38 if (variable_set.size()==0)
const Term & front() const
Returns the first element of the list.
sort_expression sort() const
Returns the sort of the data expression.
const sort_expression & codomain() const
const sort_expression_list & domain() const
Search functions of the data library.
const function_symbol & false_()
Constructor for function symbol false.
const function_symbol & true_()
Constructor for function symbol true.
void if_always_else_manual_implementation(data_expression &result, const data_expression &b, const data_expression &e1, const data_expression &e2)
The data expression of an application of the function symbol @if_always_else.
std::set< data::function_symbol > find_function_symbols(const data::data_equation &x)
std::set< data::variable > find_free_variables(const data::data_expression &x)
void is_not_a_function_update_manual_implementation(data_expression &result, const data_expression &f)
The data expression of an application of the function symbol @is_not_an_update.
function_symbol function_update_stable(const sort_expression &s, const sort_expression &t)
Constructor for function symbol @func_update_stable.
function_symbol function_update(const sort_expression &s, const sort_expression &t)
Constructor for function symbol @func_update.
A class that takes a linear process specification and checks all tau-summands of that LPS for conflue...