No Matches
atermpp::detail Namespace Reference


class  _aterm
 This is the class to which an aterm points. More...
class  _aterm_appl
 This class stores a term followed by N arguments. Where N should be equal to the arity of the function symbol. These arguments do have room reserved for them during the creation of the _aterm_appl. More...
class  _aterm_appl_allocator
 This class allocates _aterm_appl objects where the size is based on the arity of the function symbol. More...
class  _aterm_int
 The underlying integer term that actually carries the integer data. More...
class  _function_symbol
 Stores the data for a function symbol (name, arity) pair. More...
class  _term_list
class  aterm_allocator
class  aterm_container
 Provides safe storage of unprotected_aterm_core instances in a container by marking them during garbage collection. More...
struct  aterm_equals
 Returns true iff first and second are value-equivalent. More...
struct  aterm_equals_finite
struct  aterm_hasher
 Computes the hash of the given term. More...
struct  aterm_hasher_finite
 Computes the hash of the given term. More...
struct  aterm_int_equals
 Returns true iff the given term(s) or value are equivalent. More...
struct  aterm_int_hasher
 Computes the hash of the integral term arguments. More...
class  aterm_pool
 The interface for the term library. Provides the storage of of all classes of terms. More...
class  aterm_pool_storage
 This class provides for all types of term storage. It also provides garbage collection via its mark and sweep functions. More...
struct  bottom_up_replace_aterm_builder
struct  cached_bottom_up_replace_aterm_builder
struct  do_not_convert_term
struct  found_term_exception
struct  function_symbol_equals
 True iff the given function symbols are equal to eachother or to the given key. More...
struct  function_symbol_hasher
 Computes the hash for given function symbol objects and for the function_symbol_key. More...
class  function_symbol_pool
 This class stores a set of function symbols. More...
class  generic_aterm_container
struct  index_traits
 For several variable types in mCRL2 an implicit mapping of these variables to integers is available. This is done for efficiency reasons. Examples are: More...
struct  is_container_impl
struct  is_container_impl< std::list< T > >
struct  is_container_impl< std::multiset< T > >
struct  is_container_impl< std::set< T > >
struct  is_container_impl< std::vector< T > >
struct  is_pair
struct  is_pair_helper
struct  is_pair_helper< std::pair< T, U > >
struct  is_reference_aterm
struct  is_reference_aterm_helper
struct  is_reference_aterm_helper< reference_aterm< T > >
struct  is_set_impl
struct  is_set_impl< std::multiset< T > >
struct  is_set_impl< std::set< T > >
struct  iterator_value
struct  iterator_value< std::back_insert_iterator< Container > >
struct  iterator_value< std::front_insert_iterator< Container > >
struct  iterator_value< std::insert_iterator< Container > >
struct  lazy_check_value_type
struct  lazy_check_value_type< true, Container, ValueType >
struct  partial_replace_aterm_builder
class  reference_aterm
 Base class that should not be used. More...
class  reference_aterm< T, typename std::enable_if< is_pair< T >::value >::type >
 A pair that is stored into an atermpp container. This class takes care that all aterms that occur (recursively) inside such a pair are marked, whears non-aterm_core types are not marked.
class  reference_aterm< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< aterm_core, T >::value >::type >
 An unprotected term that is stored inside an aterm_container. More...
class  reference_aterm< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< typename std::decay< T >::type >::value >::type >
 A reference aterm_core applied to fundamental types, such as int, bool. Nothing needs to happen with such terms. But a special class is needed, because such types are not classes, and we cannot derive from it. More...
struct  replace_aterm_builder
class  shared_subset
 Stores a subset of a given base set using maximum sharing. More...
class  thread_aterm_pool
 This is a thread's specific access to the global aterm pool which ensures that garbage collection and hash table resizing can proceed. More...
class  thread_aterm_pool_interface
 A thread specific aterm pool that provides a local interface to the global term pool. Ensures that terms created by this thread are protected during garbage collection. More...


