Namespace for all data library functionality. More...
Namespaces | |
namespace | concepts |
namespace | detail |
namespace | lazy |
A collection of utilities for lazy expression construction. | |
namespace | sort_bag |
Namespace for system defined sort bag. | |
namespace | sort_bool |
Namespace for system defined sort bool_. | |
namespace | sort_fbag |
Namespace for system defined sort fbag. | |
namespace | sort_fset |
Namespace for system defined sort fset. | |
namespace | sort_int |
Namespace for system defined sort int_. | |
namespace | sort_list |
Namespace for system defined sort list. | |
namespace | sort_machine_word |
Namespace for system defined sort machine_word. | |
namespace | sort_nat |
Namespace for system defined sort nat. | |
namespace | sort_pos |
Namespace for system defined sort pos. | |
namespace | sort_real |
Namespace for system defined sort real_. | |
namespace | sort_set |
Namespace for system defined sort set_. | |
namespace | tools |
Classes | |
class | abstraction |
An abstraction expression. More... | |
struct | add_data_expressions |
struct | add_data_variable_binding |
Maintains a multiset of bound data variables during traversal. More... | |
struct | add_data_variable_builder_binding |
struct | add_data_variable_traverser_binding |
struct | add_sort_expressions |
struct | add_traverser_data_expressions |
struct | add_traverser_identifier_strings |
struct | add_traverser_sort_expressions |
struct | add_traverser_variables |
struct | add_variables |
class | alias |
\brief A sort alias More... | |
struct | and_constraint |
class | application |
An application of a data expression to a number of arguments. More... | |
struct | application_node |
class | assignment |
\brief Assignment of a data expression to a variable More... | |
class | assignment_expression |
\brief Assignment expression More... | |
struct | assignment_sequence_substitution |
Substitution that maps data variables to data expressions. The substitution is stored as an assignment_list. More... | |
class | bag_comprehension |
universal quantification. More... | |
class | bag_comprehension_binder |
\brief Binder for bag comprehension More... | |
class | bag_container |
\brief Container type for bags More... | |
struct | bag_enumeration_node |
struct | bag_or_set_enumeration_node |
class | basic_rewriter |
Rewriter class for the mCRL2 Library. It only works for terms of type data_expression and data_expression_with_variables. More... | |
class | basic_sort |
\brief A basic sort More... | |
struct | binary_operator_node |
class | binder_type |
\brief Binder More... | |
class | cardinality_calculator |
struct | constant_node |
class | container_sort |
\brief A container sort More... | |
class | container_type |
\brief Container type More... | |
class | data_equation |
\brief A data equation More... | |
class | data_expression |
data expression. More... | |
struct | data_expression_assignment |
Substitution that maps a data expression to a data expression. More... | |
struct | data_expression_builder |
\brief Builder class More... | |
struct | data_expression_traverser |
\brief Traverser class More... | |
struct | data_rewriter |
A rewriter that applies a data rewriter to data expressions in a term. More... | |
class | data_specification |
data specification. More... | |
class | data_type_checker |
class | default_expression_generator |
Expression generator that caches values. More... | |
struct | empty_bag_node |
struct | empty_list_node |
struct | empty_set_node |
class | enumerator_algorithm |
An enumerator algorithm that generates solutions of a condition. More... | |
class | enumerator_algorithm_with_iterator |
An enumerator algorithm with an iterator interface. More... | |
class | enumerator_algorithm_without_callback |
An enumerator algorithm that generates solutions of a condition. More... | |
struct | enumerator_error |
Enumerator exception. More... | |
class | enumerator_identifier_generator |
class | enumerator_list_element |
The default element for the todo list of the enumerator. More... | |
class | enumerator_list_element_with_substitution |
An element for the todo list of the enumerator that collects the substitution corresponding to the expression phi. More... | |
class | enumerator_queue |
Contains the enumerator queue. More... | |
struct | enumerator_substitution |
Substitution that stores the assignments as a sequence of variables and a sequence of expressions. It supports function composition efficiently. This is done by simply concatenating the variables and expressions of the two substitutions. As a result, evaluating the substitution becomes more expensive. More... | |
class | exists |
existential quantification. More... | |
class | exists_binder |
\brief Binder for existential quantification More... | |
struct | exists_node |
struct | expression_traits |
expression traits (currently nothing more than core::term_traits) More... | |
struct | false_constraint |
struct | false_node |
class | fbag_container |
\brief Container type for finite bags More... | |
class | finiteness_helper |
class | forall |
universal quantification. More... | |
class | forall_binder |
\brief Binder for universal quantification More... | |
struct | forall_node |
struct | fourier_motzkin_sigma |
A unary function that can be used in combination with replace_data_expressions to eliminate real numbers from all quantifiers in an expression. It is adviced to first push the quantifiers inside and apply the one point rule, since that reduces the time spent on the Fourier-Motzkin procedure for large expression. Apply this function innermost first if the expresion contains nested quantifiers. More... | |
class | fset_container |
\brief Container type for finite sets More... | |
class | function_sort |
\brief A function sort More... | |
class | function_symbol |
\brief A function symbol More... | |
struct | function_update_node |
struct | id_node |
class | identifier_generator |
Abstract base class for identifier generators. Identifier generators generate fresh names that do not appear in a given context. A context is maintained containing already used identifiers. Using the operator()() and operator()(std::string) fresh identifiers are generated that do not appear in the context. More... | |
struct | identifier_string_traverser |
\brief Traverser class More... | |
struct | if_rewriter |
struct | is_element_of_constraint |
struct | is_equal_to_constraint |
struct | is_not_false |
struct | is_not_true |
class | lambda |
function symbol. More... | |
class | lambda_binder |
\brief Binder for lambda abstraction More... | |
struct | lambda_node |
class | linear_inequality |
class | list_container |
\brief Container type for lists More... | |
struct | list_enumeration_node |
class | machine_number |
\brief A machine number More... | |
class | maintain_variables_in_rhs |
Wrapper that extends any substitution to a substitution maintaining the vars in its rhs. More... | |
struct | map_substitution |
Generic substitution function. The substitution is stored as a mapping of variables to expressions. More... | |
class | multiset_identifier_generator |
Identifier generator that stores the identifiers of the context in a multiset. If an identifier occurs multiple times, multiple calls to remove_from_context are required to remove it. Using the operator()() and operator()(std::string) fresh identifiers can be generated that do not appear in the context. More... | |
class | mutable_indexed_substitution |
Generic substitution function. More... | |
class | mutable_map_substitution |
Generic substitution function. The substitution is stored as a mapping of variables to expressions. The substitution is mutable, meaning that substitutions to variables can be added and removed as follows: More... | |
class | mutable_substitution_composer |
An adapter that makes an arbitrary substitution function mutable. More... | |
class | mutable_substitution_composer< mutable_indexed_substitution< VariableType, ExpressionSequence > > |
Specialization for mutable_indexed_substitution. More... | |
class | mutable_substitution_composer< mutable_map_substitution< AssociativeContainer > > |
Specialization for mutable_map_substitution. More... | |
struct | no_substitution |
An empty struct that is used to denote the absence of a substitution. Used for rewriters. More... | |
struct | number_node |
struct | one_point_rule_rewriter |
struct | or_constraint |
struct | quantifiers_inside_rewriter |
class | representative_generator |
Components for generating an arbitrary element of a sort. More... | |
class | rewriter |
Rewriter that operates on data expressions. More... | |
struct | sequence_sequence_substitution |
Generic substitution function. The substitution is stored as a sequence of variables and a sequence of expressions. More... | |
class | set_comprehension |
universal quantification. More... | |
class | set_comprehension_binder |
\brief Binder for set comprehension More... | |
class | set_container |
\brief Container type for sets More... | |
struct | set_enumeration_node |
class | set_identifier_generator |
Identifier generator that stores the identifiers of the context in a set. Using the operator()() and operator()(std::string) fresh identifiers can be generated that do not appear in the context. More... | |
struct | simplify_rewriter |
class | sort_expression |
\brief A sort expression More... | |
struct | sort_expression_assignment |
Substitution that maps a sort expression to a sort expression. More... | |
struct | sort_expression_builder |
\brief Builder class More... | |
struct | sort_expression_traverser |
\brief Traverser class More... | |
class | sort_specification |
class | sort_type_checker |
struct | stream_printer |
Prints the object x to a stream. More... | |
class | structured_sort |
structured sort. More... | |
class | structured_sort_constructor |
\brief A constructor for a structured sort More... | |
class | structured_sort_constructor_argument |
\brief An argument of a constructor of a structured sort More... | |
struct | subsort_constraint |
struct | true_constraint |
struct | true_node |
struct | type_check_constraint |
struct | type_check_context |
struct | type_check_node |
struct | type_check_tree_generator |
class | type_checker |
struct | unary_operator_node |
class | untyped_data_parameter |
\brief An untyped parameter More... | |
struct | untyped_data_specification |
class | untyped_identifier |
\brief An untyped identifier More... | |
class | untyped_identifier_assignment |
\brief Assignment of a data expression to a string More... | |
class | untyped_possible_sorts |
\brief Multiple possible sorts More... | |
class | untyped_set_or_bag_comprehension |
universal quantification. More... | |
class | untyped_set_or_bag_comprehension_binder |
\brief Binder for untyped set or bag comprehension More... | |
class | untyped_sort |
\brief Unknown sort expression More... | |
class | untyped_sort_variable |
\brief Untyped sort variable More... | |
class | used_data_equation_selector |
Component for selecting a subset of equations that are actually used in an encompassing specification. More... | |
class | variable |
\brief A data variable More... | |
struct | variable_builder |
\brief Builder class More... | |
struct | variable_substitution |
Substitution that maps a single variable to a data expression. More... | |
struct | variable_traverser |
\brief Traverser class More... | |
class | where_clause |
\brief A where expression More... | |
struct | where_clause_node |
class | xyz_identifier_generator |
Identifier generator that generates names from the range X, Y, Z, X0, Y0, Z0, X1, ... More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef atermpp::term_list< alias > | alias_list |
\brief list of aliass | |
typedef std::vector< alias > | alias_vector |
\brief vector of aliass | |
typedef atermpp::term_list< assignment_expression > | assignment_expression_list |
\brief list of assignment_expressions | |
typedef std::vector< assignment_expression > | assignment_expression_vector |
\brief vector of assignment_expressions | |
typedef atermpp::term_list< assignment > | assignment_list |
\brief list of assignments | |
typedef std::vector< assignment > | assignment_vector |
\brief vector of assignments | |
typedef atermpp::term_list< untyped_identifier_assignment > | untyped_identifier_assignment_list |
\brief list of untyped_identifier_assignments | |
typedef std::vector< untyped_identifier_assignment > | untyped_identifier_assignment_vector |
\brief vector of untyped_identifier_assignments | |
typedef atermpp::term_list< basic_sort > | basic_sort_list |
list of basic sorts | |
typedef std::vector< basic_sort > | basic_sort_vector |
vector of basic sorts | |
typedef atermpp::term_list< binder_type > | binder_type_list |
\brief list of binder_types | |
typedef std::vector< binder_type > | binder_type_vector |
\brief vector of binder_types | |
typedef atermpp::term_list< container_sort > | container_sort_list |
list of function sorts | |
typedef std::vector< container_sort > | container_sort_vector |
list of function sorts | |
typedef atermpp::term_list< container_type > | container_type_list |
\brief list of container_types | |
typedef std::vector< container_type > | container_type_vector |
\brief vector of container_types | |
typedef atermpp::term_list< data_equation > | data_equation_list |
\brief list of data_equations | |
typedef std::vector< data_equation > | data_equation_vector |
\brief vector of data_equations | |
typedef atermpp::term_list< data_expression > | data_expression_list |
\brief list of data_expressions | |
typedef std::vector< data_expression > | data_expression_vector |
\brief vector of data_expressions | |
typedef atermpp::term_list< variable > | variable_list |
\brief list of variables | |
typedef std::map< untyped_sort_variable, sort_expression > | sort_substitution |
typedef std::pair< sort_substitution, int > | solution |
typedef std::shared_ptr< type_check_node > | type_check_node_ptr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< type_check_constraint > | constraint_ptr |
typedef atermpp::term_list< function_sort > | function_sort_list |
list of function sorts | |
typedef std::vector< function_sort > | function_sort_vector |
vector of function sorts | |
typedef std::pair< core::identifier_string, sort_expression > | function_symbol_key_type |
typedef atermpp::term_list< function_symbol > | function_symbol_list |
\brief list of function_symbols | |
typedef std::vector< function_symbol > | function_symbol_vector |
\brief vector of function_symbols | |
typedef std::map< function_symbol, std::pair< std::function< void(data_expression &, const data_expression &)>, std::string > > | implementation_map |
typedef std::pair< atermpp::aterm, atermpp::aterm > | machine_number_key_type |
typedef atermpp::term_list< machine_number > | machine_number_list |
\brief list of machine_numbers | |
typedef std::vector< machine_number > | machine_number_vector |
\brief vector of machine_numbers | |
typedef atermpp::term_list< sort_expression > | sort_expression_list |
\brief list of sort_expressions | |
typedef std::vector< sort_expression > | sort_expression_vector |
\brief vector of sort_expressions | |
typedef atermpp::term_list< structured_sort > | structured_sort_list |
\brief list of structured_sorts | |
typedef std::vector< structured_sort > | structured_sort_vector |
\brief vector of structured_sorts | |
typedef atermpp::term_list< structured_sort_constructor > | structured_sort_constructor_list |
\brief list of structured_sort_constructors | |
typedef std::vector< structured_sort_constructor > | structured_sort_constructor_vector |
\brief vector of structured_sort_constructors | |
typedef atermpp::term_list< structured_sort_constructor_argument > | structured_sort_constructor_argument_list |
\brief list of structured_sort_constructor_arguments | |
typedef std::vector< structured_sort_constructor_argument > | structured_sort_constructor_argument_vector |
\brief vector of structured_sort_constructor_arguments | |
typedef atermpp::term_list< sort_expression_list > | sorts_list |
typedef atermpp::term_list< untyped_data_parameter > | untyped_data_parameter_list |
\brief list of untyped_data_parameters | |
typedef std::vector< untyped_data_parameter > | untyped_data_parameter_vector |
\brief vector of untyped_data_parameters | |
typedef std::vector< variable > | variable_vector |
\brief vector of variables | |
Enumerations | |
enum | rewrite_strategy { jitty , jitty_prover } |
The strategy of the rewriter. More... | |
Functions | |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_abstraction (atermpp::aterm &result, ARGUMENTS... arguments) |
std::string | pp (const abstraction &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const abstraction &x) |
void | swap (abstraction &t1, abstraction &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_alias (atermpp::aterm &t, const ARGUMENTS &... args) |
bool | is_alias (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
std::string | pp (const alias &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const alias &x) |
void | swap (alias &t1, alias &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
void | anonymize (data_specification &dataspec) |
void | swap (application &t1, application &t2) |
swap overload | |
void | make_application (atermpp::aterm &result) |
Make function for an application. | |
template<typename HEAD , typename TERM , typename ... Terms, typename = std::enable_if_t< std::disjunction<typename std::is_convertible<HEAD, data_expression>, typename std::is_invocable_r<void, HEAD, data_expression&>, typename std::is_invocable_r<const data_expression, HEAD, void> >::value >, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::conjunction_v< std::disjunction<typename std::is_convertible<Terms, data_expression>, typename std::is_invocable_r<void, Terms, data_expression&>, typename std::is_invocable_r<const data_expression, Terms, void> > ...>>> | |
void | make_application (atermpp::aterm &result, const HEAD &head, const TERM &arg1, const Terms &...other_arguments) |
Constructor. | |
template<typename Container > | |
void | make_application (data_expression &result, const data_expression &head, const Container &arguments, typename atermpp::enable_if_container< Container, data_expression >::type *=nullptr) |
Constructor. | |
