24template <
typename Substitution>
45 const Substitution&
78template <
typename AssociativeContainer>
131template <
typename VariableType,
typename ExpressionSequence>
Generic substitution function.
ExpressionType expression_type
Type of expressions.
VariableType variable_type
Type of variables.
Generic substitution function. The substitution is stored as a mapping of variables to expressions....
AssociativeContainer::key_type variable_type
AssociativeContainer::mapped_type expression_type
typename substitution_type::expression_type expression_type
type used to represent expressions.
assignment operator[](variable_type const &v)
mutable_substitution_composer(substitution_type &g)
Constructor with mutable substitution object.
variable_type argument_type
typename substitution_type::assignment assignment
Wrapper class for internal storage and substitution updates using operator().
expression_type result_type
substitution_type & g_
object on which substitution manipulations are performed.
const expression_type operator()(variable_type const &v) const
Apply on single single variable expression.
typename substitution_type::variable_type variable_type
type used to represent variables.
const substitution_type & substitution() const
Returns the wrapped substitution.
mutable_substitution_composer(mutable_map_substitution< AssociativeContainer > &g)
Constructor with mutable substitution object.
typename substitution_type::variable_type variable_type
type used to represent variables.
variable_type argument_type
expression_type result_type
typename substitution_type::assignment assignment
Wrapper class for internal storage and substitution updates using operator().
const expression_type operator()(variable_type const &v) const
Apply on single single variable expression.
assignment operator[](variable_type const &v)
const substitution_type & substitution() const
Returns the wrapped substitution.
substitution_type & g_
object on which substitution manipulations are performed.
typename substitution_type::expression_type expression_type
type used to represent expressions.
An adapter that makes an arbitrary substitution function mutable.
expression_type result_type
const substitution_type & substitution() const
Returns the wrapped substitution.
mutable_substitution_composer(const Substitution &f)
typename Substitution::variable_type variable_type
type used to represent variables.
const Substitution & f_
The wrapped substitution.
assignment operator[](variable_type const &v)
mutable_map_substitution< std::map< variable_type, expression_type > > g_
An additional mutable substitution.
Substitution substitution_type
The type of the wrapped substitution.
variable_type argument_type
expression_type operator()(variable_type const &v) const
Apply on single single variable expression.
typename Substitution::expression_type expression_type
type used to represent expressions.
typename mutable_map_substitution< std::map< variable_type, expression_type > >::assignment assignment
Wrapper class for internal storage and substitution updates using operator().
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add your file description here.
add your file description here.
void replace_free_variables(T &x, const Substitution &sigma, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr)
A class that takes a linear process specification and checks all tau-summands of that LPS for conflue...
Wrapper class for internal storage and substitution updates using operator()
Wrapper class for internal storage and substitution updates using operator()