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list64.h File Reference

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namespace  mcrl2
 A class that takes a linear process specification and checks all tau-summands of that LPS for confluence.
namespace  mcrl2::data
 Namespace for all data library functionality.
namespace  mcrl2::data::sort_list
 Namespace for system defined sort list.


container_sort mcrl2::data::sort_list::list (const sort_expression &s)
 Constructor for sort expression List(S)
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_list (const sort_expression &e)
 Recogniser for sort expression List(s)
const core::identifier_stringmcrl2::data::sort_list::empty_name ()
 Generate identifier [].
function_symbol mcrl2::data::sort_list::empty (const sort_expression &s)
 Constructor for function symbol [].
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_empty_function_symbol (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for function [].
const core::identifier_stringmcrl2::data::sort_list::cons_name ()
 Generate identifier |>.
function_symbol mcrl2::data::sort_list::cons_ (const sort_expression &s)
 Constructor for function symbol |>.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_cons_function_symbol (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for function |>.
application mcrl2::data::sort_list::cons_ (const sort_expression &s, const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1)
 Application of function symbol |>.
void mcrl2::data::sort_list::make_cons_ (data_expression &result, const sort_expression &s, const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1)
 Make an application of function symbol |>.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_cons_application (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for application of |>.
function_symbol_vector mcrl2::data::sort_list::list_generate_constructors_code (const sort_expression &s)
 Give all system defined constructors for list.
function_symbol_vector mcrl2::data::sort_list::list_mCRL2_usable_constructors (const sort_expression &s)
 Give all defined constructors which can be used in mCRL2 specs for list.
implementation_map mcrl2::data::sort_list::list_cpp_implementable_constructors (const sort_expression &s)
 Give all system defined constructors which have an implementation in C++ and not in rewrite rules for list.
const core::identifier_stringmcrl2::data::sort_list::in_name ()
 Generate identifier in.
function_symbol mcrl2::data::sort_list::in (const sort_expression &s)
 Constructor for function symbol in.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_in_function_symbol (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for function in.
application mcrl2::data::sort_list::in (const sort_expression &s, const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1)
 Application of function symbol in.
void mcrl2::data::sort_list::make_in (data_expression &result, const sort_expression &s, const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1)
 Make an application of function symbol in.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_in_application (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for application of in.
const core::identifier_stringmcrl2::data::sort_list::count_name ()
 Generate identifier #.
function_symbol mcrl2::data::sort_list::count (const sort_expression &s)
 Constructor for function symbol #.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_count_function_symbol (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for function #.
application mcrl2::data::sort_list::count (const sort_expression &s, const data_expression &arg0)
 Application of function symbol #.
void mcrl2::data::sort_list::make_count (data_expression &result, const sort_expression &s, const data_expression &arg0)
 Make an application of function symbol #.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_count_application (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for application of #.
const core::identifier_stringmcrl2::data::sort_list::snoc_name ()
 Generate identifier <|.
function_symbol mcrl2::data::sort_list::snoc (const sort_expression &s)
 Constructor for function symbol <|.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_snoc_function_symbol (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for function <|.
application mcrl2::data::sort_list::snoc (const sort_expression &s, const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1)
 Application of function symbol <|.
void mcrl2::data::sort_list::make_snoc (data_expression &result, const sort_expression &s, const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1)
 Make an application of function symbol <|.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_snoc_application (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for application of <|.
const core::identifier_stringmcrl2::data::sort_list::concat_name ()
 Generate identifier ++.
function_symbol mcrl2::data::sort_list::concat (const sort_expression &s)
 Constructor for function symbol ++.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_concat_function_symbol (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for function ++.
application mcrl2::data::sort_list::concat (const sort_expression &s, const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1)
 Application of function symbol ++.
void mcrl2::data::sort_list::make_concat (data_expression &result, const sort_expression &s, const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1)
 Make an application of function symbol ++.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_concat_application (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for application of ++.
const core::identifier_stringmcrl2::data::sort_list::element_at_name ()
 Generate identifier ..
function_symbol mcrl2::data::sort_list::element_at (const sort_expression &s)
 Constructor for function symbol ..
