85 return std::hash<atermpp::aterm>()(x);
Term containing a string.
size_type size() const
Returns the number of arguments of this term.
void swap(unprotected_aterm_core &t) noexcept
Swaps this term with its argument.
bool type_is_appl() const noexcept
Dynamic check whether the term is an aterm.
add your file description here.
const aterm_string & empty_string()
Returns the empty aterm_string.
void swap(identifier_string &t1, identifier_string &t2)
\brief swap overload
identifier_string empty_identifier_string()
Provides the empty identifier string.
std::vector< identifier_string > identifier_string_vector
\brief vector of identifier_strings
std::string pp(const identifier_string &x)
atermpp::term_list< identifier_string > identifier_string_list
\brief list of identifier_strings
atermpp::aterm_string identifier_string
String type of the LPS library. Identifier strings are represented internally as ATerms.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const identifier_string &x)
bool is_identifier_string(const atermpp::aterm &t)
Tests if a term is an identifier string.
A class that takes a linear process specification and checks all tau-summands of that LPS for conflue...
std::size_t operator()(const mcrl2::core::identifier_string &x) const