template<typename FwdIter > | |
void | make_application (atermpp::aterm &result, const data_expression &head, FwdIter first, FwdIter last, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< data_expression, FwdIter >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
Constructor. | |
template<typename FwdIter > | |
void | make_application (atermpp::aterm &result, const std::size_t arity, const data_expression &head, FwdIter first, FwdIter last, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< data_expression, FwdIter >::value >::type *=0) |
Constructor. | |
template<typename FwdIter , class ArgumentConverter > | |
void | make_application (atermpp::aterm &result, const data_expression &head, FwdIter first, FwdIter last, ArgumentConverter convert_arguments, const bool skip_first_argument=false, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< data_expression, FwdIter >::value >::type *=nullptr, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< data_expression, ArgumentConverter >::value >::type *=nullptr, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename std::invoke_result< ArgumentConverter, typename FwdIter::value_type >::type, data_expression >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
Constructor. | |
template<typename FwdIter , class ArgumentConverter > | |
static void | make_application (atermpp::aterm &result, const data_expression &head, FwdIter first, FwdIter last, ArgumentConverter convert_arguments, const bool skip_first_argument=false, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< data_expression, FwdIter >::value >::type *=nullptr, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< data_expression, ArgumentConverter >::value >::type *=nullptr, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename std::invoke_result< ArgumentConverter, data_expression &, typename FwdIter::value_type >::type, void >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
Constructor. | |
std::string | pp (const application &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const application &x) |
const data_expression & | unary_operand (const application &x) |
const data_expression & | binary_left (const application &x) |
const data_expression & | binary_right (const application &x) |
const data_expression & | unary_operand1 (const data_expression &x) |
const data_expression & | binary_left1 (const data_expression &x) |
const data_expression & | binary_right1 (const data_expression &x) |
bool | is_assignment (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
bool | is_untyped_identifier_assignment (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
bool | is_assignment_expression (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
std::string | pp (const assignment_expression &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const assignment_expression &x) |
void | swap (assignment_expression &t1, assignment_expression &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_assignment (atermpp::aterm &t, const ARGUMENTS &... args) |
std::string | pp (const assignment &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const assignment &x) |
void | swap (assignment &t1, assignment &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_untyped_identifier_assignment (atermpp::aterm &t, const ARGUMENTS &... args) |
std::string | pp (const untyped_identifier_assignment &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const untyped_identifier_assignment &x) |
void | swap (untyped_identifier_assignment &t1, untyped_identifier_assignment &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
template<typename VariableSequence , typename ExpressionSequence > | |
assignment_vector | make_assignment_vector (VariableSequence const &variables, ExpressionSequence const &expressions) |
Constructs an assignment_list by pairwise combining a variable and expression. | |
template<typename VariableSequence , typename ExpressionSequence > | |
assignment_list | make_assignment_list (const VariableSequence &variables, const ExpressionSequence &expressions) |
Converts an iterator range to data_expression_list. | |
variable_list | left_hand_sides (const assignment_list &x) |
Returns the left hand sides of an assignment list. | |
data_expression_list | right_hand_sides (const assignment_list &x) |
Returns the right hand sides of an assignment list. | |
std::string | pp (const assignment_list &x) |
std::string | pp (const assignment_vector &x) |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_bag_comprehension (atermpp::aterm &result, ARGUMENTS... arguments) |
std::string | pp (const bag_comprehension &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const bag_comprehension &x) |
void | swap (bag_comprehension &t1, bag_comprehension &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_basic_sort (atermpp::aterm &t, const ARGUMENTS &... args) |
std::string | pp (const basic_sort &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const basic_sort &x) |
void | swap (basic_sort &t1, basic_sort &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
std::string | pp (const binder_type &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const binder_type &x) |
void | swap (binder_type &t1, binder_type &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
bool | is_untyped_set_or_bag_comprehension_binder (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
std::string | pp (const untyped_set_or_bag_comprehension_binder &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const untyped_set_or_bag_comprehension_binder &x) |
void | swap (untyped_set_or_bag_comprehension_binder &t1, untyped_set_or_bag_comprehension_binder &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
bool | is_set_comprehension_binder (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
std::string | pp (const set_comprehension_binder &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const set_comprehension_binder &x) |
void | swap (set_comprehension_binder &t1, set_comprehension_binder &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
bool | is_bag_comprehension_binder (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
std::string | pp (const bag_comprehension_binder &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const bag_comprehension_binder &x) |
void | swap (bag_comprehension_binder &t1, bag_comprehension_binder &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
bool | is_forall_binder (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
std::string | pp (const forall_binder &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const forall_binder &x) |
void | swap (forall_binder &t1, forall_binder &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
bool | is_exists_binder (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
std::string | pp (const exists_binder &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const exists_binder &x) |
void | swap (exists_binder &t1, exists_binder &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
bool | is_lambda_binder (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
std::string | pp (const lambda_binder &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const lambda_binder &x) |
void | swap (lambda_binder &t1, lambda_binder &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
bool | is_true (const data_expression &x) |
Test if x is true. | |
bool | is_false (const data_expression &x) |
Test if x is false. | |
bool | is_not (const data_expression &x) |
Test if x is a negation. | |
bool | is_or (const data_expression &x) |
Test if x is a disjunction. | |
bool | is_and (const data_expression &x) |
Test if x is a conjunction. | |
bool | is_imp (const data_expression &x) |
Test if x is an implication. | |
bool | is_equal_to (const data_expression &x) |
Test if x is an equality. | |
bool | is_not_equal_to (const data_expression &x) |
Test if x is an inequality. | |
const data_expression & | true_ () |
const data_expression & | false_ () |
data_expression | not_ (const data_expression &x) |
data_expression | or_ (const data_expression &x, const data_expression &y) |
data_expression | and_ (const data_expression &x, const data_expression &y) |
data_expression | imp (const data_expression &x, const data_expression &y) |
bool | is_bool (const sort_expression &x) |
sort_expression | bool_ () |
data_expression | make_forall_ (const data::variable_list &v, const data_expression &x) |
Make a universal quantification. It checks for an empty variable list, which is not allowed. | |
data_expression | make_exists_ (const data::variable_list &v, const data_expression &x) |
Make an existential quantification. It checks for an empty variable list, which is not allowed. | |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_container_sort (atermpp::aterm &t, const ARGUMENTS &... args) |
std::string | pp (const container_sort &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const container_sort &x) |
void | swap (container_sort &t1, container_sort &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
std::string | pp (const container_type &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const container_type &x) |
void | swap (container_type &t1, container_type &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
bool | is_list_container (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
std::string | pp (const list_container &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const list_container &x) |
void | swap (list_container &t1, list_container &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
bool | is_set_container (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
std::string | pp (const set_container &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const set_container &x) |
void | swap (set_container &t1, set_container &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
bool | is_bag_container (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
std::string | pp (const bag_container &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const bag_container &x) |
void | swap (bag_container &t1, bag_container &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
bool | is_fset_container (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
std::string | pp (const fset_container &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const fset_container &x) |
void | swap (fset_container &t1, fset_container &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
bool | is_fbag_container (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
std::string | pp (const fbag_container &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const fbag_container &x) |
void | swap (fbag_container &t1, fbag_container &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_data_equation (atermpp::aterm &t, const ARGUMENTS &... args) |
std::string | pp (const data_equation &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const data_equation &x) |
void | swap (data_equation &t1, data_equation &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
bool | is_data_equation (const atermpp::aterm &t) |
Recognizer function. | |
std::string | pp (const data_equation_list &x) |
std::string | pp (const data_equation_vector &x) |
data::data_equation | translate_user_notation (const data::data_equation &x) |
std::set< data::sort_expression > | find_sort_expressions (const data::data_equation &x) |
std::set< data::function_symbol > | find_function_symbols (const data::data_equation &x) |
bool | is_abstraction (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Returns true if the term t is an abstraction. | |
bool | is_lambda (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Returns true if the term t is a lambda abstraction. | |
bool | is_forall (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Returns true if the term t is a universal quantification. | |
bool | is_exists (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Returns true if the term t is an existential quantification. | |
bool | is_set_comprehension (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Returns true if the term t is a set comprehension. | |
bool | is_bag_comprehension (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Returns true if the term t is a bag comprehension. | |
bool | is_untyped_set_or_bag_comprehension (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Returns true if the term t is a set/bag comprehension. | |
bool | is_function_symbol (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Returns true if the term t is a function symbol. | |
bool | is_variable (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Returns true if the term t is a variable. | |
bool | is_machine_number (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Returns true if the term t is a machine_number. | |
bool | is_application (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Returns true if the term t is an application. | |
bool | is_application_no_check (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Returns true if the term t is an application, but it does not check whether an application symbol of sufficient arity exists, assuming this is ok. | |
bool | is_where_clause (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Returns true if the term t is a where clause. | |
bool | is_untyped_identifier (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Returns true if the term t is an identifier. | |
std::string | pp (const data_expression &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const data_expression &x) |
void | swap (data_expression &t1, data_expression &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
void | make_data_expression (data_expression &result) |
bool | is_data_expression (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Test for a data_expression expression. | |
template<typename Container > | |
data_expression_list | make_data_expression_list (Container const &r, typename atermpp::enable_if_container< Container, data_expression >::type *=nullptr) |
Converts an container with data expressions to data_expression_list. | |
std::string | pp (const data_expression_list &x) |
std::string | pp (const data_expression_vector &x) |
data::data_expression | translate_user_notation (const data::data_expression &x) |
std::set< data::sort_expression > | find_sort_expressions (const data::data_expression &x) |
std::set< data::variable > | find_all_variables (const data::data_expression &x) |
std::set< data::variable > | find_all_variables (const data::data_expression_list &x) |
std::set< data::variable > | find_free_variables (const data::data_expression &x) |
std::set< data::variable > | find_free_variables (const data::data_expression_list &x) |
bool | search_variable (const data::data_expression &x, const data::variable &v) |
bool | is_constant (const data_expression &x) |
variable_list | free_variables (const data_expression &x) |
bool | is_application (const data_expression &t) |
Returns true if the term t is an application. | |
const data_expression_list & | variable_list_to_data_expression_list (const variable_list &l) |
Transform a variable_list into a data_expression_list. | |
atermpp::aterm | add_index (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Transforms DataVarId to DataVarIdNoIndex and transforms OpId to OpIdNoIndex. | |
atermpp::aterm | remove_index (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Transforms DataVarIdNoIndex to DataVarId and transforms OpIdNoIndex to OpId. | |
atermpp::aterm_istream & | operator>> (atermpp::aterm_istream &stream, data_specification &spec) |
Reads a data specification from a stream. | |
atermpp::aterm_ostream & | operator<< (atermpp::aterm_ostream &stream, const data_specification &spec) |
Writes the data specification to a stream. | |
data_expression | normalize_sorts (const data_expression &x, const data::sort_specification &sortspec) |
variable_list | normalize_sorts (const variable_list &x, const data::sort_specification &sortspec) |
data::data_equation | normalize_sorts (const data::data_equation &x, const data::sort_specification &sortspec) |
data_equation_list | normalize_sorts (const data_equation_list &x, const data::sort_specification &sortspec) |
void | normalize_sorts (data_equation_vector &x, const data::sort_specification &sortspec) |
std::string | pp (const data::data_specification &x) |
bool | is_data_specification (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Test for a data specification expression. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const data_specification &x) |
data_specification | operator+ (data_specification spec1, const data_specification &spec2) |
Merges two data specifications into one. | |
function_symbol | find_mapping (data_specification const &data, std::string const &s) |
Finds a mapping in a data specification. | |
function_symbol | find_constructor (data_specification const &data, std::string const &s) |
Finds a constructor in a data specification. | |
sort_expression | find_sort (data_specification const &data, std::string const &s) |
Finds a sort in a data specification. | |
data_equation_vector | find_equations (data_specification const &specification, const data_expression &d) |
Gets all equations with a data expression as head on one of its sides. | |
variable_list | order_variables_to_optimise_enumeration (const variable_list &l, const data_specification &data_spec) |
Order the variables in a variable list such that enumeration over these variables becomes more efficient. | |
std::set< core::identifier_string > | function_and_mapping_identifiers (const data_specification &dataspec) |
Returns the names of functions and mappings that occur in a data specification. | |
function_symbol | function_update (const sort_expression &s, const sort_expression &t) |
Constructor for function symbol @func_update. | |
function_symbol | function_update_stable (const sort_expression &s, const sort_expression &t) |
Constructor for function symbol @func_update_stable. | |
void | is_not_a_function_update_manual_implementation (data_expression &result, const data_expression &arg0) |
The data expression of an application of the function symbol @is_not_an_update. | |
void | if_always_else_manual_implementation (data_expression &result, const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1, const data_expression &arg2) |
