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liblts.cpp File Reference

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namespace  mcrl2
 A class that takes a linear process specification and checks all tau-summands of that LPS for confluence.
namespace  mcrl2::lts
 The main LTS namespace.
namespace  mcrl2::lts::detail
 A base class for the lts_dot labelled transition system.


lts_type mcrl2::lts::detail::guess_format (std::string const &s, const bool be_verbose=true)
 Determines the LTS format from a filename by its extension.
lts_type mcrl2::lts::detail::parse_format (std::string const &s)
 Determines the LTS format from a format specification string.
std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::string_for_type (const lts_type type)
 Gives a string representation of an LTS format.
std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::extension_for_type (const lts_type type)
 Gives the filename extension associated with an LTS format.
std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::mime_type_for_type (const lts_type type)
 Gives the MIME type associated with an LTS format.
static const std::set< lts_type > & mcrl2::lts::detail::initialise_supported_lts_formats ()
const std::set< lts_type > & mcrl2::lts::detail::supported_lts_formats ()
 Gives the set of all supported LTS formats.
template<typename T >
bool mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_named_cmp (const std::string N[], T a, T b)
std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::supported_lts_formats_text (lts_type default_format=lts_none, const std::set< lts_type > &supported=supported_lts_formats())
 Gives a textual list describing supported LTS formats.
std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::supported_lts_formats_text (const std::set< lts_type > &supported)
 Gives a textual list describing supported LTS formats.
std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_extensions_as_string (const std::string &sep=",", const std::set< lts_type > &supported=supported_lts_formats())
 Gives a list of extensions for supported LTS formats.
std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_extensions_as_string (const std::set< lts_type > &supported)
 Gives a list of extensions for supported LTS formats.


static const std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::type_strings [] = { "unknown", "lts", "aut", "fsm", "dot" }
static const std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::extension_strings [] = { "", "lts", "aut", "fsm", "dot" }
static std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::type_desc_strings []
static std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::mime_type_strings []