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enumerator_substitution.h File Reference

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struct  mcrl2::data::detail::enumerator_replace_builder
struct  mcrl2::data::enumerator_substitution
 Substitution that stores the assignments as a sequence of variables and a sequence of expressions. It supports function composition efficiently. This is done by simply concatenating the variables and expressions of the two substitutions. As a result, evaluating the substitution becomes more expensive. More...


namespace  mcrl2
 A class that takes a linear process specification and checks all tau-summands of that LPS for confluence.
namespace  mcrl2::data
 Namespace for all data library functionality.
namespace  mcrl2::data::detail


template<typename T >
data_expression mcrl2::data::detail::enumerator_replace (const T &x, const variable_list::const_iterator variables_begin, const variable_list::const_iterator variables_end, const data_expression_list::const_iterator expressions_begin)
template<typename T >
data_expression mcrl2::data::detail::enumerator_replace (const T &x, const variable_list &variables, const data_expression_list &expressions)
std::ostream & mcrl2::data::operator<< (std::ostream &out, const enumerator_substitution &sigma)
bool mcrl2::data::is_simple_substitution (const enumerator_substitution &sigma)

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Definition in file enumerator_substitution.h.