The data expression of an application of the function symbol @if_always_else. | |
template<typename Rewriter > | |
static bool | is_enumerable (const data_specification &dataspec, const Rewriter &rewr, const sort_expression &sort) |
template<typename Expression > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const enumerator_list_element< Expression > &p) |
template<typename Expression > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const enumerator_list_element_with_substitution< Expression > &p) |
template<class Rewriter > | |
data_expression_vector | enumerate_expressions (const sort_expression &s, const data_specification &dataspec, const Rewriter &rewr, enumerator_identifier_generator &id_generator) |
Returns a vector with all expressions of sort s. | |
template<class Rewriter > | |
data_expression_vector | enumerate_expressions (const sort_expression &s, const data_specification &dataspec, const Rewriter &rewr) |
Returns a vector with all expressions of sort s. | |
std::pair< data::mutable_map_substitution<>, std::vector< data::variable > > | make_one_point_rule_substitution (const std::map< data::variable, std::set< data::data_expression > > &equalities, const data::variable_list &quantifier_variables, bool find_all_assignments=true) |
creates a substitution from a set of (in-)equalities for a given list of quantifier variables | |
data::mutable_map_substitution | make_one_point_rule_substitution (const std::map< data::variable, std::set< data::data_expression > > &equalities, bool find_all_assignments=true) |
creates a substitution from a set of (in-)equalities | |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_exists (atermpp::aterm &result, ARGUMENTS... arguments) |
std::string | pp (const exists &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const exists &x) |
void | swap (exists &t1, exists &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | has_untyped_sort (const T &x) |
template<typename T > | |
T | replace_untyped_sort (const T &x, const sort_expression &replacement) |
const untyped_sort_variable & | make_untyped_sort_variable (const sort_expression &x) |
sort_expression | substitute (const sort_expression &x, const sort_substitution &sigma) |
template<typename Container > | |
std::string | print_node_vector (const std::string &name, const Container &nodes, const std::string &sep=", ", const std::string &first="", const std::string &last="") |
template<typename Container > | |
std::string | print_vector (const std::string &name, const Container &nodes) |
constraint_ptr | substitute_constraint (constraint_ptr p, const sort_substitution &sigma) |
constraint_ptr | make_and_constraint (const std::vector< constraint_ptr > &alternatives) |
constraint_ptr | make_or_constraint (const std::vector< constraint_ptr > &alternatives) |
constraint_ptr | make_is_equal_to_constraint (const sort_expression &s1, const sort_expression &s2, int cost=0) |
constraint_ptr | make_false_constraint (const std::string &message) |
constraint_ptr | make_true_constraint (int cost=0) |
constraint_ptr | make_function_sort_constraint (const function_sort &f1, const sort_expression &s2) |
constraint_ptr | make_is_element_of_constraint (const sort_expression &s, const std::vector< sort_expression > &sorts, int cost=0) |
constraint_ptr | make_subsort_constraint (const sort_expression &s1, const sort_expression &s2, int cost=0) |
std::vector< constraint_ptr > | join_or_is_element_of_constraints (const std::vector< constraint_ptr > &constraints) |
function_sort_list | filter_sorts (const function_sort_list &sorts, std::size_t arity) |
void | print_node (const type_check_node_ptr &node) |
template<typename T , typename OutputIterator > | |
void | find_all_variables (const T &x, OutputIterator o) |
template<typename T > | |
std::set< data::variable > | find_all_variables (const T &x) |
template<typename T , typename OutputIterator > | |
void | find_free_variables (const T &x, OutputIterator o) |
template<typename T , typename OutputIterator , typename VariableContainer > | |
void | find_free_variables_with_bound (const T &x, OutputIterator o, const VariableContainer &bound) |
template<typename T > | |
std::set< data::variable > | find_free_variables (const T &x) |
template<typename T , typename VariableContainer > | |
std::set< data::variable > | find_free_variables_with_bound (const T &x, VariableContainer const &bound) |
template<typename T , typename OutputIterator > | |
void | find_identifiers (const T &x, OutputIterator o) |
template<typename T > | |
std::set< core::identifier_string > | find_identifiers (const T &x) |
template<typename T , typename OutputIterator > | |
void | find_sort_expressions (const T &x, OutputIterator o) |
template<typename T > | |
std::set< data::sort_expression > | find_sort_expressions (const T &x) |
template<typename T , typename OutputIterator > | |
void | find_function_symbols (const T &x, OutputIterator o) |
template<typename T > | |
std::set< data::function_symbol > | find_function_symbols (const T &x) |
template<typename T , typename OutputIterator > | |
void | find_data_expressions (const T &x, OutputIterator o) |
Returns all data expressions that occur in an object. | |
template<typename T > | |
std::set< data::data_expression > | find_data_expressions (const T &x) |
Returns all data expressions that occur in an object. | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | search_variable (const T &x, const variable &v) |
Returns true if the term has a given variable as subterm. | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | search_free_variable (const T &x, const variable &v) |
Returns true if the term has a given free variable as subterm. | |
template<typename Container > | |
bool | search_sort_expression (Container const &container, const sort_expression &s) |
Returns true if the term has a given sort expression as subterm. | |
template<typename Container > | |
bool | search_data_expression (Container const &container, const data_expression &s) |
Returns true if the term has a given data expression as subterm. | |
std::map< variable, std::set< data_expression > > | find_equalities (const data_expression &x) |
std::map< variable, std::set< data_expression > > | find_inequalities (const data_expression &x) |
std::string | print_equalities (const std::map< variable, std::set< data_expression > > &equalities) |
std::string | print_inequalities (const std::map< variable, std::set< data_expression > > &inequalities) |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_forall (atermpp::aterm &result, ARGUMENTS... arguments) |
std::string | pp (const forall &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const forall &x) |
void | swap (forall &t1, forall &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
template<class Data_variable_iterator > | |
void | fourier_motzkin (const std::vector< linear_inequality > &inequalities_in, Data_variable_iterator variables_begin, Data_variable_iterator variables_end, std::vector< linear_inequality > &resulting_inequalities, const rewriter &r) |
void | fourier_motzkin (const data_expression &e_in, const variable_list &vars_in, data_expression &e_out, variable_list &vars_out, const rewriter &r) |
Eliminate variables from a data expression using Gauss elimination and Fourier-Motzkin elimination. | |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_function_sort (atermpp::aterm &t, const ARGUMENTS &... args) |
std::string | pp (const function_sort &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const function_sort &x) |
void | swap (function_sort &t1, function_sort &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
function_sort | make_function_sort_ (const sort_expression &dom1, const sort_expression &codomain) |
Convenience constructor for function sort with domain size 1. | |
function_sort | make_function_sort_ (const sort_expression &dom1, const sort_expression &dom2, const sort_expression &codomain) |
Convenience constructor for function sort with domain size 2. | |
function_sort | make_function_sort_ (const sort_expression &dom1, const sort_expression &dom2, const sort_expression &dom3, const sort_expression &codomain) |
Convenience constructor for function sort with domain size 3. | |
function_sort | make_function_sort_ (const sort_expression &dom1, const sort_expression &dom2, const sort_expression &dom3, const sort_expression &dom4, const sort_expression &codomain) |
Convenience constructor for function sort with domain size 4. | |
function_sort | make_function_sort_ (const sort_expression &dom1, const sort_expression &dom2, const sort_expression &dom3, const sort_expression &dom4, const sort_expression &dom5, const sort_expression &codomain) |
Convenience constructor for function sort with domain size 5. | |
function_sort | make_function_sort_ (const sort_expression &dom1, const sort_expression &dom2, const sort_expression &dom3, const sort_expression &dom4, const sort_expression &dom5, const sort_expression &dom6, const sort_expression &codomain) |
Convenience constructor for function sort with domain size 6. | |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_function_symbol (atermpp::aterm &t, const ARGUMENTS &... args) |
std::string | pp (const function_symbol &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const function_symbol &x) |
void | swap (function_symbol &t1, function_symbol &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
std::string | pp (const function_symbol_list &x) |
std::string | pp (const function_symbol_vector &x) |
std::set< data::variable > | find_all_variables (const data::function_symbol &x) |
function_symbol_vector | function_update_generate_constructors_code () |
Give all system defined constructors for function_update. | |
function_symbol_vector | function_update_mCRL2_usable_constructors () |
Give all defined constructors which can be used in mCRL2 specs for function_update. | |
implementation_map | function_update_cpp_implementable_constructors () |
Give all system defined constructors which have an implementation in C++ and not in rewrite rules for function_update. | |
const core::identifier_string & | function_update_name () |
Generate identifier @func_update. | |
bool | is_function_update_function_symbol (const atermpp::aterm &e) |
Recogniser for function @func_update. | |
application | function_update (const sort_expression &s, const sort_expression &t, const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1, const data_expression &arg2) |
Application of function symbol @func_update. | |
void | make_function_update (data_expression &result, const sort_expression &s, const sort_expression &t, const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1, const data_expression &arg2) |
Make an application of function symbol @func_update. | |
bool | is_function_update_application (const atermpp::aterm &e) |
Recogniser for application of @func_update. | |
const core::identifier_string & | function_update_stable_name () |
Generate identifier @func_update_stable. | |
bool | is_function_update_stable_function_symbol (const atermpp::aterm &e) |
Recogniser for function @func_update_stable. | |
application | function_update_stable (const sort_expression &s, const sort_expression &t, const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1, const data_expression &arg2) |
Application of function symbol @func_update_stable. | |
void | make_function_update_stable (data_expression &result, const sort_expression &s, const sort_expression &t, const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1, const data_expression &arg2) |
Make an application of function symbol @func_update_stable. | |
bool | is_function_update_stable_application (const atermpp::aterm &e) |
Recogniser for application of @func_update_stable. | |
const core::identifier_string & | is_not_a_function_update_name () |
Generate identifier @is_not_an_update. | |
function_symbol | is_not_a_function_update (const sort_expression &s, const sort_expression &t) |
Constructor for function symbol @is_not_an_update. | |
bool | is_is_not_a_function_update_function_symbol (const atermpp::aterm &e) |
Recogniser for function @is_not_an_update. | |
application | is_not_a_function_update (const sort_expression &s, const sort_expression &t, const data_expression &arg0) |
Application of function symbol @is_not_an_update. | |
void | make_is_not_a_function_update (data_expression &result, const sort_expression &s, const sort_expression &t, const data_expression &arg0) |
Make an application of function symbol @is_not_an_update. | |
bool | is_is_not_a_function_update_application (const atermpp::aterm &e) |
Recogniser for application of @is_not_an_update. | |
void | is_not_a_function_update_application (data_expression &result, const data_expression &a1) |
Application of a function that is user defined instead of by rewrite rules. It does not have sort parameters. | |
const core::identifier_string & | if_always_else_name () |
Generate identifier @if_always_else. | |
function_symbol | if_always_else (const sort_expression &s, const sort_expression &t) |
Constructor for function symbol @if_always_else. | |
bool | is_if_always_else_function_symbol (const atermpp::aterm &e) |
Recogniser for function @if_always_else. | |
application | if_always_else (const sort_expression &s, const sort_expression &t, const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1, const data_expression &arg2) |
Application of function symbol @if_always_else. | |
void | make_if_always_else (data_expression &result, const sort_expression &s, const sort_expression &t, const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1, const data_expression &arg2) |
Make an application of function symbol @if_always_else. | |
bool | is_if_always_else_application (const atermpp::aterm &e) |
Recogniser for application of @if_always_else. | |
void | if_always_else_application (data_expression &result, const data_expression &a1) |
Application of a function that is user defined instead of by rewrite rules. It does not have sort parameters. | |
function_symbol_vector | function_update_generate_functions_code (const sort_expression &s, const sort_expression &t) |
Give all system defined mappings for function_update. | |
function_symbol_vector | function_update_generate_constructors_and_functions_code (const sort_expression &s, const sort_expression &t) |
Give all system defined mappings and constructors for function_update. | |
function_symbol_vector | function_update_mCRL2_usable_mappings (const sort_expression &s, const sort_expression &t) |
Give all system defined mappings that can be used in mCRL2 specs for function_update. | |
implementation_map | function_update_cpp_implementable_mappings (const sort_expression &s, const sort_expression &t) |
Give all system defined mappings that are to be implemented in C++ code for function_update. | |
const data_expression & | arg1 (const data_expression &e) |
Function for projecting out argument. arg1 from an application. | |
const data_expression & | arg2 (const data_expression &e) |
Function for projecting out argument. arg2 from an application. | |
const data_expression & | arg3 (const data_expression &e) |
Function for projecting out argument. arg3 from an application. | |
data_equation_vector | function_update_generate_equations_code (const sort_expression &s, const sort_expression &t) |
Give all system defined equations for function_update. | |
void | on_delete_function_symbol (const atermpp::aterm &t) |
void | register_function_symbol_hooks () |
template<typename Substitution > | |
bool | is_simple_substitution (const Substitution &) |
Returns true if the substitution sigma satisfies the property that FV(sigma(x)) is included in {x} for all variables x. | |
bool | is_simple_substitution (const data::variable &lhs, const data::data_expression &rhs) |
Returns true if FV(rhs) is included in {lhs}. | |
bool | is_sub_sort (const sort_expression &x1, const sort_expression &x2) |
template<typename FwdIt > | |
data_expression | join_or (FwdIt first, FwdIt last) |
Returns or applied to the sequence of data expressions [first, last) | |
template<typename FwdIt > | |
data_expression | join_and (FwdIt first, FwdIt last) |
Returns and applied to the sequence of data expressions [first, last) | |
std::set< data_expression > | split_or (const data_expression &expr) |
Splits a disjunction into a sequence of operands Given a data expression of the form p1 || p2 || .... || pn, this will yield a set of the form { p1, p2, ..., pn }, assuming that pi does not have a || as main function symbol. | |
std::set< data_expression > | split_and (const data_expression &expr) |
Splits a conjunction into a sequence of operands Given a data expression of the form p1 && p2 && .... && pn, this will yield a set of the form { p1, p2, ..., pn }, assuming that pi does not have a && as main function symbol. | |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_lambda (atermpp::aterm &result, ARGUMENTS... arguments) |
std::string | pp (const lambda &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const lambda &x) |
void | swap (lambda &t1, lambda &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
data_expression & | real_zero () |
data_expression & | real_one () |
data_expression & | real_minus_one () |
data_expression | min (const data_expression &e1, const data_expression &e2, const rewriter &) |
data_expression | max (const data_expression &e1, const data_expression &e2, const rewriter &) |
bool | is_closed_real_number (const data_expression &e) |
bool | is_negative (const data_expression &e, const rewriter &r) |
bool | is_positive (const data_expression &e, const rewriter &r) |
bool | is_zero (const data_expression &e) |
application | real_times (const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1) |
application | real_plus (const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1) |
application | real_divides (const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1) |
application | real_minus (const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1) |
application | real_negate (const data_expression &arg) |
application | real_abs (const data_expression &arg) |
data_expression | rewrite_with_memory (const data_expression &t, const rewriter &r) |
std::string | pp (const linear_inequality &l) |
template<class TYPE > | |
std::string | pp_vector (const TYPE &inequalities) |
