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lts_io.h File Reference

This include file contains routines to read and write labelled transitions from and to files and from streams. More...

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namespace  mcrl2
 A class that takes a linear process specification and checks all tau-summands of that LPS for confluence.
namespace  mcrl2::lts
 The main LTS namespace.
namespace  mcrl2::lts::detail
 A base class for the lts_dot labelled transition system.


enum  mcrl2::lts::data_file_type_t { mcrl2::lts::none_e , mcrl2::lts::data_e , mcrl2::lts::lps_e , mcrl2::lts::mcrl2_e }
 Type for data files that contain extra information for an lts in .aut or .fsm format. Typically this is a data_specification (data_e), a linear process (lps_e) or an .mcrl2 file. The value none_e indicates that no information is available. More...


lts_type mcrl2::lts::detail::guess_format (std::string const &s, const bool be_verbose=true)
 Determines the LTS format from a filename by its extension.
lts_type mcrl2::lts::detail::parse_format (std::string const &s)
 Determines the LTS format from a format specification string.
std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::string_for_type (const lts_type type)
 Gives a string representation of an LTS format.
std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::extension_for_type (const lts_type type)
 Gives the filename extension associated with an LTS format.
std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::mime_type_for_type (const lts_type type)
 Gives the MIME type associated with an LTS format.
const std::set< lts_type > & mcrl2::lts::detail::supported_lts_formats ()
 Gives the set of all supported LTS formats.
std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::supported_lts_formats_text (lts_type default_format=lts_none, const std::set< lts_type > &supported=supported_lts_formats())
 Gives a textual list describing supported LTS formats.
std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::supported_lts_formats_text (const std::set< lts_type > &supported)
 Gives a textual list describing supported LTS formats.
std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_extensions_as_string (const std::string &sep=",", const std::set< lts_type > &supported=supported_lts_formats())
 Gives a list of extensions for supported LTS formats.
std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_extensions_as_string (const std::set< lts_type > &supported)
 Gives a list of extensions for supported LTS formats.
void mcrl2::lts::detail::read_lps_context (const std::string &data_file, data::data_specification &data, process::action_label_list &action_labels, data::variable_list &process_parameters)
void mcrl2::lts::detail::read_data_context (const std::string &data_file, data::data_specification &data, process::action_label_list &action_labels)
void mcrl2::lts::detail::read_mcrl2_context (const std::string &data_file, data::data_specification &data, process::action_label_list &action_labels)
template<class LTS_TYPE_IN , class LTS_TYPE_OUT >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::convert_to_lts_lts (LTS_TYPE_IN &src, LTS_TYPE_OUT &dest, const data_file_type_t extra_data_file_type, const std::string &extra_data_file_name)
template<class LTS_TYPE >
void mcrl2::lts::load_lts (LTS_TYPE &result, const std::string &infilename, lts_type type, const data_file_type_t extra_data_file_type=none_e, const std::string &extra_data_file_name="")
 Loads an lts of the indicated type, transforms it to an lts of the form lts_lts_t using the additional data parameters.
void mcrl2::lts::load_lts_as_fsm_file (const std::string &path, lts_fsm_t &l)
 Read a labelled transition system and return it in fsm format.
atermpp::aterm_istreammcrl2::lts::operator>> (atermpp::aterm_istream &stream, lts_lts_t &lts)
 Read a (probabilistic) LTS from the given stream.
atermpp::aterm_istreammcrl2::lts::operator>> (atermpp::aterm_istream &stream, probabilistic_lts_lts_t &lts)
atermpp::aterm_ostreammcrl2::lts::operator<< (atermpp::aterm_ostream &stream, const lts_lts_t &lts)
 Write a (probabilistic) LTS to the given stream at once.
atermpp::aterm_ostreammcrl2::lts::operator<< (atermpp::aterm_ostream &stream, const probabilistic_lts_lts_t &lts)
void mcrl2::lts::write_lts_header (atermpp::aterm_ostream &stream, const data::data_specification &data, const data::variable_list &parameters, const process::action_label_list &action_labels)
 Writes the start of an LTS stream.
void mcrl2::lts::write_transition (atermpp::aterm_ostream &stream, std::size_t from, const lps::multi_action &label, std::size_t to)
 Write a transition to the LTS stream.
void mcrl2::lts::write_transition (atermpp::aterm_ostream &stream, std::size_t from, const lps::multi_action &label, const probabilistic_lts_lts_t::probabilistic_state_t &to)
void mcrl2::lts::write_state_label (atermpp::aterm_ostream &stream, const state_label_lts &label)
 Write a state label to the LTS stream.
void mcrl2::lts::write_initial_state (atermpp::aterm_ostream &stream, std::size_t index)
 Write the initial state to the LTS stream.

Detailed Description

This include file contains routines to read and write labelled transitions from and to files and from streams.

This is the LTS library's main header file. It declares all publicly accessible data structures that form the interface of the library.

Muck van Weerdenburg

Definition in file lts_io.h.