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_element_at_function_symbol (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for function ..
application mcrl2::data::sort_list::element_at (const sort_expression &s, const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1)
 Application of function symbol ..
void mcrl2::data::sort_list::make_element_at (data_expression &result, const sort_expression &s, const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1)
 Make an application of function symbol ..
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_element_at_application (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for application of ..
const core::identifier_stringmcrl2::data::sort_list::head_name ()
 Generate identifier head.
function_symbol mcrl2::data::sort_list::head (const sort_expression &s)
 Constructor for function symbol head.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_head_function_symbol (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for function head.
application mcrl2::data::sort_list::head (const sort_expression &s, const data_expression &arg0)
 Application of function symbol head.
void mcrl2::data::sort_list::make_head (data_expression &result, const sort_expression &s, const data_expression &arg0)
 Make an application of function symbol head.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_head_application (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for application of head.
const core::identifier_stringmcrl2::data::sort_list::tail_name ()
 Generate identifier tail.
function_symbol mcrl2::data::sort_list::tail (const sort_expression &s)
 Constructor for function symbol tail.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_tail_function_symbol (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for function tail.
application mcrl2::data::sort_list::tail (const sort_expression &s, const data_expression &arg0)
 Application of function symbol tail.
void mcrl2::data::sort_list::make_tail (data_expression &result, const sort_expression &s, const data_expression &arg0)
 Make an application of function symbol tail.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_tail_application (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for application of tail.
const core::identifier_stringmcrl2::data::sort_list::rhead_name ()
 Generate identifier rhead.
function_symbol mcrl2::data::sort_list::rhead (const sort_expression &s)
 Constructor for function symbol rhead.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_rhead_function_symbol (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for function rhead.
application mcrl2::data::sort_list::rhead (const sort_expression &s, const data_expression &arg0)
 Application of function symbol rhead.
void mcrl2::data::sort_list::make_rhead (data_expression &result, const sort_expression &s, const data_expression &arg0)
 Make an application of function symbol rhead.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_rhead_application (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for application of rhead.
const core::identifier_stringmcrl2::data::sort_list::rtail_name ()
 Generate identifier rtail.
function_symbol mcrl2::data::sort_list::rtail (const sort_expression &s)
 Constructor for function symbol rtail.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_rtail_function_symbol (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for function rtail.
application mcrl2::data::sort_list::rtail (const sort_expression &s, const data_expression &arg0)
 Application of function symbol rtail.
void mcrl2::data::sort_list::make_rtail (data_expression &result, const sort_expression &s, const data_expression &arg0)
 Make an application of function symbol rtail.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_rtail_application (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for application of rtail.
function_symbol_vector mcrl2::data::sort_list::list_generate_functions_code (const sort_expression &s)
 Give all system defined mappings for list.
function_symbol_vector mcrl2::data::sort_list::list_generate_constructors_and_functions_code (const sort_expression &s)
 Give all system defined mappings and constructors for list.
function_symbol_vector mcrl2::data::sort_list::list_mCRL2_usable_mappings (const sort_expression &s)
 Give all system defined mappings that can be used in mCRL2 specs for list.
implementation_map mcrl2::data::sort_list::list_cpp_implementable_mappings (const sort_expression &s)
 Give all system defined mappings that are to be implemented in C++ code for list.
const data_expressionmcrl2::data::sort_list::left (const data_expression &e)
 Function for projecting out argument. left from an application.
const data_expressionmcrl2::data::sort_list::right (const data_expression &e)
 Function for projecting out argument. right from an application.
const data_expressionmcrl2::data::sort_list::arg (const data_expression &e)
 Function for projecting out argument. arg from an application.
data_equation_vector mcrl2::data::sort_list::list_generate_equations_code (const sort_expression &s)
 Give all system defined equations for list.