Print the vector of inequalities to stderr in readable form. | |
linear_inequality | subtract (const linear_inequality &e1, const linear_inequality &e2, const data_expression &f1, const data_expression &f2, const rewriter &r) |
Subtract the given equality, multiplied by f1/f2. The result is e1-(f1/f2)e2,. | |
bool | is_inconsistent (const std::vector< linear_inequality > &inequalities_in, const rewriter &r, const bool use_cache) |
Determine whether a list of data expressions is inconsistent. | |
void | count_occurrences (const std::vector< linear_inequality > &inequalities, std::map< variable, std::size_t > &nr_positive_occurrences, std::map< variable, std::size_t > &nr_negative_occurrences, const rewriter &r) |
template<class Variable_iterator > | |
std::set< variable > | gauss_elimination (const std::vector< linear_inequality > &inequalities, std::vector< linear_inequality > &resulting_equalities, std::vector< linear_inequality > &resulting_inequalities, Variable_iterator variables_begin, Variable_iterator variables_end, const rewriter &r) |
Try to eliminate variables from a system of inequalities using Gauss elimination. | |
bool | is_a_redundant_inequality (const std::vector< linear_inequality > &inequalities, const std::vector< linear_inequality > ::iterator i, const rewriter &r) |
Indicate whether an inequality from a set of inequalities is redundant. | |
void | remove_redundant_inequalities (const std::vector< linear_inequality > &inequalities, std::vector< linear_inequality > &resulting_inequalities, const rewriter &r) |
Remove every redundant inequality from a vector of inequalities. | |
static void | pivot_and_update (const variable &xi, const variable &xj, const data_expression &v, const data_expression &v_delta_correction, std::map< variable, data_expression > &beta, std::map< variable, data_expression > &beta_delta_correction, std::set< variable > &basic_variables, std::map< variable, detail::lhs_t > &working_equalities, const rewriter &r) |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_machine_number (atermpp::aterm &t, size_t n) |
std::string | pp (const machine_number &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const machine_number &x) |
void | swap (machine_number &t1, machine_number &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
std::string | max_machine_number_string () |
A string representation indicating the maximal machine number + 1. | |
std::string | pp (const machine_number_list &x) |
std::string | pp (const machine_number_vector &x) |
std::set< data::variable > | find_all_variables (const data::machine_number &x) |
data_specification | merge_data_specifications (const data_specification &dataspec1, const data_specification &dataspec2) |
Merges two data specifications. Throws an exception if conflicts are detected. | |
template<typename T > | |
void | normalize_sorts (T &x, const data::sort_specification &sort_spec, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T > | |
T | normalize_sorts (const T &x, const data::sort_specification &sort_spec, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename Term > | |
void | optimized_not (Term &result, const Term &arg) |
Make a negation. | |
template<typename Term > | |
void | optimized_and (Term &result, const Term &p, const Term &q) |
Make a conjunction, and optimize if possible. | |
template<typename Term > | |
void | optimized_or (Term &result, const Term &p, const Term &q) |
Make a conjunction, and optimize if possible. | |
template<typename Term > | |
void | optimized_imp (Term &result, const Term &p, const Term &q) |
Make an implication. | |
template<typename Term , typename VariableSequence > | |
void | optimized_forall (Term &result, const VariableSequence &l, const Term &p, bool remove_variables=false) |
Make a universal quantification. | |
template<typename Term , typename VariableSequence > | |
void | optimized_forall_no_empty_domain (Term &result, const VariableSequence &l, const Term &p, bool remove_variables=false) |
Make a universal quantification. | |
template<typename Term , typename VariableSequence > | |
void | optimized_exists (Term &result, const VariableSequence &l, const Term &p, bool remove_variables=false) |
Make an existential quantification. | |
template<typename Term , typename VariableSequence > | |
void | optimized_exists_no_empty_domain (Term &result, const VariableSequence &l, const Term &p, bool remove_variables=false) |
Make an existential quantification. | |
std::pair< basic_sort_vector, alias_vector > | parse_sort_specification (const std::string &text) |
data_specification | parse_data_specification (std::istream &in) |
Parses a and type checks a data specification. | |
data_specification | parse_data_specification (const std::string &text) |
Parses a and type checks a data specification. | |
template<typename OutputIterator , typename VariableIterator > | |
void | parse_variables (std::istream &in, OutputIterator o, VariableIterator begin, VariableIterator end, const data_specification &data_spec=detail::default_specification()) |
Parses and type checks a data variable declaration list checking for double occurrences of variables in an existing variable range. | |
template<typename OutputIterator , typename VariableIterator > | |
void | parse_variables (const std::string &text, OutputIterator i, VariableIterator begin, VariableIterator end, const data_specification &data_spec=detail::default_specification()) |
Parses and type checks a data variable declaration list checking for double occurrences of variables in an existing variable range. | |
template<typename OutputIterator > | |
void | parse_variables (std::istream &text, OutputIterator i, const data_specification &data_spec=detail::default_specification()) |
Parses and type checks a data variable declaration list. | |
template<typename OutputIterator > | |
void | parse_variables (const std::string &text, OutputIterator i, const data_specification &data_spec=detail::default_specification()) |
Parses and type checks a data variable declaration list. | |
variable | parse_variable (const std::string &text, const data_specification &data_spec=detail::default_specification()) |
Parses and type checks a data variable declaration. | |
variable | parse_variable (std::istream &text, const data_specification &data_spec=detail::default_specification()) |
Parses and type checks a data variable declaration. | |
template<typename VariableContainer > | |
data_expression | parse_data_expression (std::istream &in, const VariableContainer &variables, const data_specification &dataspec=detail::default_specification(), bool type_check=true, bool translate_user_notation=true, bool normalize_sorts=true) |
Parses and type checks a data expression. | |
template<typename VariableContainer > | |
data_expression | parse_data_expression (const std::string &text, const VariableContainer &variables, const data_specification &data_spec=detail::default_specification(), bool type_check=true, bool translate_user_notation=true, bool normalize_sorts=true) |
Parses and type checks a data expression. | |
data_expression | parse_data_expression (std::istream &text, const data_specification &data_spec=detail::default_specification(), bool type_check=true, bool translate_user_notation=true, bool normalize_sorts=true) |
Parses and type checks a data expression. | |
data_expression | parse_data_expression (const std::string &text, const data_specification &data_spec=detail::default_specification(), bool type_check=true, bool translate_user_notation=true, bool normalize_sorts=true) |
Parses and type checks a data expression. | |
variable_list | parse_variables (const std::string &text) |
sort_expression | parse_sort_expression (std::istream &in, const data_specification &data_spec=detail::default_specification()) |
Parses and type checks a sort expression. | |
sort_expression | parse_sort_expression (const std::string &text, const data_specification &data_spec=detail::default_specification()) |
Parses and type checks a sort expression. | |
data::function_symbol | parse_function_symbol (const std::string &text, const std::string &dataspec_text="") |
variable_list | parse_variable_declaration_list (const std::string &text, const data_specification &dataspec=detail::default_specification()) |
Parses a variable declaration list. | |
int | precedence (const data_expression &x) |
int | precedence (const application &x) |
constexpr int | precedence (const forall &) |
constexpr int | precedence (const exists &) |
constexpr int | precedence (const lambda &) |
constexpr int | precedence (const set_comprehension &) |
constexpr int | precedence (const bag_comprehension &) |
constexpr int | precedence (const where_clause &) |
bool | is_left_associative (const data_expression &x) |
bool | is_right_associative (const data_expression &x) |
template<typename T > | |
std::string | pp (const T &x) |
Returns a string representation of the object x. | |
template<typename Substitution > | |
std::set< data::variable > | substitution_variables (const Substitution &) |
Returns the variables appearing in the right hand sides of the substitution. | |
template<typename T , typename Substitution > | |
void | replace_sort_expressions (T &x, const Substitution &sigma, bool innermost, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename Substitution > | |
T | replace_sort_expressions (const T &x, const Substitution &sigma, bool innermost, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename Substitution > | |
void | replace_data_expressions (T &x, const Substitution &sigma, bool innermost, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename Substitution > | |
T | replace_data_expressions (const T &x, const Substitution &sigma, bool innermost, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename Substitution > | |
void | replace_variables (T &x, const Substitution &sigma, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename Substitution > | |
T | replace_variables (const T &x, const Substitution &sigma, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename Substitution > | |
void | replace_all_variables (T &x, const Substitution &sigma, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename Substitution > | |
T | replace_all_variables (const T &x, const Substitution &sigma, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename Substitution > | |
void | replace_free_variables (T &x, const Substitution &sigma, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename Substitution > | |
T | replace_free_variables (const T &x, const Substitution &sigma, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename Substitution , typename VariableContainer > | |
void | replace_free_variables (T &x, const Substitution &sigma, const VariableContainer &bound_variables, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename Substitution , typename VariableContainer > | |
T | replace_free_variables (const T &x, const Substitution &sigma, const VariableContainer &bound_variables, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename Substitution > | |
void | substitute_sorts (T &x, const Substitution &sigma, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=0) |
template<typename T , typename Substitution > | |
T | substitute_sorts (const T &x, const Substitution &sigma, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=0) |
template<typename T , typename Substitution > | |
void | replace_variables_capture_avoiding (T &x, Substitution &sigma, data::set_identifier_generator &id_generator, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename Substitution > | |
T | replace_variables_capture_avoiding (const T &x, Substitution &sigma, data::set_identifier_generator &id_generator, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename Substitution > | |
void | replace_variables_capture_avoiding (T &x, Substitution &sigma, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename Substitution > | |
T | replace_variables_capture_avoiding (const T &x, Substitution &sigma, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename Substitution , typename IdentifierGenerator > | |
void | replace_variables_capture_avoiding_with_an_identifier_generator (T &x, Substitution &sigma, IdentifierGenerator &id_generator, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename Substitution , typename IdentifierGenerator > | |
T | replace_variables_capture_avoiding_with_an_identifier_generator (const T &x, Substitution &sigma, IdentifierGenerator &id_generator, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename Rewriter > | |
void | rewrite (T &x, Rewriter R, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename Rewriter > | |
T | rewrite (const T &x, Rewriter R, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename Rewriter , typename Substitution > | |
void | rewrite (T &x, Rewriter R, const Substitution &sigma, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<typename T , typename Rewriter , typename Substitution > | |
T | rewrite (const T &x, Rewriter R, const Substitution &sigma, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
rewrite_strategy | parse_rewrite_strategy (const std::string &s) |
standard conversion from string to rewrite strategy | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, rewrite_strategy &s) |
standard conversion from stream to rewrite strategy | |
std::string | pp (const rewrite_strategy s) |
Pretty prints a rewrite strategy. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const rewrite_strategy s) |
standard conversion from rewrite strategy to stream | |
std::string | description (const rewrite_strategy s) |
standard descriptions for rewrite strategies | |
template<typename T > | |
void | if_rewrite (T &x, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=0) |
template<typename T > | |
T | if_rewrite (const T &x, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=0) |
template<typename T > | |
void | one_point_rule_rewrite (T &x, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=0) |
template<typename T > | |
T | one_point_rule_rewrite (const T &x, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=0) |
template<typename T > | |
void | quantifiers_inside_rewrite (T &x, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=0) |
template<typename T > | |
T | quantifiers_inside_rewrite (const T &x, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=0) |
template<typename T > | |
void | simplify (T &x, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=0) |
template<typename T > | |
T | simplify (const T &x, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_set_comprehension (atermpp::aterm &result, ARGUMENTS... arguments) |
std::string | pp (const set_comprehension &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const set_comprehension &x) |
void | swap (set_comprehension &t1, set_comprehension &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
bool | is_basic_sort (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Returns true if the term t is a basic sort. | |
bool | is_function_sort (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Returns true if the term t is a function sort. | |
bool | is_container_sort (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Returns true if the term t is a container sort. | |
bool | is_structured_sort (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Returns true if the term t is a structured sort. | |
bool | is_untyped_sort (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Returns true if the term t is the unknown sort. | |
bool | is_untyped_possible_sorts (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Returns true if the term t is an expression for multiple possible sorts. | |
std::string | pp (const sort_expression &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const sort_expression &x) |
void | swap (sort_expression &t1, sort_expression &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
bool | is_sort_expression (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
Test for a sort_expression expression. | |
std::string | pp (const sort_expression_list &x) |
std::string | pp (const sort_expression_vector &x) |
std::set< data::sort_expression > | find_sort_expressions (const data::sort_expression &x) |
sort_expression | normalize_sorts (const sort_expression &x, const data::sort_specification &sortspec) |
function_symbol | equal_to (const sort_expression &s) |
Constructor for function symbol ==. | |
template<typename DataExpression > | |
bool | is_equal_to_function_symbol (const DataExpression &e) |
Recogniser for function ==. | |
application | equal_to (const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1) |
Application of function symbol ==. | |
template<typename DataExpression > | |
bool | is_equal_to_application (const DataExpression &e) |
Recogniser for application of ==. | |
function_symbol | not_equal_to (const sort_expression &s) |
Constructor for function symbol !=. | |
template<typename DataExpression > | |
bool | is_not_equal_to_function_symbol (const DataExpression &e) |
Recogniser for function !=. | |
application | not_equal_to (const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1) |
Application of function symbol !=. | |
template<typename DataExpression > | |
bool | is_not_equal_to_application (const DataExpression &e) |
Recogniser for application of !=. | |
function_symbol | if_ (const sort_expression &s) |
Constructor for function symbol if. | |
template<typename DataExpression > | |
bool | is_if_function_symbol (const DataExpression &e) |
Recogniser for function if. | |
application | if_ (const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1, const data_expression &arg2) |
Application of function symbol if. | |
template<typename DataExpression > | |
bool | is_if_application (const DataExpression &e) |
Recogniser for application of if. | |
function_symbol | less (const sort_expression &s) |
Constructor for function symbol <. | |
template<typename DataExpression > | |
bool | is_less_function_symbol (const DataExpression &e) |
Recogniser for function <. | |
application | less (const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1) |
Application of function symbol <. | |
template<typename DataExpression > | |
bool | is_less_application (const DataExpression &e) |
Recogniser for application of <. | |
function_symbol | less_equal (const sort_expression &s) |