using _term_appl = _aterm_appl<>
 A default instantiation for the underlying term application.
template<typename ... Terms>
using are_terms = mcrl2::utilities::forall< std::is_convertible< Terms, unprotected_aterm_core >... >
 Can be used to check whether all elements in the parameter pack are derived from aterms.
template<typename Term >
using is_term_or_function = std::disjunction< std::is_convertible< Term, unprotected_aterm_core >, std::disjunction< mcrl2::utilities::is_applicable< Term, unprotected_aterm_core & >, mcrl2::utilities::is_constant_function_yielding< Term, unprotected_aterm_core > > >
template<typename ... Terms>
using are_terms_or_functions = mcrl2::utilities::forall< is_term_or_function< Terms >... >
using integer_term_storage = aterm_pool_storage< _aterm_int, aterm_int_hasher, aterm_int_equals, 0 >
 Define several specializations of the term pool storage objects.
using term_storage = aterm_pool_storage< _aterm, aterm_hasher_finite< 0 >, aterm_equals_finite< 0 >, 0 >
using arbitrary_function_application_storage = aterm_pool_storage< _aterm_appl< 1 >, aterm_hasher< DynamicNumberOfArguments >, aterm_equals< DynamicNumberOfArguments >, DynamicNumberOfArguments >
template<std::size_t N>
using function_application_storage = aterm_pool_storage< _aterm_appl< N >, aterm_hasher_finite< N >, aterm_equals_finite< N >, N >


