25 os <<
"digraph G {" << std::endl;
27 os <<
"center = TRUE;" << std::endl;
28 os <<
"mclimit = 10.0;" << std::endl;
29 os <<
"nodesep = 0.05;" << std::endl;
30 os <<
"node [ width=0.25, height=0.25, label=\"\" ];" << std::endl;
50 os <<
" [ peripheries=2 ];" << std::endl;
63 os <<
"S" << i << std::endl;
81 os <<
"S" << t.from() <<
" -> " <<
"S" << t.to() <<
"[label=\"" <<
86 os <<
"}" << std::endl;
91 std::ofstream os(filename.c_str());
113 if (filename.empty() || filename==
119 std::ofstream os(filename.c_str());
This class contains strings to be used as values for action labels in lts's.
void save(std::ostream &os) const
Save the labelled transition system to a stream.
states_size_type num_states() const
Gets the number of states of this LTS.
ACTION_LABEL_T action_label(const labels_size_type action) const
Gets the label of an action.
bool has_state_info() const
Checks whether this LTS has state values associated with its states.
labels_size_type apply_hidden_label_map(const labels_size_type action) const
If the action label is registered hidden, it returns tau, otherwise the original label.
STATE_LABEL_T state_label(const states_size_type state) const
Gets the label of a state.
const std::vector< transition > & get_transitions() const
Gets a const reference to the vector of transitions of the current lts.
A class to contain labelled transition systems in graphviz format.
void save(std::ostream &os) const
Save the labelled transition system to a stream.
const probabilistic_state< std::size_t, mcrl2::utilities::probabilistic_arbitrary_precision_fraction > & initial_probabilistic_state() const
Gets the initial state number of this LTS.
states_size_type initial_state() const
A class that contains a probabilistic state.
std::size_t size() const
Gets the number of probabilistic states in the vector representation of this state....
STATE get() const
Get a probabilistic state if is is simple, i.e., consists of a single state.
This class contains labels for states in dot format.
A class containing triples, source label and target representing transitions.
Standard exception class for reporting runtime errors.
A simple straighforward parser for .fsm files.
This include file contains routines to read and write labelled transitions from and to files and from...
std::string pp(const abstraction &x)
void translate_to_probabilistic_lts(const lts< STATE_LABEL_T, ACTION_LABEL_T, LTS_BASE > &l_plain, probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL_T, ACTION_LABEL_T, PROBABILISTIC_STATE_T, LTS_BASE > &l_probabilistic)
std::size_t label(const outgoing_pair_t &p)
Label of a pair of a label and target state.
A class that takes a linear process specification and checks all tau-summands of that LPS for conflue...