Constructor for function symbol <=. | |
template<typename DataExpression > | |
bool | is_less_equal_function_symbol (const DataExpression &e) |
Recogniser for function <=. | |
application | less_equal (const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1) |
Application of function symbol <=. | |
template<typename DataExpression > | |
bool | is_less_equal_application (const DataExpression &e) |
Recogniser for application of <=. | |
function_symbol | greater (const sort_expression &s) |
Constructor for function symbol > | |
template<typename DataExpression > | |
bool | is_greater_function_symbol (const DataExpression &e) |
Recogniser for function > | |
application | greater (const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1) |
Application of function symbol > | |
template<typename DataExpression > | |
bool | is_greater_application (const DataExpression &e) |
Recogniser for application of > | |
function_symbol | greater_equal (const sort_expression &s) |
Constructor for function symbol >=. | |
template<typename DataExpression > | |
bool | is_greater_equal_function_symbol (const DataExpression &e) |
Recogniser for function >=. | |
application | greater_equal (const data_expression &arg0, const data_expression &arg1) |
Application of function symbol >=. | |
template<typename DataExpression > | |
bool | is_greater_equal_application (const DataExpression &e) |
Recogniser for application of >=. | |
function_symbol_vector | standard_generate_functions_code (const sort_expression &s) |
Give all standard system defined functions for sort s. | |
data_equation_vector | standard_generate_equations_code (const sort_expression &s) |
Give all standard system defined equations for sort s. | |
data_expression | number (const sort_expression &s, const std::string &n) |
Construct numeric expression from a string representing a number in decimal notation. | |
bool | is_convertible (const sort_expression &s1, const sort_expression &s2) |
Returns true if and only if s1 == s2, or if s1 is a less specific numeric type than s2. | |
bool | is_system_defined (const sort_expression &s) |
Returns true iff the expression represents a standard sort. | |
std::list< data_expression > | split_disjunction (const data_expression &condition) |
Split a disjunctive expression into a set of clauses. | |
std::list< data_expression > | split_conjunction (const data_expression &condition) |
Split a disjunctive expression into a set of clauses. | |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_structured_sort (atermpp::aterm &t, const ARGUMENTS &... args) |
std::string | pp (const structured_sort &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const structured_sort &x) |
void | swap (structured_sort &t1, structured_sort &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_structured_sort_constructor (atermpp::aterm &t, const ARGUMENTS &... args) |
bool | is_structured_sort_constructor (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
std::string | pp (const structured_sort_constructor &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const structured_sort_constructor &x) |
void | swap (structured_sort_constructor &t1, structured_sort_constructor &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
std::string | pp (const structured_sort_constructor_list &x) |
std::string | pp (const structured_sort_constructor_vector &x) |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_structured_sort_constructor_argument (atermpp::aterm &t, const ARGUMENTS &... args) |
bool | is_structured_sort_constructor_argument (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
std::string | pp (const structured_sort_constructor_argument &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const structured_sort_constructor_argument &x) |
void | swap (structured_sort_constructor_argument &t1, structured_sort_constructor_argument &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
template<typename VariableSequence , typename DataExpressionSequence > | |
void | add_assignments (data::mutable_indexed_substitution<> &sigma, const VariableSequence &v, const DataExpressionSequence &e) |
Adds assignments [v := e] to the substitution sigma for each variable in v. | |
template<typename VariableSequence > | |
void | remove_assignments (data::mutable_indexed_substitution<> &sigma, const VariableSequence &v) |
Removes assignments to variables in v from the substitution sigma. | |
template<> | |
bool | is_simple_substitution (const assignment_sequence_substitution &sigma) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const enumerator_substitution &sigma) |
bool | is_simple_substitution (const enumerator_substitution &sigma) |
template<typename AssociativeContainer > | |
map_substitution< AssociativeContainer > | make_map_substitution (const AssociativeContainer &m) |
Utility function for creating a map_substitution. | |
template<typename AssociativeContainer > | |
std::set< data::variable > | substitution_variables (const map_substitution< AssociativeContainer > &sigma) |
template<typename AssociativeContainer > | |
bool | is_simple_substitution (const map_substitution< AssociativeContainer > &sigma) |
template<typename VariableType , typename ExpressionType > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const mutable_indexed_substitution< VariableType, ExpressionType > &sigma) |
template<typename VariableType = variable, typename ExpressionType = data_expression> | |
std::multiset< variable > | substitution_variables (const mutable_indexed_substitution< VariableType, ExpressionType > &sigma) |
template<typename VariableContainer , typename ExpressionContainer , typename MapContainer > | |
mutable_map_substitution< MapContainer > | make_mutable_map_substitution (const VariableContainer &vc, const ExpressionContainer &ec) |
Utility function for creating a mutable_map_substitution. | |
template<typename VariableContainer , typename ExpressionContainer > | |
mutable_map_substitution< std::map< typename VariableContainer::value_type, typename ExpressionContainer::value_type > > | make_mutable_map_substitution (const VariableContainer &vc, const ExpressionContainer &ec) |
template<typename AssociativeContainer > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const mutable_map_substitution< AssociativeContainer > &sigma) |
std::set< data::variable > | substitution_variables (const mutable_map_substitution<> &sigma) |
template<typename AssociativeContainer > | |
bool | is_simple_substitution (const mutable_map_substitution< AssociativeContainer > &sigma) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const no_substitution &) |
template<typename VariableContainer , typename ExpressionContainer > | |
sequence_sequence_substitution< VariableContainer, ExpressionContainer > | make_sequence_sequence_substitution (const VariableContainer &vc, const ExpressionContainer &ec) |
Utility function for creating a sequence_sequence_substitution. | |
template<typename VariableContainer , typename ExpressionContainer > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const sequence_sequence_substitution< VariableContainer, ExpressionContainer > &sigma) |
template<typename VariableContainer , typename ExpressionContainer > | |
bool | is_simple_substitution (const sequence_sequence_substitution< VariableContainer, ExpressionContainer > &sigma) |
std::set< data::variable > | substitution_variables (const variable_substitution &sigma) |
template<typename T > | |
void | translate_user_notation (T &x, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=0) |
template<typename T > | |
T | translate_user_notation (const T &x, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
void | typecheck_sort_expression (const sort_expression &sort_expr, const data_specification &data_spec) |
Type check a sort expression. Throws an exception if something went wrong. | |
template<typename VariableContainer > | |
data_expression | typecheck_data_expression (const data_expression &x, const VariableContainer &variables, const data_specification &dataspec=data_specification()) |
Type check a data expression. Throws an exception if something went wrong. | |
data_expression | typecheck_data_expression (const data_expression &x, const data_specification &dataspec=data_specification()) |
Type check a data expression. Throws an exception if something went wrong. | |
void | typecheck_data_specification (data_specification &data_spec) |
Type check a parsed mCRL2 data specification. Throws an exception if something went wrong. | |
data_expression | typecheck_untyped_data_parameter (data_type_checker &typechecker, const core::identifier_string &name, const data_expression_list ¶meters, const data::sort_expression &expected_sort, const detail::variable_context &variable_context) |
constexpr std::size_t | undefined_index () |
Returns an index that corresponds to 'undefined'. | |
const data::variable & | undefined_variable () |
Returns a data variable that corresponds to 'undefined'. | |
const data::variable & | undefined_real_variable () |
Returns a data variable that corresponds to 'undefined'. | |
const data::sort_expression & | undefined_sort_expression () |
Returns a sort expression that corresponds to 'undefined'. | |
const data::data_expression & | undefined_data_expression () |
Returns a data expression that corresponds to 'undefined'. | |
const data::data_expression & | undefined_real () |
Returns a data expression of type Real that corresponds to 'undefined'. | |
template<typename StructInfo > | |
bool | is_pattern_matching_rule (StructInfo &ssf, const data_equation &rewrite_rule) |
Check whether the given rewrite rule can be classified as a pattern matching rule. | |
template<typename StructInfo > | |
data_equation | unfold_pattern_matching (const function_symbol &mapping, const data_equation_vector &rewrite_rules, StructInfo &ssf, representative_generator &gen, set_identifier_generator &id_gen) |
This converts a collection of rewrite rules for a give function symbol into a one-rule specification of the function, using recogniser and projection functions to implement pattern matching. | |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_untyped_data_parameter (atermpp::aterm &t, const ARGUMENTS &... args) |
bool | is_untyped_data_parameter (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
std::string | pp (const untyped_data_parameter &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const untyped_data_parameter &x) |
void | swap (untyped_data_parameter &t1, untyped_data_parameter &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_untyped_identifier (atermpp::aterm &t, const ARGUMENTS &... args) |
std::string | pp (const untyped_identifier &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const untyped_identifier &x) |
void | swap (untyped_identifier &t1, untyped_identifier &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_untyped_possible_sorts (atermpp::aterm &t, const ARGUMENTS &... args) |
std::string | pp (const untyped_possible_sorts &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const untyped_possible_sorts &x) |
void | swap (untyped_possible_sorts &t1, untyped_possible_sorts &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_untyped_set_or_bag_comprehension (atermpp::aterm &result, ARGUMENTS... arguments) |
std::string | pp (const untyped_set_or_bag_comprehension &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const untyped_set_or_bag_comprehension &x) |
void | swap (untyped_set_or_bag_comprehension &t1, untyped_set_or_bag_comprehension &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
std::string | pp (const untyped_sort &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const untyped_sort &x) |
void | swap (untyped_sort &t1, untyped_sort &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_untyped_sort_variable (atermpp::aterm &t, const ARGUMENTS &... args) |
bool | is_untyped_sort_variable (const atermpp::aterm &x) |
std::string | pp (const untyped_sort_variable &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const untyped_sort_variable &x) |
void | swap (untyped_sort_variable &t1, untyped_sort_variable &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_variable (atermpp::aterm &t, const ARGUMENTS &... args) |
std::string | pp (const variable &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const variable &x) |
void | swap (variable &t1, variable &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
std::string | pp (const variable_list &x) |
std::string | pp (const variable_vector &x) |
std::string | pp (const std::set< variable > &x) |
std::set< data::variable > | find_all_variables (const data::variable &x) |
std::set< data::variable > | find_all_variables (const data::variable_list &x) |
std::set< core::identifier_string > | find_identifiers (const data::variable_list &x) |
template<class... ARGUMENTS> | |
void | make_where_clause (atermpp::aterm &t, const ARGUMENTS &... args) |
std::string | pp (const where_clause &x) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const where_clause &x) |
void | swap (where_clause &t1, where_clause &t2) |
\brief swap overload | |
static sort_expression | find_normal_form (const sort_expression &e, const std::multimap< sort_expression, sort_expression > &map1, std::set< sort_expression > sorts_already_seen=std::set< sort_expression >()) |
Namespace for all data library functionality.
typedef std::vector<alias> mcrl2::data::alias_vector |
\brief list of assignment_expressions
Definition at line 50 of file assignment.h.
typedef std::vector<assignment_expression> mcrl2::data::assignment_expression_vector |
\brief vector of assignment_expressions
Definition at line 53 of file assignment.h.
\brief list of assignments
Definition at line 146 of file assignment.h.
typedef std::vector<assignment> mcrl2::data::assignment_vector |
\brief vector of assignments
Definition at line 149 of file assignment.h.
list of basic sorts
Definition at line 92 of file basic_sort.h.
typedef std::vector<basic_sort> mcrl2::data::basic_sort_vector |
vector of basic sorts
Definition at line 94 of file basic_sort.h.
\brief list of binder_types
Definition at line 50 of file binder_type.h.
typedef std::vector<binder_type> mcrl2::data::binder_type_vector |
\brief vector of binder_types
Definition at line 53 of file binder_type.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<type_check_constraint> mcrl2::data::constraint_ptr |
Definition at line 188 of file type_check_tree.h.
list of function sorts
Definition at line 94 of file container_sort.h.
typedef std::vector<container_sort> mcrl2::data::container_sort_vector |
list of function sorts
Definition at line 98 of file container_sort.h.
\brief list of container_types
Definition at line 50 of file container_type.h.
typedef std::vector<container_type> mcrl2::data::container_type_vector |
\brief vector of container_types
Definition at line 53 of file container_type.h.
\brief list of data_equations
Definition at line 122 of file data_equation.h.
typedef std::vector<data_equation> mcrl2::data::data_equation_vector |
\brief vector of data_equations
Definition at line 125 of file data_equation.h.
\brief list of data_expressions
Definition at line 199 of file data_expression.h.
typedef std::vector<data_expression> mcrl2::data::data_expression_vector |
\brief vector of data_expressions
Definition at line 202 of file data_expression.h.
list of function sorts
Definition at line 98 of file function_sort.h.
typedef std::vector<function_sort> mcrl2::data::function_sort_vector |
vector of function sorts
Definition at line 100 of file function_sort.h.
typedef std::pair<core::identifier_string, sort_expression> mcrl2::data::function_symbol_key_type |
Definition at line 23 of file function_symbol.h.
\brief list of function_symbols
Definition at line 88 of file function_symbol.h.
typedef std::vector<function_symbol> mcrl2::data::function_symbol_vector |
\brief vector of function_symbols
Definition at line 91 of file function_symbol.h.
typedef std::map< function_symbol, std::pair< std::function< void(data_expression &, const data_expression &)>, std::string > > mcrl2::data::implementation_map |
Definition at line 49 of file function_update.h.
typedef std::pair<atermpp::aterm, atermpp::aterm> mcrl2::data::machine_number_key_type |
Definition at line 24 of file machine_number.h.
\brief list of machine_numbers
Definition at line 71 of file machine_number.h.
typedef std::vector<machine_number> mcrl2::data::machine_number_vector |
\brief vector of machine_numbers
Definition at line 74 of file machine_number.h.
typedef std::pair<sort_substitution, int> mcrl2::data::solution |
Definition at line 24 of file type_check_tree.h.
\brief list of sort_expressions
Definition at line 102 of file sort_expression.h.
typedef std::vector<sort_expression> mcrl2::data::sort_expression_vector |
\brief vector of sort_expressions
Definition at line 105 of file sort_expression.h.
typedef std::map<untyped_sort_variable, sort_expression> mcrl2::data::sort_substitution |
Definition at line 23 of file type_check_tree.h.
Definition at line 369 of file typecheck.h.
typedef atermpp::term_list<structured_sort_constructor_argument> mcrl2::data::structured_sort_constructor_argument_list |
\brief list of structured_sort_constructor_arguments
Definition at line 93 of file structured_sort_constructor_argument.h.
typedef std::vector<structured_sort_constructor_argument> mcrl2::data::structured_sort_constructor_argument_vector |
\brief vector of structured_sort_constructor_arguments
Definition at line 96 of file structured_sort_constructor_argument.h.
typedef atermpp::term_list<structured_sort_constructor> mcrl2::data::structured_sort_constructor_list |
\brief list of structured_sort_constructors
Definition at line 199 of file structured_sort_constructor.h.
typedef std::vector<structured_sort_constructor> mcrl2::data::structured_sort_constructor_vector |
\brief vector of structured_sort_constructors
Definition at line 202 of file structured_sort_constructor.h.
\brief list of structured_sorts
Definition at line 445 of file structured_sort.h.
typedef std::vector<structured_sort> mcrl2::data::structured_sort_vector |
\brief vector of structured_sorts
Definition at line 448 of file structured_sort.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<type_check_node> mcrl2::data::type_check_node_ptr |
Definition at line 92 of file type_check_tree.h.