template<template< class > class Builder, class ReplaceFunction >
replace_aterm_builder< Builder, ReplaceFunction > make_replace_aterm_builder (ReplaceFunction f)
template<template< class > class Builder, class ReplaceFunction >
partial_replace_aterm_builder< Builder, ReplaceFunction > make_partial_replace_aterm_builder (ReplaceFunction f)
template<template< class > class Builder, class ReplaceFunction >
bottom_up_replace_aterm_builder< Builder, ReplaceFunction > make_bottom_up_replace_aterm_builder (ReplaceFunction f)
template<template< class > class Builder, class ReplaceFunction >
cached_bottom_up_replace_aterm_builder< Builder, ReplaceFunction > make_cached_bottom_up_replace_aterm_builder (ReplaceFunction f, std::unordered_map< aterm, aterm > &cache)
_atermaddress (const unprotected_aterm_core &t)
template<typename Function >
aterm appl_apply (const aterm &a, const Function f)
 Applies the function f to all children of a.
template<typename UnaryFunction >
UnaryFunction for_each_impl (aterm t, UnaryFunction op)
 Implements the for_each algorithm.
template<typename MatchPredicate >
bool find_if_impl (const aterm &t, MatchPredicate match, aterm &output)
 Implements the find_if algorithm If the term t is found, it is stored in output and true is returned.
template<typename MatchPredicate , typename OutputIterator >
void find_all_if_impl (const aterm &t, MatchPredicate op, OutputIterator &destBegin)
 Implements the find_all_if algorithm.
template<typename MatchPredicate , typename StopPredicate >
aterm partial_find_if_impl (const aterm &t, MatchPredicate match, StopPredicate stop)
 Implements the partial_find_if_impl algorithm.
template<typename MatchPredicate , typename StopPredicate , typename OutputIterator >
void partial_find_all_if_impl (const aterm &t, MatchPredicate match, StopPredicate stop, OutputIterator &destBegin)
 Implements the partial_find_all_if algorithm.
template<class Derived , class Base >
term_appl_iterator< Derived > aterm_appl_iterator_cast (term_appl_iterator< Base > a, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< aterm, Base >::value &&std::is_base_of< aterm, Derived >::value >::type *)
 This function can be used to translate an term_appl_iterator of one sort into another.
template<typename T >
std::pair< typename std::conditional< is_reference_aterm< typename T::first_type >::value, typename T::first_type, reference_aterm< typename T::first_type > >::type, typename std::conditional< is_reference_aterm< typename T::second_type >::value, typename T::second_type, reference_aterm< typename T::second_type > >::type > reference_aterm_pair_constructor_helper (const T &other)
void debug_print (std::ostream &o, const _aterm *t, const std::size_t d=3)
std::size_t combine (const std::size_t hnr, const unprotected_aterm_core &term)
 Auxiliary function to combine hnr with aterms.
template<std::size_t I = 0, typename... Tp, typename std::enable_if< I==sizeof...(Tp), void >::type * = nullptr>
std::size_t combine_args (std::size_t seed, const Tp &...)
template<typename Term , typename Iter , typename ATermConverter >
aterm make_list_backward (Iter first, Iter last, ATermConverter convert_to_aterm)
 Constructs a list starting from first to last. The iterators are traversed backwards and each element is converted using the TermConverter.
template<class Term , class Iter , class ATermConverter >
void make_list_backward (term_list< Term > &result, Iter first, Iter last, ATermConverter convert_to_aterm)
 Constructs a list starting from first to last where the result is put in result.
template<typename Term , typename Iter , typename ATermConverter , typename ATermFilter >
aterm make_list_backward (Iter first, Iter last, ATermConverter convert_to_aterm, ATermFilter aterm_filter)
 Constructs a list starting from first to last. The iterators are traversed backwards and each element is converted using the TermConverter and inserted whenever TermFilter yields true for the converted element.
template<class Term , class Iter , class ATermConverter , class ATermFilter >
void make_list_backward (term_list< Term > &result, Iter first, Iter last, ATermConverter convert_to_aterm, ATermFilter aterm_filter)
 Construct a list iterating from the last to the first element. Result is put in the variable result.
template<typename Term , class Iter , class ATermConverter >
aterm make_list_forward (Iter first, Iter last, ATermConverter convert_to_aterm)
 Constructs a list starting from first to last. Each element is converted using the TermConverter.
template<typename Term , class Iter , class ATermConverter >
void make_list_forward (term_list< Term > &result, Iter first, Iter last, ATermConverter convert_to_aterm)
 Constructs a list starting from first to last. Each element is converted using the TermConverter.
template<typename Term , class Iter , class ATermConverter , class ATermFilter >
aterm make_list_forward (Iter first, Iter last, ATermConverter convert_to_aterm, ATermFilter aterm_filter)
 Constructs a list starting from first to last. Each element is converted using the TermConverter and inserted whenever TermFilter yields true for the converted element.
template<class Term , class Iter , class ATermConverter , class ATermFilter >
void make_list_forward (term_list< Term > &result, Iter first, Iter last, ATermConverter convert_to_aterm, ATermFilter aterm_filter)
 Constructs a list traversing the iterator from first to last, putting the result in place in the variable result.
template<class Term , typename ForwardTraversalIterator , class Transformer >
void make_list_forward_helper (term_list< Term > &result, ForwardTraversalIterator &p, const ForwardTraversalIterator last, Transformer transformer)
void mark_term (const _aterm &root, std::stack< std::reference_wrapper< _aterm > > &todo)
 Marks a term and recursively all arguments that are not reachable.
template<std::size_t N, typename InputIterator , typename TermConverter , typename std::enable_if< mcrl2::utilities::is_iterator< InputIterator >::value, void >::type * = nullptr, typename std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< typename std::invoke_result< TermConverter, typename InputIterator::value_type >::type, aterm >::value, void >::type * = nullptr>
std::array< unprotected_aterm_core, N > construct_arguments (InputIterator it, InputIterator end, TermConverter converter)
 Construct the proxy where its arguments are given by applying the converter to each element in the iterator.
template<std::size_t N>
void store_in_argument_array_ (std::size_t, std::array< unprotected_aterm_core, N > &)
template<std::size_t N, class FUNCTION_OR_TERM_TYPE , typename... Args>
void store_in_argument_array_ (std::size_t i, std::array< unprotected_aterm_core, N > &argument_array, FUNCTION_OR_TERM_TYPE &function_or_term, const Args &... args)
template<std::size_t N, typename... Args>
void store_in_argument_array (std::array< unprotected_aterm_core, N > &argument_array, const Args &... args)
template<bool lazy = false>
aterm_poolg_term_pool ()
 obtain a reference to the global aterm pool.
template<typename Variable , typename KeyType >
atermpp::unordered_map< KeyType, std::size_t > & variable_index_map ()
template<typename Variable , typename KeyType >
std::stack< std::size_t > & variable_map_free_numbers ()
template<typename Variable , typename KeyType >
std::mutex & variable_mutex ()
template<typename Variable , typename KeyType >
std::size_t & variable_map_max_index ()
thread_aterm_poolg_thread_term_pool ()
 A reference to the thread local term pool storage.


