable.
compare_variable(const variable &v)
bool operator()(const function_symbol &c) const
Function call operator.
function_symbol_has_name(std::string const &name)
bool operator()(const sort_expression &s) const
Function call operator.
sort_has_name(std::string const &name)
Function object that returns the sort of a data expression.
sort_expression operator()(const Expression &e) const
Function call operator.
Function object that returns the name of a data variable.
core::identifier_string operator()(const variable &v) const
Function call operator.