\brief list of untyped_data_parameters
Definition at line 75 of file untyped_data_parameter.h.
typedef std::vector<untyped_data_parameter> mcrl2::data::untyped_data_parameter_vector |
\brief vector of untyped_data_parameters
Definition at line 78 of file untyped_data_parameter.h.
typedef atermpp::term_list<untyped_identifier_assignment> mcrl2::data::untyped_identifier_assignment_list |
\brief list of untyped_identifier_assignments
Definition at line 242 of file assignment.h.
typedef std::vector<untyped_identifier_assignment> mcrl2::data::untyped_identifier_assignment_vector |
\brief vector of untyped_identifier_assignments
Definition at line 245 of file assignment.h.
typedef atermpp::term_list< variable > mcrl2::data::variable_list |
\brief list of variables
Definition at line 278 of file data_expression.h.
typedef std::vector<variable> mcrl2::data::variable_vector |
\brief vector of variables
Definition at line 89 of file variable.h.
The strategy of the rewriter.
Enumerator | |
jitty | |
jitty_prover | JITty. JITty + Prover |
Definition at line 13 of file rewrite_strategy.h.
inline |
Adds assignments [v := e] to the substitution sigma for each variable in v.
Definition at line 25 of file substitution_utility.h.
atermpp::aterm mcrl2::data::add_index | ( | const atermpp::aterm & | x | ) |
Transforms DataVarId to DataVarIdNoIndex and transforms OpId to OpIdNoIndex.
inline |
Definition at line 120 of file consistency.h.
inline |
Definition at line 224 of file anonymize.h.
inline |
Function for projecting out argument. arg1 from an application.
e | A data expression. |
Definition at line 436 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Function for projecting out argument. arg2 from an application.
e | A data expression. |
Definition at line 448 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Function for projecting out argument. arg3 from an application.
e | A data expression. |
Definition at line 460 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Definition at line 733 of file application.h.
inline |
Definition at line 752 of file application.h.
inline |
Definition at line 739 of file application.h.
inline |
Definition at line 759 of file application.h.
inline |
Definition at line 141 of file consistency.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1048 of file linear_inequalities.h.
inline |
standard descriptions for rewrite strategies
Definition at line 87 of file rewrite_strategy.h.
data_expression_vector mcrl2::data::enumerate_expressions | ( | const sort_expression & | s, |
const data_specification & | dataspec, | ||
const Rewriter & | rewr | ||
) |
Returns a vector with all expressions of sort s.
s | A sort expression. |
dataspec | The data specification defining the terms of sort s. |
rewr | A rewriter to be used to simplify terms and conditions. |
It is assumed that the sort s has only a finite number of elements.
Definition at line 1067 of file enumerator.h.
data_expression_vector mcrl2::data::enumerate_expressions | ( | const sort_expression & | s, |
const data_specification & | dataspec, | ||
const Rewriter & | rewr, | ||
enumerator_identifier_generator & | id_generator | ||
) |
Returns a vector with all expressions of sort s.
s | A sort expression. |
dataspec | The data specification defining the terms of sort s. |
rewr | A rewriter to be used to simplify terms and conditions. |
id_generator | An identifier generator used to generate new names for variables. |
It is assumed that the sort s has only a finite number of elements.
Definition at line 1032 of file enumerator.h.
inline |
Application of function symbol ==.
[in] | arg0 | A data expression |
[in] | arg1 | A data expression |
Definition at line 144 of file standard.h.
inline |
Constructor for function symbol ==.
[in] | s | A sort expression |
Definition at line 126 of file standard.h.
inline |
Definition at line 99 of file consistency.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1256 of file type_check_tree.h.
std::set< data::variable > mcrl2::data::find_all_variables | ( | const data::data_expression & | x | ) |
std::set< data::variable > mcrl2::data::find_all_variables | ( | const data::data_expression_list & | x | ) |
std::set< data::variable > mcrl2::data::find_all_variables | ( | const data::function_symbol & | x | ) |
std::set< data::variable > mcrl2::data::find_all_variables | ( | const data::machine_number & | x | ) |
std::set< data::variable > mcrl2::data::find_all_variables | ( | const data::variable & | x | ) |
std::set< data::variable > mcrl2::data::find_all_variables | ( | const data::variable_list & | x | ) |
std::set< data::variable > mcrl2::data::find_all_variables | ( | const T & | x | ) |
void mcrl2::data::find_all_variables | ( | const T & | x, |
OutputIterator | o | ||
) |
inline |
Finds a constructor in a data specification.
data | A data specification |
s | A string |
Definition at line 790 of file data_specification.h.
std::set< data::data_expression > mcrl2::data::find_data_expressions | ( | const T & | x | ) |
void mcrl2::data::find_data_expressions | ( | const T & | x, |
OutputIterator | o | ||
) |
inline |
Definition at line 450 of file find_equalities.h.
inline |
Gets all equations with a data expression as head on one of its sides.
[in] | specification | A data specification. |
[in] | d | A data expression. |
Definition at line 818 of file data_specification.h.
std::set< data::variable > mcrl2::data::find_free_variables | ( | const data::data_expression & | x | ) |
std::set< data::variable > mcrl2::data::find_free_variables | ( | const data::data_expression_list & | x | ) |
std::set< data::variable > mcrl2::data::find_free_variables | ( | const T & | x | ) |
void mcrl2::data::find_free_variables | ( | const T & | x, |
OutputIterator | o | ||
) |
void mcrl2::data::find_free_variables_with_bound | ( | const T & | x, |
OutputIterator | o, | ||
const VariableContainer & | bound | ||
) |
\brief Returns all variables that occur in an object \param[in] x an object containing variables \param[in,out] o an output iterator to which all variables occurring in x are written. \param[in] bound a container of variables \return All free variables that occur in the object x
std::set< data::variable > mcrl2::data::find_free_variables_with_bound | ( | const T & | x, |
VariableContainer const & | bound | ||
) |
std::set< data::function_symbol > mcrl2::data::find_function_symbols | ( | const data::data_equation & | x | ) |
std::set< data::function_symbol > mcrl2::data::find_function_symbols | ( | const T & | x | ) |
void mcrl2::data::find_function_symbols | ( | const T & | x, |
OutputIterator | o | ||
) |
std::set< core::identifier_string > mcrl2::data::find_identifiers | ( | const data::variable_list & | x | ) |
std::set< core::identifier_string > mcrl2::data::find_identifiers | ( | const T & | x | ) |
void mcrl2::data::find_identifiers | ( | const T & | x, |
OutputIterator | o | ||
) |
inline |
Definition at line 460 of file find_equalities.h.
inline |
Finds a mapping in a data specification.
data | A data specification |
s | A string |
Definition at line 777 of file data_specification.h.
static |
Definition at line 213 of file data_specification.cpp.
inline |
Finds a sort in a data specification.
data | A data specification |
s | A string |
Definition at line 803 of file data_specification.h.
std::set< data::sort_expression > mcrl2::data::find_sort_expressions | ( | const data::data_equation & | x | ) |
std::set< data::sort_expression > mcrl2::data::find_sort_expressions | ( | const data::data_expression & | x | ) |
std::set< data::sort_expression > mcrl2::data::find_sort_expressions | ( | const data::sort_expression & | x | ) |
std::set< data::sort_expression > mcrl2::data::find_sort_expressions | ( | const T & | x | ) |
void mcrl2::data::find_sort_expressions | ( | const T & | x, |
OutputIterator | o | ||
) |
inline |
Eliminate variables from a data expression using Gauss elimination and Fourier-Motzkin elimination.
Deliver a data_expression e_out and a set of variables vars_out such that exists vars_in.e_in is equivalent to exists vars_out.e_out. If the resulting list of inequalities is inconsistent, then [false] is returned.
e_in | An input data_expression of sort Bool. |
vars_in | A container with variables. Supports iterating over these variables. |
e_out | The output data expression of sort Bool. |
vars_out | A list of variables to store resulting variables. Initially empty. |
r | A rewriter. |
Definition at line 203 of file fourier_motzkin.h.
inline |
Definition at line 28 of file fourier_motzkin.h.
variable_list mcrl2::data::free_variables | ( | const data_expression & | x | ) |
inline |
Returns the names of functions and mappings that occur in a data specification.
[in] | dataspec | A data specification |
Definition at line 908 of file data_specification.h.
inline |
Constructor for function symbol @func_update.
s | A sort expression. |
t | A sort expression. |
Definition at line 73 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Application of function symbol @func_update.
s | A sort expression. |
t | A sort expression. |
arg0 | A data expression. |
arg1 | A data expression. |
arg2 | A data expression. |
Definition at line 100 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Give all system defined constructors which have an implementation in C++ and not in rewrite rules for function_update.
Definition at line 53 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Give all system defined mappings that are to be implemented in C++ code for function_update.
s | A sort expression |
t | A sort expression |
Definition at line 423 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Give all system defined mappings and constructors for function_update.
s | A sort expression |
t | A sort expression |
Definition at line 390 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Give all system defined constructors for function_update.
Definition at line 35 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Give all system defined equations for function_update.
s | A sort expression |
t | A sort expression |
Definition at line 471 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Give all system defined mappings for function_update.
s | A sort expression |
t | A sort expression |
Definition at line 375 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Give all defined constructors which can be used in mCRL2 specs for function_update.
Definition at line 43 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Give all system defined mappings that can be used in mCRL2 specs for function_update.
s | A sort expression |
t | A sort expression |
Definition at line 405 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Generate identifier @func_update.
Definition at line 62 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Constructor for function symbol @func_update_stable.
s | A sort expression. |
t | A sort expression. |
Definition at line 142 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Application of function symbol @func_update_stable.
s | A sort expression. |
t | A sort expression. |
arg0 | A data expression. |
arg1 | A data expression. |
arg2 | A data expression. |
Definition at line 169 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Generate identifier @func_update_stable.
Definition at line 131 of file function_update.h.
std::set< variable > mcrl2::data::gauss_elimination | ( | const std::vector< linear_inequality > & | inequalities, |
std::vector< linear_inequality > & | resulting_equalities, | ||
std::vector< linear_inequality > & | resulting_inequalities, | ||
Variable_iterator | variables_begin, | ||
Variable_iterator | variables_end, | ||
const rewriter & | r | ||
) |
Try to eliminate variables from a system of inequalities using Gauss elimination.
For all variables yi in y1,...,yn indicated by variables_begin to variables_end, it attempted to find and equation among inequalities of the form yi==expression. All occurrences of yi in equalities are subsequently replaced by yi. If no equation of the form yi can be found, yi is added to the list of variables that is returned by this function. If the input contains an inconsistent inequality, resulting_equalities becomes empty, resulting_inequalities contains false and the returned list of variables is also empty. The resulting equalities and inequalities do not contain linear inequalites equivalent to true.
inequalities | A list of inequalities over real numbers |
resulting_equalities | A list with the resulting equalities. |
resulting_inequalities | A list of the resulting inequalities |
variables_begin | An iterator indicating the beginning of the eliminatable variables. |
variables_end | An iterator indicating the end of the eliminatable variables. |
r | A rewriter. |
Definition at line 1944 of file linear_inequalities.h.
inline |
Application of function symbol >
[in] | arg0 | A data expression |
[in] | arg1 | A data expression |
Definition at line 332 of file standard.h.
inline |
Constructor for function symbol >
[in] | s | A sort expression |
Definition at line 314 of file standard.h.
inline |
Application of function symbol >=.
[in] | arg0 | A data expression |
[in] | arg1 | A data expression |
Definition at line 369 of file standard.h.
inline |
Constructor for function symbol >=.
[in] | s | A sort expression |
Definition at line 351 of file standard.h.
bool mcrl2::data::has_untyped_sort | ( | const T & | x | ) |
Definition at line 27 of file type_check_tree.h.
inline |
Application of function symbol if.
[in] | arg0 | A data expression |
[in] | arg1 | A data expression |
[in] | arg2 | A data expression |
Definition at line 219 of file standard.h.
inline |
Constructor for function symbol if.
[in] | s | A sort expression |
Definition at line 200 of file standard.h.
inline |
Constructor for function symbol @if_always_else.
s | A sort expression. |
t | A sort expression. |
Definition at line 295 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Application of function symbol @if_always_else.
s | A sort expression. |
t | A sort expression. |
arg0 | A data expression. |
arg1 | A data expression. |
arg2 | A data expression. |
Definition at line 322 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Application of a function that is user defined instead of by rewrite rules. It does not have sort parameters.
Definition at line 362 of file function_update.h.
inline |
The data expression of an application of the function symbol @if_always_else.
This function is to be implemented manually.
arg0 | A data expression. |
arg1 | A data expression. |
arg2 | A data expression. |
Definition at line 48 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Generate identifier @if_always_else.
Definition at line 284 of file function_update.h.
T mcrl2::data::if_rewrite | ( | const T & | x, |
typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type * | = 0 |
) |
Definition at line 226 of file if_rewriter.h.
void mcrl2::data::if_rewrite | ( | T & | x, |
typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type * | = 0 |
) |
Definition at line 220 of file if_rewriter.h.
inline |
Definition at line 127 of file consistency.h.
inline |
Indicate whether an inequality from a set of inequalities is redundant.
Return whether the inequality referred to by i is inconsistent. It is expected that i refers to an equality in the vector inequalities. The vector inequalities might be changed within the procedure, but will be restored to its original value when this function terminates.
inequalities | A list of inequalities |
i | An iterator pointing into inequalities. |
r | A rewriter |
Definition at line 1092 of file linear_inequalities.h.
inline |
Returns true if the term t is an abstraction.
Definition at line 26 of file data_expression.h.
inline |
inline |
Test if x is a conjunction.
x | a data expression |
Definition at line 61 of file consistency.h.
inline |
Returns true if the term t is an application.
This function is inefficient as the arity of a term must be determined and an inspection must take place in an array of function symbols. Therefore, there is an more efficient overload is_application(const data_expression& x).
Definition at line 90 of file data_expression.h.
inline |
Returns true if the term t is an application.
t | The variable that is checked. |
Definition at line 299 of file data_expression.h.
inline |
Returns true if the term t is an application, but it does not check whether an application symbol of sufficient arity exists, assuming this is ok.
Definition at line 98 of file data_expression.h.
inline |
\brief Test for a assignment expression \param x A term \return True if \a x is a assignment expression
Definition at line 155 of file assignment.h.
inline |
\brief Test for a assignment_expression expression \param x A term \return True if \a x is a assignment_expression expression
Definition at line 63 of file assignment.h.
inline |
Returns true if the term t is a bag comprehension.
Definition at line 56 of file data_expression.h.
inline |
\brief Test for a bag_comprehension_binder expression \param x A term \return True if \a x is a bag_comprehension_binder expression
Definition at line 209 of file binder_type.h.
inline |
\brief Test for a bag_container expression \param x A term \return True if \a x is a bag_container expression
Definition at line 209 of file container_type.h.
inline |
Returns true if the term t is a basic sort.