static constexpr bool EnableGarbageCollection = true
 Enable garbage collection.
static constexpr bool EnableBlockAllocator = true
 Enable the block allocator for terms.
static constexpr bool EnableGarbageCollectionMetrics = false
 Enable to print garbage collection statistics.
static constexpr bool EnableAggressiveGarbageCollection = false
 Performs garbage collection intensively for testing purposes.
static constexpr bool EnableHashtableMetrics = false
 Enable to print hashtable collision, size and number of buckets.
static constexpr bool EnableCreationMetrics = false
 Enable to obtain the percentage of terms found compared to allocated.
static constexpr bool EnableVariableRegistrationMetrics = false
 Keep track of the number of variables registered.
constexpr std::size_t DynamicNumberOfArguments = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max()
 Indicates that the number of arguments is not known at compile time.
std::aligned_storage< sizeof(aterm_pool), alignof(aterm_pool)>::type g_aterm_pool_storage = {}
 Storage for a global term pool that is not initialized.
static aterm_poolg_aterm_pool_instance = *static_cast<aterm_pool*>(static_cast<void*>(&g_aterm_pool_storage))
 A reference to the global term pool storage.
function_symbol g_as_int
 These function symbols are used to indicate integer, list and empty list terms.
function_symbol g_as_list
function_symbol g_as_empty_list

Typedef Documentation

◆ _term_appl

A default instantiation for the underlying term application.

Definition at line 113 of file aterm.h.

◆ arbitrary_function_application_storage

◆ are_terms

template<typename ... Terms>
using atermpp::detail::are_terms = typedef mcrl2::utilities::forall<std::is_convertible<Terms, unprotected_aterm_core>...>

Can be used to check whether all elements in the parameter pack are derived from aterms.

Definition at line 33 of file aterm_core.h.

◆ are_terms_or_functions

template<typename ... Terms>
using atermpp::detail::are_terms_or_functions = typedef mcrl2::utilities::forall<is_term_or_function<Terms>...>

Definition at line 44 of file aterm_core.h.

◆ function_application_storage

Definition at line 32 of file aterm_pool.h.

◆ integer_term_storage

Define several specializations of the term pool storage objects.

Definition at line 24 of file aterm_pool.h.

◆ is_term_or_function

template<typename Term >
using atermpp::detail::is_term_or_function = typedef std::disjunction<std::is_convertible<Term, unprotected_aterm_core>, std::disjunction<mcrl2::utilities::is_applicable<Term, unprotected_aterm_core&>, mcrl2::utilities::is_constant_function_yielding<Term, unprotected_aterm_core> > >

Check whether all arguments of a parameter pack are terms, constant functions yielding a term or a function putting a term in a result parameter.

Definition at line 39 of file aterm_core.h.

◆ term_storage

Function Documentation

◆ address()

_aterm * atermpp::detail::address ( const unprotected_aterm_core t)
A pointer to the underlying aterm_core.

Definition at line 239 of file aterm_core.h.

◆ appl_apply()

template<typename Function >
aterm atermpp::detail::appl_apply ( const aterm a,
const Function  f 

Applies the function f to all children of a.

aA term
fA function on terms
The transformed term

Definition at line 27 of file algorithm_impl.h.

◆ aterm_appl_iterator_cast()

template<class Derived , class Base >
term_appl_iterator< Derived > atermpp::detail::aterm_appl_iterator_cast ( term_appl_iterator< Base >  a,
typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< aterm, Base >::value &&std::is_base_of< aterm, Derived >::value >::type *  = nullptr 

This function can be used to translate an term_appl_iterator of one sort into another.

Definition at line 225 of file aterm_appl_iterator.h.

◆ combine()

std::size_t atermpp::detail::combine ( const std::size_t  hnr,
const unprotected_aterm_core term 

Auxiliary function to combine hnr with aterms.

Definition at line 158 of file aterm_hash.h.

◆ combine_args()

template<std::size_t I = 0, typename... Tp, typename std::enable_if< I==sizeof...(Tp), void >::type * = nullptr>
std::size_t atermpp::detail::combine_args ( std::size_t  seed,
const Tp &  ... 

Definition at line 247 of file aterm_hash.h.

◆ construct_arguments()

template<std::size_t N, typename InputIterator , typename TermConverter , typename std::enable_if< mcrl2::utilities::is_iterator< InputIterator >::value, void >::type * = nullptr, typename std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< typename std::invoke_result< TermConverter, typename InputIterator::value_type >::type, aterm >::value, void >::type * = nullptr>
std::array< unprotected_aterm_core, N > atermpp::detail::construct_arguments ( InputIterator  it,
InputIterator  end,
TermConverter  converter 

Construct the proxy where its arguments are given by applying the converter to each element in the iterator.

Definition at line 35 of file aterm_pool_storage_implementation.h.

