Default constructor.
const function_symbol & function() const
Returns the function symbol belonging to an aterm.
void swap(unprotected_aterm_core &t) noexcept
Swaps this term with its argument.
static fixpoint_symbol nu()
Returns the nu symbol.
\brief Default constructor X3.
fixpoint_symbol(const fixpoint_symbol &) noexcept=default
Move semantics.
bool is_nu() const
Returns true if the symbol is nu.
bool is_mu() const
Returns true if the symbol is mu.
fixpoint_symbol(fixpoint_symbol &&) noexcept=default
static fixpoint_symbol mu()
Returns the mu symbol.
fixpoint_symbol(const atermpp::aterm &term)
The class data_specification.
The main namespace for the aterm++ library.
bool check_rule_FixPoint(const Term &t)
const atermpp::function_symbol & function_symbol_Mu()
const atermpp::function_symbol & function_symbol_Nu()
atermpp::term_list< fixpoint_symbol > fixpoint_symbol_list
\brief list of fixpoint_symbols
std::vector< fixpoint_symbol > fixpoint_symbol_vector
\brief vector of fixpoint_symbols
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const absinthe_strategy strategy)
void swap(fixpoint_symbol &t1, fixpoint_symbol &t2)
\brief swap overload
std::string pp(const fixpoint_symbol &x)
A class that takes a linear process specification and checks all tau-summands of that LPS for conflue...
static const atermpp::function_symbol Nu
static const atermpp::function_symbol Mu