Definition at line 25 of file sort_expression.h.
inline |
Definition at line 134 of file consistency.h.
inline |
Definition at line 979 of file linear_inequalities.h.
inline |
Definition at line 273 of file data_expression.h.
inline |
Returns true if the term t is a container sort.
Definition at line 37 of file sort_expression.h.
inline |
Returns true if and only if s1 == s2, or if s1 is a less specific numeric type than s2.
[in] | s1 | a sort expression |
[in] | s2 | a sort expression |
Definition at line 834 of file standard_numbers_utility.h.
inline |
Recognizer function.
[in] | t | A aterm of which it is checked whether it is a data_equation. |
Definition at line 150 of file data_equation.h.
inline |
Test for a data_expression expression.
x | A term |
Definition at line 233 of file data_expression.h.
inline |
Test for a data specification expression.
x | A term |
Definition at line 40 of file data_specification.h.
static |
Definition at line 222 of file enumerator.h.
inline |
Test if x is an equality.
x | a data expression |
Definition at line 77 of file consistency.h.
inline |
Recogniser for application of ==.
[in] | e | A data expression |
Definition at line 155 of file standard.h.
inline |
Recogniser for function ==.
[in] | e | A data expression |
Definition at line 135 of file standard.h.
inline |
Returns true if the term t is an existential quantification.
Definition at line 44 of file data_expression.h.
inline |
\brief Test for a exists_binder expression \param x A term \return True if \a x is a exists_binder expression
Definition at line 315 of file binder_type.h.
inline |
inline |
\brief Test for a fbag_container expression \param x A term \return True if \a x is a fbag_container expression
Definition at line 315 of file container_type.h.
inline |
Returns true if the term t is a universal quantification.
Definition at line 38 of file data_expression.h.
inline |
\brief Test for a forall_binder expression \param x A term \return True if \a x is a forall_binder expression
Definition at line 262 of file binder_type.h.
inline |
\brief Test for a fset_container expression \param x A term \return True if \a x is a fset_container expression
Definition at line 262 of file container_type.h.
inline |
Returns true if the term t is a function sort.
Definition at line 31 of file sort_expression.h.
inline |
Returns true if the term t is a function symbol.
Definition at line 68 of file data_expression.h.
inline |
Recogniser for application of @func_update.
e | A data expression. |
Definition at line 123 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Recogniser for function @func_update.
e | A data expression. |
Definition at line 83 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Recogniser for application of @func_update_stable.
e | A data expression. |
Definition at line 192 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Recogniser for function @func_update_stable.
e | A data expression. |
Definition at line 152 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Recogniser for application of >
[in] | e | A data expression |
Definition at line 343 of file standard.h.
inline |
Recogniser for application of >=.
[in] | e | A data expression |
Definition at line 380 of file standard.h.
inline |
Recogniser for function >=.
[in] | e | A data expression |
Definition at line 360 of file standard.h.
inline |
Recogniser for function >
[in] | e | A data expression |
Definition at line 323 of file standard.h.
inline |
Recogniser for application of @if_always_else.
e | A data expression. |
Definition at line 345 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Recogniser for function @if_always_else.
e | A data expression. |
Definition at line 305 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Recogniser for application of if.
[in] | e | A data expression |
Definition at line 232 of file standard.h.
inline |
Recogniser for function if.
[in] | e | A data expression |
Definition at line 209 of file standard.h.
inline |
Test if x is an implication.
x | a data expression |
Definition at line 69 of file consistency.h.
inline |
Determine whether a list of data expressions is inconsistent.
First it is checked whether false is among the input. If not, Fourier-Motzkin is applied to all variables in the inequalities. If the empty vector of equalities is the result, the input was consistent. Otherwise the resulting vector contains an inconsistent inequality. The implementation uses a feasible point detection algorithm as described by Bruno Dutertre and Leonardo de Moura. Integrating Simplex with DPLL(T). CSL Technical Report SRI-CSL-06-01, 2006.
inequalities_in | A list of inequalities. |
r | A rewriter. |
use_cache | A boolean indicating whether results can be cahced. |
Definition at line 1570 of file linear_inequalities.h.
inline |
Recogniser for application of @is_not_an_update.
e | A data expression. |
Definition at line 257 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Recogniser for function @is_not_an_update.
e | A data expression. |
Definition at line 221 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Returns true if the term t is a lambda abstraction.
Definition at line 32 of file data_expression.h.
inline |
\brief Test for a lambda_binder expression \param x A term \return True if \a x is a lambda_binder expression
Definition at line 368 of file binder_type.h.
inline |
inline |
Recogniser for application of <.
[in] | e | A data expression |
Definition at line 269 of file standard.h.
inline |
Recogniser for application of <=.
[in] | e | A data expression |
Definition at line 306 of file standard.h.
inline |
Recogniser for function <=.
[in] | e | A data expression |
Definition at line 286 of file standard.h.
inline |
Recogniser for function <.
[in] | e | A data expression |
Definition at line 249 of file standard.h.
inline |
\brief Test for a list_container expression \param x A term \return True if \a x is a list_container expression
Definition at line 103 of file container_type.h.
inline |
Returns true if the term t is a machine_number.
Definition at line 80 of file data_expression.h.
inline |
Definition at line 990 of file linear_inequalities.h.
inline |
inline |
Constructor for function symbol @is_not_an_update.
s | A sort expression. |
t | A sort expression. |
Definition at line 211 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Application of function symbol @is_not_an_update.
s | A sort expression. |
t | A sort expression. |
arg0 | A data expression. |
Definition at line 236 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Application of a function that is user defined instead of by rewrite rules. It does not have sort parameters.
Definition at line 272 of file function_update.h.
inline |
The data expression of an application of the function symbol @is_not_an_update.
This function is to be implemented manually.
arg0 | A data expression. |
Definition at line 28 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Generate identifier @is_not_an_update.
Definition at line 200 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Test if x is an inequality.
x | a data expression |
Definition at line 85 of file consistency.h.
inline |
Recogniser for application of !=.
[in] | e | A data expression |
Definition at line 192 of file standard.h.
inline |
Recogniser for function !=.
[in] | e | A data expression |
Definition at line 172 of file standard.h.
inline |
Test if x is a disjunction.
x | a data expression |
Definition at line 53 of file consistency.h.
bool mcrl2::data::is_pattern_matching_rule | ( | StructInfo & | ssf, |
const data_equation & | rewrite_rule | ||
) |
Check whether the given rewrite rule can be classified as a pattern matching rule.
That is, its arguments are constructed only out of unique variable occurrences and constructor function symbols and constructor function applications.
Definition at line 363 of file unfold_pattern_matching.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1004 of file linear_inequalities.h.
inline |
inline |
Returns true if the term t is a set comprehension.
Definition at line 50 of file data_expression.h.
inline |
\brief Test for a set_comprehension_binder expression \param x A term \return True if \a x is a set_comprehension_binder expression
Definition at line 156 of file binder_type.h.
inline |
\brief Test for a set_container expression \param x A term \return True if \a x is a set_container expression
Definition at line 156 of file container_type.h.
inline |
Definition at line 52 of file assignment_sequence_substitution.h.
inline |
Returns true if FV(rhs) is included in {lhs}.
Definition at line 34 of file is_simple_substitution.h.
inline |
Definition at line 163 of file enumerator_substitution.h.
bool mcrl2::data::is_simple_substitution | ( | const map_substitution< AssociativeContainer > & | sigma | ) |
Definition at line 86 of file map_substitution.h.
bool mcrl2::data::is_simple_substitution | ( | const mutable_map_substitution< AssociativeContainer > & | sigma | ) |
Definition at line 207 of file mutable_map_substitution.h.
bool mcrl2::data::is_simple_substitution | ( | const sequence_sequence_substitution< VariableContainer, ExpressionContainer > & | sigma | ) |
Definition at line 91 of file sequence_sequence_substitution.h.
bool mcrl2::data::is_simple_substitution | ( | const Substitution & | ) |
Returns true
if the substitution sigma satisfies the property that FV(sigma(x))
is included in {x}
for all variables x.
, so a template specialization is required to enable this check for substitutions. Definition at line 27 of file is_simple_substitution.h.
inline |
Test for a sort_expression expression.
x | A term |
Definition at line 131 of file sort_expression.h.
inline |
Returns true if the term t is a structured sort.
Definition at line 43 of file sort_expression.h.
inline |
\brief Test for a structured_sort_constructor expression \param x A term \return True if \a x is a structured_sort_constructor expression
Definition at line 208 of file structured_sort_constructor.h.
inline |
\brief Test for a structured_sort_constructor_argument expression \param x A term \return True if \a x is a structured_sort_constructor_argument expression
Definition at line 102 of file structured_sort_constructor_argument.h.
inline |
Definition at line 45 of file is_sub_sort.h.
inline |
Returns true iff the expression represents a standard sort.
[in] | s | a sort expression. |
Definition at line 48 of file standard_utility.h.
inline |
inline |
\brief Test for a untyped_data_parameter expression \param x A term \return True if \a x is a untyped_data_parameter expression
Definition at line 84 of file untyped_data_parameter.h.
inline |
Returns true if the term t is an identifier.
Definition at line 110 of file data_expression.h.
inline |
\brief Test for a untyped_identifier_assignment expression \param x A term \return True if \a x is a untyped_identifier_assignment expression
Definition at line 251 of file assignment.h.
inline |
Returns true if the term t is an expression for multiple possible sorts.
Definition at line 55 of file sort_expression.h.
inline |
Returns true if the term t is a set/bag comprehension.
Definition at line 62 of file data_expression.h.
inline |
\brief Test for a untyped_set_or_bag_comprehension_binder expression \param x A term \return True if \a x is a untyped_set_or_bag_comprehension_binder expression
Definition at line 103 of file binder_type.h.
inline |
Returns true if the term t is the unknown sort.
Definition at line 49 of file sort_expression.h.
inline |
\brief Test for a untyped_sort_variable expression \param x A term \return True if \a x is a untyped_sort_variable expression
Definition at line 74 of file untyped_sort_variable.h.
inline |
Returns true if the term t is a variable.
Definition at line 74 of file data_expression.h.
inline |
Returns true if the term t is a where clause.
Definition at line 104 of file data_expression.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1018 of file linear_inequalities.h.
data_expression mcrl2::data::join_and | ( | FwdIt | first, |
FwdIt | last | ||
) |
data_expression mcrl2::data::join_or | ( | FwdIt | first, |
FwdIt | last | ||
) |
inline |
Definition at line 467 of file type_check_tree.h.
inline |
Returns the left hand sides of an assignment list.
x | An assignment list |
Definition at line 310 of file assignment.h.
inline |
Application of function symbol <.
[in] | arg0 | A data expression |
[in] | arg1 | A data expression |
Definition at line 258 of file standard.h.
inline |
Constructor for function symbol <.
[in] | s | A sort expression |
Definition at line 240 of file standard.h.
inline |
Application of function symbol <=.
[in] | arg0 | A data expression |
[in] | arg1 | A data expression |
Definition at line 295 of file standard.h.
inline |
Constructor for function symbol <=.
[in] | s | A sort expression |
Definition at line 277 of file standard.h.
void mcrl2::data::make_abstraction | ( | atermpp::aterm & | result, |
ARGUMENTS... | arguments | ||
) |
Definition at line 75 of file abstraction.h.
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 556 of file type_check_tree.h.
inline |
Make function for an application.
result | variable into which the application is constructed. |
Definition at line 546 of file application.h.
inlinestatic |
Construct at term head(arg_first,...,arg_last) where convert_arguments has been applied to the head and all the arguments.
result | variable into which the application is constructed. \parameter head This is the new head for the application. \parameter first This is a forward iterator yielding the first argument. \parameter last This is an iterator beyond the last argument. \parameter convert_arguments This is a function applied to optionally the head and the arguments. \parameter skip_first_argument A boolean which is true if the function must not be applied to the head. |
Definition at line 691 of file application.h.
inline |
Construct at term head(arg_first,...,arg_last) where convert_arguments has been applied to the head and all the arguments.
result | variable into which the application is constructed. \parameter head This is the new head for the application. \parameter first This is a forward iterator yielding the first argument. \parameter last This is an iterator beyond the last argument. \parameter convert_arguments This is a function applied to optionally the head and the arguments. \parameter skip_first_argument A boolean which is true if the function must not be applied to the head. |
Definition at line 660 of file application.h.
inline |
result | variable into which the application is constructed. |
Definition at line 612 of file application.h.
inline |
result | variable into which the application is constructed. |
Definition at line 578 of file application.h.
inline |
result | variable into which the application is constructed. |
Definition at line 631 of file application.h.
inline |
result | variable into which the application is constructed. |
Definition at line 596 of file application.h.
inline |
\brief Make_assignment constructs a new term into a given address. \
t | The reference into which the new assignment is constructed. |
Definition at line 140 of file assignment.h.
assignment_list mcrl2::data::make_assignment_list | ( | const VariableSequence & | variables, |
const ExpressionSequence & | expressions | ||
) |
Converts an iterator range to data_expression_list.
variables | A sequence of variables. |
expressions | A sequence of variables. |
Definition at line 301 of file assignment.h.
assignment_vector mcrl2::data::make_assignment_vector | ( | VariableSequence const & | variables, |
ExpressionSequence const & | expressions | ||
) |
Constructs an assignment_list by pairwise combining a variable and expression.
variables | A sequence of data variables |
expressions | A sequence of data expressions |
Definition at line 281 of file assignment.h.
void mcrl2::data::make_bag_comprehension | ( | atermpp::aterm & | result, |
ARGUMENTS... | arguments | ||
) |
Definition at line 62 of file bag_comprehension.h.
inline |
\brief Make_basic_sort constructs a new term into a given address. \
t | The reference into which the new basic_sort is constructed. |
Definition at line 66 of file basic_sort.h.
inline |
\brief Make_container_sort constructs a new term into a given address. \
t | The reference into which the new container_sort is constructed. |
Definition at line 67 of file container_sort.h.
inline |
\brief Make_data_equation constructs a new term into a given address. \
t | The reference into which the new data_equation is constructed. |
Definition at line 116 of file data_equation.h.
inline |
Definition at line 224 of file data_expression.h.
inline |
Converts an container with data expressions to data_expression_list.
r | A range of data expressions. |
Definition at line 254 of file data_expression.h.
void mcrl2::data::make_exists | ( | atermpp::aterm & | result, |
ARGUMENTS... | arguments | ||
) |
inline |
Make an existential quantification. It checks for an empty variable list, which is not allowed.
v | A sequence of data variables |
x | A data expression |
exists v.x
Definition at line 167 of file consistency.h.
inline |
Definition at line 233 of file type_check_tree.h.
void mcrl2::data::make_forall | ( | atermpp::aterm & | result, |
ARGUMENTS... | arguments | ||
) |
inline |
Make a universal quantification. It checks for an empty variable list, which is not allowed.
v | A sequence of data variables |
x | A data expression |
forall v.x
Definition at line 152 of file consistency.h.
inline |
\brief Make_function_sort constructs a new term into a given address. \
t | The reference into which the new function_sort is constructed. |
Definition at line 72 of file function_sort.h.
inline |
Convenience constructor for function sort with domain size 1.