◆ debug_print()

void atermpp::detail::debug_print ( std::ostream &  o,
const _aterm t,
const std::size_t  d = 3 

◆ find_all_if_impl()

template<typename MatchPredicate , typename OutputIterator >
void atermpp::detail::find_all_if_impl ( const aterm t,
MatchPredicate  op,
OutputIterator &  destBegin 

Implements the find_all_if algorithm.

tA term
opA predicate function on terms
destBeginThe beginning of a range to where the results are written

Definition at line 139 of file algorithm_impl.h.

◆ find_if_impl()

template<typename MatchPredicate >
bool atermpp::detail::find_if_impl ( const aterm t,
MatchPredicate  match,
aterm output 

Implements the find_if algorithm If the term t is found, it is stored in output and true is returned.

tA term
matchA predicate function on terms
outputThe variable to store the match in
true if a match was found, false otherwise

Definition at line 105 of file algorithm_impl.h.

◆ for_each_impl()

template<typename UnaryFunction >
UnaryFunction atermpp::detail::for_each_impl ( aterm  t,
UnaryFunction  op 

Implements the for_each algorithm.

tA term
opA unary function on terms
The result of the algorithm

Definition at line 75 of file algorithm_impl.h.

◆ g_term_pool()

template<bool lazy = false>
aterm_pool & atermpp::detail::g_term_pool ( )

obtain a reference to the global aterm pool.

provides lazy initialization which should be used when instantiating global terms and function symbols.

Definition at line 31 of file global_aterm_pool.h.

◆ g_thread_term_pool()

thread_aterm_pool & atermpp::detail::g_thread_term_pool ( )

A reference to the thread local term pool storage.

Definition at line 31 of file aterm_implementation.cpp.

◆ make_bottom_up_replace_aterm_builder()

template<template< class > class Builder, class ReplaceFunction >
bottom_up_replace_aterm_builder< Builder, ReplaceFunction > atermpp::detail::make_bottom_up_replace_aterm_builder ( ReplaceFunction  f)

Definition at line 126 of file algorithm.h.

◆ make_cached_bottom_up_replace_aterm_builder()

template<template< class > class Builder, class ReplaceFunction >
cached_bottom_up_replace_aterm_builder< Builder, ReplaceFunction > atermpp::detail::make_cached_bottom_up_replace_aterm_builder ( ReplaceFunction  f,
std::unordered_map< aterm, aterm > &  cache 

Definition at line 165 of file algorithm.h.

◆ make_list_backward() [1/4]

template<typename Term , typename Iter , typename ATermConverter >
aterm atermpp::detail::make_list_backward ( Iter  first,
Iter  last,
ATermConverter  convert_to_aterm 

Constructs a list starting from first to last. The iterators are traversed backwards and each element is converted using the TermConverter.

The functions make_list_backward and make_list_forward with three and four arguments are almost the same. The reason for this is that there is a 5% loss of speed of the toolset when merging these two functions. This is caused by storing and protecting the intermediate value of the converted aterm. See Term t = convert_to_aterm(...).

Definition at line 338 of file aterm_list_implementation.h.

◆ make_list_backward() [2/4]

template<typename Term , typename Iter , typename ATermConverter , typename ATermFilter >
aterm atermpp::detail::make_list_backward ( Iter  first,
Iter  last,
ATermConverter  convert_to_aterm,
ATermFilter  aterm_filter 

Constructs a list starting from first to last. The iterators are traversed backwards and each element is converted using the TermConverter and inserted whenever TermFilter yields true for the converted element.

Definition at line 317 of file aterm_list_implementation.h.

◆ make_list_backward() [3/4]

template<class Term , class Iter , class ATermConverter >
void atermpp::detail::make_list_backward ( term_list< Term > &  result,
Iter  first,
Iter  last,
ATermConverter  convert_to_aterm 

Constructs a list starting from first to last where the result is put in result.

Constructs a list starting from the first iterator element to the last. The result is put into the variable result.

Definition at line 325 of file aterm_list_implementation.h.

◆ make_list_backward() [4/4]

template<class Term , class Iter , class ATermConverter , class ATermFilter >
void atermpp::detail::make_list_backward ( term_list< Term > &  result,
Iter  first,
Iter  last,
ATermConverter  convert_to_aterm,
ATermFilter  aterm_filter 

Construct a list iterating from the last to the first element. Result is put in the variable result.

