50 std::size_t
max_states = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
79 out <<
"cached = " << std::boolalpha << options.
cached << std::endl;
80 out <<
"global-cache = " << std::boolalpha << options.
global_cache << std::endl;
81 out <<
"confluence = " << std::boolalpha << options.
confluence << std::endl;
82 out <<
"confluence-action = " << options.
confluence << std::endl;
86 out <<
"check-probabilities = " << std::boolalpha << options.
check_probabilities << std::endl;
87 out <<
"detect-deadlock = " << std::boolalpha << options.
detect_deadlock << std::endl;
89 out <<
"detect-divergence = " << std::boolalpha << options.
detect_divergence << std::endl;
90 out <<
"detect-action = " << std::boolalpha << options.
detect_action << std::endl;
92 out <<
"save-error-trace = " << std::boolalpha << options.
save_error_trace << std::endl;
93 out <<
"generate-traces = " << std::boolalpha << options.
generate_traces << std::endl;
95 out <<
"save-aut-at-end = " << std::boolalpha << options.
save_at_end << std::endl;
96 out <<
"dfs-recursive = " << std::boolalpha << options.
dfs_recursive << std::endl;
97 out <<
"max-states = " << options.
max_states << std::endl;
98 out <<
"max-traces = " << options.
max_traces << std::endl;
101 out <<
"trace-prefix = " << options.
trace_prefix << std::endl;
add your file description here.
std::string print_set(const Container &v, const std::string &message="", bool print_index=false, bool boundary_spaces=true)
Creates a string representation of a container.
The strategy of the rewriter.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const action_summand &x)
A class that takes a linear process specification and checks all tau-summands of that LPS for conflue...
bool detect_nondeterminism
std::set< core::identifier_string > actions_internal_for_divergencies
bool replace_constants_by_variables
data::rewrite_strategy rewrite_strategy
std::set< core::identifier_string > trace_actions
explorer_options(data::rewrite_strategy rewr_strat)
exploration_strategy search_strategy
std::string confluence_action
bool remove_unused_rewrite_rules
bool discard_lts_state_labels
explorer_options & operator=(const explorer_options &other)=default
std::set< lps::multi_action > trace_multiactions
explorer_options(const explorer_options &other)=default
bool one_point_rule_rewrite
std::size_t number_of_threads
std::size_t highway_todo_max
bool suppress_progress_messages