[in] | dom1 | The first sort of the domain. |
[in] | codomain | The codomain of the sort. |
Definition at line 107 of file function_sort.h.
inline |
Convenience constructor for function sort with domain size 2.
[in] | dom1 | The first sort of the domain. |
[in] | dom2 | The second sort of the domain. |
[in] | codomain | The codomain of the sort. |
Definition at line 119 of file function_sort.h.
inline |
Convenience constructor for function sort with domain size 3.
[in] | dom1 | The first sort of the domain. |
[in] | dom2 | The second sort of the domain. |
[in] | dom3 | The third sort of the domain. |
[in] | codomain | The codomain of the sort. |
Definition at line 133 of file function_sort.h.
inline |
Convenience constructor for function sort with domain size 4.
[in] | dom1 | The first sort of the domain. |
[in] | dom2 | The second sort of the domain. |
[in] | dom3 | The third sort of the domain. |
[in] | dom4 | The fourth sort of the domain. |
[in] | codomain | The codomain of the sort. |
Definition at line 149 of file function_sort.h.
inline |
Convenience constructor for function sort with domain size 5.
[in] | dom1 | The first sort of the domain. |
[in] | dom2 | The second sort of the domain. |
[in] | dom3 | The third sort of the domain. |
[in] | dom4 | The fourth sort of the domain. |
[in] | dom5 | The fourth sort of the domain. |
[in] | codomain | The codomain of the sort. |
Definition at line 167 of file function_sort.h.
inline |
Convenience constructor for function sort with domain size 6.
[in] | dom1 | The first sort of the domain. |
[in] | dom2 | The second sort of the domain. |
[in] | dom3 | The third sort of the domain. |
[in] | dom4 | The fourth sort of the domain. |
[in] | dom5 | The fourth sort of the domain. |
[in] | codomain | The codomain of the sort. |
Definition at line 186 of file function_sort.h.
inline |
Definition at line 265 of file type_check_tree.h.
inline |
\brief Make_function_symbol constructs a new term into a given address. \
t | The reference into which the new function_symbol is constructed. |
Definition at line 82 of file function_symbol.h.
inline |
Make an application of function symbol @func_update.
result | The data expression where the @func_update expression is put. |
s | A sort expression. |
t | A sort expression. |
arg0 | A data expression. |
arg1 | A data expression. |
arg2 | A data expression. |
Definition at line 113 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Make an application of function symbol @func_update_stable.
result | The data expression where the @func_update_stable expression is put. |
s | A sort expression. |
t | A sort expression. |
arg0 | A data expression. |
arg1 | A data expression. |
arg2 | A data expression. |
Definition at line 182 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Make an application of function symbol @if_always_else.
result | The data expression where the @if_always_else expression is put. |
s | A sort expression. |
t | A sort expression. |
arg0 | A data expression. |
arg1 | A data expression. |
arg2 | A data expression. |
Definition at line 335 of file function_update.h.
inline |
Definition at line 290 of file type_check_tree.h.
inline |
Definition at line 335 of file type_check_tree.h.
inline |
Make an application of function symbol @is_not_an_update.
result | The data expression where the @is_not_an_update expression is put. |
s | A sort expression. |
t | A sort expression. |
arg0 | A data expression. |
Definition at line 247 of file function_update.h.
void mcrl2::data::make_lambda | ( | atermpp::aterm & | result, |
ARGUMENTS... | arguments | ||
) |
inline |
\brief Make_machine_number constructs a new term into a given address. \
t | The reference into which the new machine_number is constructed. |
Definition at line 65 of file machine_number.h.
map_substitution< AssociativeContainer > mcrl2::data::make_map_substitution | ( | const AssociativeContainer & | m | ) |
Utility function for creating a map_substitution.
Definition at line 69 of file map_substitution.h.
mutable_map_substitution< MapContainer > mcrl2::data::make_mutable_map_substitution | ( | const VariableContainer & | vc, |
const ExpressionContainer & | ec | ||
) |
Utility function for creating a mutable_map_substitution.
Definition at line 186 of file mutable_map_substitution.h.
mutable_map_substitution< std::map< typename VariableContainer::value_type, typename ExpressionContainer::value_type > > mcrl2::data::make_mutable_map_substitution | ( | const VariableContainer & | vc, |
const ExpressionContainer & | ec | ||
) |
Definition at line 193 of file mutable_map_substitution.h.
inline |
creates a substitution from a set of (in-)equalities
find_all_assignments | True to find all assignments, false to find only constant assignments |
Definition at line 203 of file equality_one_point_substitution.h.
inline |
creates a substitution from a set of (in-)equalities for a given list of quantifier variables
quantifier_variables | Consider only these variables |
find_all_assignments | True to find all assignments, false to find only constant assignments |
Definition at line 190 of file equality_one_point_substitution.h.
inline |
Definition at line 506 of file type_check_tree.h.
sequence_sequence_substitution< VariableContainer, ExpressionContainer > mcrl2::data::make_sequence_sequence_substitution | ( | const VariableContainer & | vc, |
const ExpressionContainer & | ec | ||
) |
Utility function for creating a sequence_sequence_substitution.
Definition at line 79 of file sequence_sequence_substitution.h.
void mcrl2::data::make_set_comprehension | ( | atermpp::aterm & | result, |
ARGUMENTS... | arguments | ||
) |
Definition at line 62 of file set_comprehension.h.
inline |
\brief Make_structured_sort constructs a new term into a given address. \
t | The reference into which the new structured_sort is constructed. |
Definition at line 439 of file structured_sort.h.
inline |
\brief Make_structured_sort_constructor constructs a new term into a given address. \
t | The reference into which the new structured_sort_constructor is constructed. |
Definition at line 193 of file structured_sort_constructor.h.
inline |
\brief Make_structured_sort_constructor_argument constructs a new term into a given address. \
t | The reference into which the new structured_sort_constructor_argument is constructed. |
Definition at line 87 of file structured_sort_constructor_argument.h.
inline |
Definition at line 375 of file type_check_tree.h.
inline |
Definition at line 239 of file type_check_tree.h.
inline |
\brief Make_untyped_data_parameter constructs a new term into a given address. \
t | The reference into which the new untyped_data_parameter is constructed. |
Definition at line 69 of file untyped_data_parameter.h.
inline |
\brief Make_untyped_identifier constructs a new term into a given address. \
t | The reference into which the new untyped_identifier is constructed. |
Definition at line 64 of file untyped_identifier.h.
inline |
\brief Make_untyped_identifier_assignment constructs a new term into a given address. \
t | The reference into which the new untyped_identifier_assignment is constructed. |
Definition at line 236 of file assignment.h.
inline |
\brief Make_untyped_possible_sorts constructs a new term into a given address. \
t | The reference into which the new untyped_possible_sorts is constructed. |
Definition at line 65 of file untyped_possible_sorts.h.
void mcrl2::data::make_untyped_set_or_bag_comprehension | ( | atermpp::aterm & | result, |
ARGUMENTS... | arguments | ||
) |
Definition at line 62 of file untyped_set_or_bag_comprehension.h.
inline |
\brief Make_untyped_sort_variable constructs a new term into a given address. \
t | The reference into which the new untyped_sort_variable is constructed. |
Definition at line 65 of file untyped_sort_variable.h.
inline |
Definition at line 39 of file type_check_tree.h.
inline |
\brief Make_variable constructs a new term into a given address. \
t | The reference into which the new variable is constructed. |
Definition at line 80 of file variable.h.
inline |
\brief Make_where_clause constructs a new term into a given address. \
t | The reference into which the new where_clause is constructed. |
Definition at line 78 of file where_clause.h.
inline |
Definition at line 966 of file linear_inequalities.h.
inline |
A string representation indicating the maximal machine number + 1.
Definition at line 98 of file machine_number.h.
inline |
Merges two data specifications. Throws an exception if conflicts are detected.
If the data specifications have equal aliases, types, constructors or functions these are merged.
[in] | dataspec1 | The first data specification to be merged. |
[out] | dataspec2 | The second data specification to be merged. |
Definition at line 27 of file merge_data_specifications.h.
inline |
Definition at line 953 of file linear_inequalities.h.
data::data_equation mcrl2::data::normalize_sorts | ( | const data::data_equation & | x, |
const data::sort_specification & | sortspec | ||
) |
data::data_equation_list mcrl2::data::normalize_sorts | ( | const data_equation_list & | x, |
const data::sort_specification & | sortspec | ||
) |
data::data_expression mcrl2::data::normalize_sorts | ( | const data_expression & | x, |
const data::sort_specification & | sortspec | ||
) |
data::sort_expression mcrl2::data::normalize_sorts | ( | const sort_expression & | x, |
const data::sort_specification & | sortspec | ||
) |
T mcrl2::data::normalize_sorts | ( | const T & | x, |
const data::sort_specification & | sort_spec, | ||
typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type * | = nullptr |
) |
Definition at line 123 of file normalize_sorts.h.
variable_list mcrl2::data::normalize_sorts | ( | const variable_list & | x, |
const data::sort_specification & | sortspec | ||
) |
void mcrl2::data::normalize_sorts | ( | data::data_equation_vector & | x, |
const data::sort_specification & | sortspec | ||
) |
void mcrl2::data::normalize_sorts | ( | T & | x, |
const data::sort_specification & | sort_spec, | ||
typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type * | = nullptr |
) |
Definition at line 113 of file normalize_sorts.h.
inline |
Definition at line 106 of file consistency.h.
inline |
Application of function symbol !=.
[in] | arg0 | A data expression |
[in] | arg1 | A data expression |
Definition at line 181 of file standard.h.
inline |
Constructor for function symbol !=.
[in] | s | A sort expression |
Definition at line 163 of file standard.h.
inline |
Construct numeric expression from a string representing a number in decimal notation.
s | A sort expression |
n | A string |
Definition at line 812 of file standard_numbers_utility.h.
inline |
Definition at line 22 of file index_traits.h.
T mcrl2::data::one_point_rule_rewrite | ( | const T & | x, |
typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type * | = 0 |
) |
Definition at line 126 of file one_point_rule_rewriter.h.
void mcrl2::data::one_point_rule_rewrite | ( | T & | x, |
typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type * | = 0 |
) |
Definition at line 120 of file one_point_rule_rewriter.h.
inline |
Merges two data specifications into one.
It is assumed that the two specs can be merged. I.e. that the second is a safe extension of the first.
[in] | spec1 | One of the input specifications. |
[in] | spec2 | The second input specification. |
Definition at line 736 of file data_specification.h.
atermpp::aterm_ostream & mcrl2::data::operator<< | ( | atermpp::aterm_ostream & | stream, |
const data_specification & | spec | ||
) |
Writes the data specification to a stream.
Definition at line 89 of file data_io.cpp.
inline |
standard conversion from rewrite strategy to stream
Definition at line 80 of file rewrite_strategy.h.
inline |
\brief Outputs the object to a stream \param out An output stream \param x Object x \return The output stream
Definition at line 94 of file abstraction.h.
inline |
inline |
\brief Outputs the object to a stream \param out An output stream \param x Object x \return The output stream
Definition at line 720 of file application.h.
inline |
\brief Outputs the object to a stream \param out An output stream \param x Object x \return The output stream
Definition at line 168 of file assignment.h.
inline |
\brief Outputs the object to a stream \param out An output stream \param x Object x \return The output stream
Definition at line 77 of file assignment.h.
inline |
\brief Outputs the object to a stream \param out An output stream \param x Object x \return The output stream
Definition at line 77 of file bag_comprehension.h.
inline |
\brief Outputs the object to a stream \param out An output stream \param x Object x \return The output stream
Definition at line 222 of file binder_type.h.
inline |
\brief Outputs the object to a stream \param out An output stream \param x Object x \return The output stream
Definition at line 222 of file container_type.h.
inline |
\brief Outputs the object to a stream \param out An output stream \param x Object x \return The output stream
Definition at line 79 of file basic_sort.h.
inline |
\brief Outputs the object to a stream \param out An output stream \param x Object x \return The output stream
Definition at line 63 of file binder_type.h.
inline |
\brief Outputs the object to a stream \param out An output stream \param x Object x \return The output stream
Definition at line 80 of file container_sort.h.
inline |
\brief Outputs the object to a stream \param out An output stream \param x Object x \return The output stream
Definition at line 63 of file container_type.h.
inline |
\brief Outputs the object to a stream \param out An output stream \param x Object x \return The output stream
Definition at line 135 of file data_equation.h.
inline |
\brief Outputs the object to a stream \param out An output stream \param x Object x \return The output stream
Definition at line 212 of file data_expression.h.
inline |
\brief Outputs the object to a stream \param out An output stream \param x Object x \return The output stream
Definition at line 724 of file data_specification.h.
std::ostream & mcrl2::data::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const enumerator_list_element< Expression > & | p | ||
) |
Definition at line 467 of file enumerator.h.
std::ostream & mcrl2::data::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const enumerator_list_element_with_substitution< Expression > & | p | ||
) |
Definition at line 483 of file enumerator.h.
inline |
Definition at line 157 of file enumerator_substitution.h.
inline |
inline |
\brief Outputs the object to a stream \param out An output stream \param x Object x \return The output stream
Definition at line 328 of file binder_type.h.
inline |
\brief Outputs the object to a stream \param out An output stream \param x Object x \return The output stream
Definition at line 328 of file container_type.h.
inline |
inline |
\brief Outputs the object to a stream \param out An output stream \param x Object x \return The output stream
Definition at line 275 of file binder_type.h.
inline |
\brief Outputs the object to a stream \param out An output stream \param x Object x \return The output stream
Definition at line 275 of file container_type.h.
inline |
\brief Outputs the object to a stream \param out An output stream \param x Object x \return The output stream
Definition at line 85 of file function_sort.h.
inline |
\brief Outputs the object to a stream \param out An output stream \param x Object x \return The output stream
Definition at line 101 of file function_symbol.h.
inline |
inline |
\brief Outputs the object to a stream \param out An output stream \param x Object x \return The output stream
Definition at line 381 of file binder_type.h.