Definition at line 299 of file aterm_list_implementation.h.

◆ make_list_forward() [1/4]

template<typename Term , class Iter , class ATermConverter >
aterm atermpp::detail::make_list_forward ( Iter  first,
Iter  last,
ATermConverter  convert_to_aterm 

Constructs a list starting from first to last. Each element is converted using the TermConverter.

Definition at line 484 of file aterm_list_implementation.h.

◆ make_list_forward() [2/4]

template<typename Term , class Iter , class ATermConverter , class ATermFilter >
aterm atermpp::detail::make_list_forward ( Iter  first,
Iter  last,
ATermConverter  convert_to_aterm,
ATermFilter  aterm_filter 

Constructs a list starting from first to last. Each element is converted using the TermConverter and inserted whenever TermFilter yields true for the converted element.

Will first store the converted elements in an array and then insert them into the list.

Definition at line 403 of file aterm_list_implementation.h.

◆ make_list_forward() [3/4]

template<typename Term , class Iter , class ATermConverter >
void atermpp::detail::make_list_forward ( term_list< Term > &  result,
Iter  first,
Iter  last,
ATermConverter  convert_to_aterm 

Constructs a list starting from first to last. Each element is converted using the TermConverter.

Definition at line 441 of file aterm_list_implementation.h.

◆ make_list_forward() [4/4]

template<class Term , class Iter , class ATermConverter , class ATermFilter >
void atermpp::detail::make_list_forward ( term_list< Term > &  result,
Iter  first,
Iter  last,
ATermConverter  convert_to_aterm,
ATermFilter  aterm_filter 

Constructs a list traversing the iterator from first to last, putting the result in place in the variable result.

Definition at line 348 of file aterm_list_implementation.h.

◆ make_list_forward_helper()

template<class Term , typename ForwardTraversalIterator , class Transformer >
void atermpp::detail::make_list_forward_helper ( term_list< Term > &  result,
ForwardTraversalIterator &  p,
const ForwardTraversalIterator  last,
Transformer  transformer 

Definition at line 411 of file aterm_list_implementation.h.

◆ make_partial_replace_aterm_builder()

template<template< class > class Builder, class ReplaceFunction >
partial_replace_aterm_builder< Builder, ReplaceFunction > atermpp::detail::make_partial_replace_aterm_builder ( ReplaceFunction  f)

Definition at line 95 of file algorithm.h.

◆ make_replace_aterm_builder()

template<template< class > class Builder, class ReplaceFunction >
replace_aterm_builder< Builder, ReplaceFunction > atermpp::detail::make_replace_aterm_builder ( ReplaceFunction  f)

Definition at line 58 of file algorithm.h.

◆ mark_term()

void atermpp::detail::mark_term ( const _aterm root,
std::stack< std::reference_wrapper< _aterm > > &  todo 

Marks a term and recursively all arguments that are not reachable.

Definition at line 84 of file aterm_pool_storage_implementation.h.

◆ partial_find_all_if_impl()

template<typename MatchPredicate , typename StopPredicate , typename OutputIterator >
void atermpp::detail::partial_find_all_if_impl ( const aterm t,
MatchPredicate  match,
StopPredicate  stop,
OutputIterator &  destBegin 

Implements the partial_find_all_if algorithm.

tA term
matchA predicate function on terms
stopA predicate function on terms
destBeginThe beginning of a range to where the results are written

Definition at line 218 of file algorithm_impl.h.

◆ partial_find_if_impl()

template<typename MatchPredicate , typename StopPredicate >
aterm atermpp::detail::partial_find_if_impl ( const aterm t,
MatchPredicate  match,
StopPredicate  stop 

Implements the partial_find_if_impl algorithm.

tA term
matchA predicate function on terms
stopA predicate function on terms

Definition at line 175 of file algorithm_impl.h.

◆ reference_aterm_pair_constructor_helper()

template<typename T >
std::pair< typename std::conditional< is_reference_aterm< typename T::first_type >::value, typename T::first_type, reference_aterm< typename T::first_type > >::type, typename std::conditional< is_reference_aterm< typename T::second_type >::value, typename T::second_type, reference_aterm< typename T::second_type > >::type > atermpp::detail::reference_aterm_pair_constructor_helper ( const T &  other)

Definition at line 273 of file aterm_container.h.

◆ store_in_argument_array()

template<std::size_t N, typename... Args>
void atermpp::detail::store_in_argument_array ( std::array< unprotected_aterm_core, N > &  argument_array,
const Args &...  args 

Definition at line 185 of file aterm_pool_storage_implementation.h.

◆ store_in_argument_array_() [1/2]

template<std::size_t N, class FUNCTION_OR_TERM_TYPE , typename... Args>
void atermpp::detail::store_in_argument_array_ ( std::size_t  i,
std::array< unprotected_aterm_core, N > &  argument_array,
FUNCTION_OR_TERM_TYPE &  function_or_term,
const Args &...  args 

Definition at line 159 of file aterm_pool_storage_implementation.h.

◆ store_in_argument_array_() [2/2]

template<std::size_t N>
void atermpp::detail::store_in_argument_array_ ( std::size_t  ,
std::array< unprotected_aterm_core, N > &   

Definition at line 155 of file aterm_pool_storage_implementation.h.

◆ variable_index_map()

template<typename Variable , typename KeyType >
atermpp::unordered_map< KeyType, std::size_t > & atermpp::detail::variable_index_map ( )

Definition at line 25 of file index_traits.h.

◆ variable_map_free_numbers()

template<typename Variable , typename KeyType >
std::stack< std::size_t > & atermpp::detail::variable_map_free_numbers ( )

Definition at line 32 of file index_traits.h.

◆ variable_map_max_index()

template<typename Variable , typename KeyType >
std::size_t & atermpp::detail::variable_map_max_index ( )

Definition at line 47 of file index_traits.h.

◆ variable_mutex()

template<typename Variable , typename KeyType >
std::mutex & atermpp::detail::variable_mutex ( )

Definition at line 39 of file index_traits.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ DynamicNumberOfArguments

constexpr std::size_t atermpp::detail::DynamicNumberOfArguments = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max()

Indicates that the number of arguments is not known at compile time.

Definition at line 78 of file aterm_hash.h.

◆ EnableAggressiveGarbageCollection

constexpr bool atermpp::detail::EnableAggressiveGarbageCollection = false

Performs garbage collection intensively for testing purposes.

Definition at line 30 of file aterm_configuration.h.

◆ EnableBlockAllocator

constexpr bool atermpp::detail::EnableBlockAllocator = true

Enable the block allocator for terms.

Definition at line 24 of file aterm_configuration.h.

◆ EnableCreationMetrics

constexpr bool atermpp::detail::EnableCreationMetrics = false

Enable to obtain the percentage of terms found compared to allocated.

Definition at line 36 of file aterm_configuration.h.

◆ EnableGarbageCollection

constexpr bool atermpp::detail::EnableGarbageCollection = true

Enable garbage collection.

Definition at line 21 of file aterm_configuration.h.

◆ EnableGarbageCollectionMetrics

constexpr bool atermpp::detail::EnableGarbageCollectionMetrics = false

Enable to print garbage collection statistics.

Definition at line 27 of file aterm_configuration.h.

◆ EnableHashtableMetrics

constexpr bool atermpp::detail::EnableHashtableMetrics = false

Enable to print hashtable collision, size and number of buckets.

Definition at line 33 of file aterm_configuration.h.

◆ EnableVariableRegistrationMetrics

constexpr bool atermpp::detail::EnableVariableRegistrationMetrics = false

Keep track of the number of variables registered.

Definition at line 39 of file aterm_configuration.h.

◆ g_as_empty_list

function_symbol atermpp::detail::g_as_empty_list

◆ g_as_int

function_symbol atermpp::detail::g_as_int

These function symbols are used to indicate integer, list and empty list terms.

They are copied from the function_symbol_pool so that type_is_{int|list|appl} can be defined in the header.

◆ g_as_list

function_symbol atermpp::detail::g_as_list

◆ g_aterm_pool_instance

aterm_pool& atermpp::detail::g_aterm_pool_instance = *static_cast<aterm_pool*>(static_cast<void*>(&g_aterm_pool_storage))

A reference to the global term pool storage.

Definition at line 25 of file global_aterm_pool.h.

◆ g_aterm_pool_storage

std::aligned_storage< sizeof(aterm_pool), alignof(aterm_pool)>::type atermpp::detail::g_aterm_pool_storage = {}

Storage for a global term pool that is not initialized.

Definition at line 51 of file aterm_implementation.cpp.