No Matches
mcrl2::lts::detail Namespace Reference

A base class for the lts_dot labelled transition system. More...


namespace  bisim_dnj
namespace  bisim_gjkw
namespace  bisimulation_gj


class  action_detector
class  action_index_pair
 A simple class storing the index of a label and an index. More...
class  bisim_partitioner
class  bisim_partitioner_dnj
 implements the main algorithm for the branching bisimulation quotient More...
class  bisim_partitioner_gj
 implements the main algorithm for the branching bisimulation quotient More...
class  bisim_partitioner_gjkw
 implements the main algorithm for the stutter equivalence quotient More...
class  bisim_partitioner_minimal_depth
class  branching_bisim_partitioner_minimal_depth
class  check_complexity
 class for time complexity checks More...
class  compare_transitions_lts
class  compare_transitions_slt
class  compare_transitions_target
class  compare_transitions_tl
class  compare_transitions_tls
class  compare_transitions_tsl
class  constln_ptr_less
 function object to compare two constln_t pointers based on their contents More...
class  convertor
class  convertor< lts_aut_base, lts_lts_base >
class  convertor< lts_fsm_base, lts_dot_base >
class  convertor< lts_fsm_base, lts_lts_base >
class  convertor< lts_lts_base, lts_dot_base >
class  convertor< lts_lts_base, lts_fsm_base >
class  counter_example_constructor
 A class that can be used to store counterexample trees and. More...
struct  cs_game_move
struct  cs_game_node
class  deadlock_detector
class  divergence_detector
class  dummy_counter_example_constructor
 A class that can be used to construct counter examples if no. More...
class  embedded_list
class  embedded_list_node
class  fixed_vector
struct  fsm_builder
class  fsm_parameter
class  fsm_transition
 Transitions in an FSM. More...
class  indexed_sorted_vector_for_tau_transitions
class  indexed_sorted_vector_for_transitions
class  lts_aut_base
class  lts_cache
class  lts_dot_base
class  lts_fsm_base
class  lts_lts_base
 a base class for lts_lts_t and probabilistic_lts_t. More...
class  my_pool
class  nondeterminism_detector
class  prob_bisim_partitioner_bem
class  prob_bisim_partitioner_grv
class  progress_monitor
class  ready_sim_partitioner
class  scc_partitioner
 This class contains an scc partitioner removing inert tau loops. More...
class  sim_partitioner
class  simple_fsm_parser
class  simple_list
 a simple implementation of lists More...
class  state_states_counter_example_index_triple
class  trace_constructor


typedef std::size_t state_type
 type used to store state (numbers and) counts
typedef std::size_t trans_type
 type used to store transition (numbers and) counts
typedef std::make_signed< trans_type >::type signed_trans_type
 type used to store differences between transition counters
typedef std::size_t label_type
 type used to store label numbers and counts
typedef std::set< state_typeset_of_states
typedef std::multimap< detail::state_type, detail::set_of_statesanti_chain_type
typedef std::set< label_typeaction_label_set
template<class El >
using iterator_or_null_t = typename simple_list< El >::iterator_or_null
typedef std::set< bisim_gjkw::constln_t *, constln_ptr_lessR_map_t


enum  t_reach { unknown , reached , explored }


std::string split_string_until (std::string &s, const std::string &c1, const std::string &c2="")
lts_fsm_base::probabilistic_state parse_distribution (const std::string &distribution)
template<class LTS_TYPE >
void add_an_action_loop_to_each_state (LTS_TYPE &l, std::size_t action)
template<class LTS_TYPE >
void bisimulation_reduce (LTS_TYPE &l, const bool branching=false, const bool preserve_divergences=false)
 Reduce transition system l with respect to strong or (divergence preserving) branching bisimulation.
template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool destructive_bisimulation_compare (LTS_TYPE &l1, LTS_TYPE &l2, const bool branching=false, const bool preserve_divergences=false, const bool generate_counter_examples=false, const std::string &counter_example_file="", const bool structured_output=false)
 Checks whether the two initial states of two lts's are strong or branching bisimilar.
template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool bisimulation_compare (const LTS_TYPE &l1, const LTS_TYPE &l2, const bool branching=false, const bool preserve_divergences=false, const bool generate_counter_examples=false, const std::string &counter_example_file="", const bool structured_output=false)
 Checks whether the two initial states of two lts's are strong or branching bisimilar.
template<class LTS_TYPE >
void bisimulation_reduce_dnj (LTS_TYPE &l, bool const branching=false, bool const preserve_divergence=false)
 Reduce transition system l with respect to strong or (divergence-preserving) branching bisimulation.
template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool destructive_bisimulation_compare_dnj (LTS_TYPE &l1, LTS_TYPE &l2, bool const branching=false, bool const preserve_divergence=false, bool const generate_counter_examples=false, const std::string &="", bool=false)
 Checks whether the two initial states of two LTSs are strong or (divergence-preserving) branching bisimilar.
template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool bisimulation_compare_dnj (const LTS_TYPE &l1, const LTS_TYPE &l2, bool const branching=false, bool const preserve_divergence=false)
 Checks whether the two initial states of two LTSs are strong or (divergence-preserving) branching bisimilar.
template<class LTS_TYPE >
void bisimulation_reduce_gj (LTS_TYPE &l, const bool branching=false, const bool preserve_divergence=false)
 nonmember functions serving as interface with the rest of mCRL2
template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool destructive_bisimulation_compare_gj (LTS_TYPE &l1, LTS_TYPE &l2, const bool branching=false, const bool preserve_divergence=false, const bool generate_counter_examples=false, const std::string &="", bool=false)
 Checks whether the two initial states of two LTSs are strong or (divergence-preserving) branching bisimilar.
template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool bisimulation_compare_gj (const LTS_TYPE &l1, const LTS_TYPE &l2, const bool branching=false, const bool preserve_divergence=false)
 Checks whether the two initial states of two LTSs are strong or (divergence-preserving) branching bisimilar.
template<class LTS_TYPE >
void bisimulation_reduce_gjkw (LTS_TYPE &l, bool branching=false, bool preserve_divergence=false)
 Reduce transition system l with respect to strong or (divergence preserving) branching bisimulation.
template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool destructive_bisimulation_compare_gjkw (LTS_TYPE &l1, LTS_TYPE &l2, bool branching=false, bool preserve_divergence=false, bool generate_counter_examples=false)
 Checks whether the two initial states of two LTSs are strong or branching bisimilar.
template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool bisimulation_compare_gjkw (const LTS_TYPE &l1, const LTS_TYPE &l2, bool branching=false, bool preserve_divergence=false)
 Checks whether the two initial states of two LTSs are strong or branching bisimilar.
template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool destructive_bisimulation_compare_gjkw (LTS_TYPE &l1, LTS_TYPE &l2, bool branching, bool preserve_divergence, bool generate_counter_examples, const std::string &, bool)
template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool destructive_bisimulation_compare_minimal_depth (LTS_TYPE &l1, LTS_TYPE &l2, const std::string &counter_example_file)
template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool destructive_branching_bisimulation_compare_minimal_depth (LTS_TYPE &l1, LTS_TYPE &l2, const std::string &counter_example_file)
bool operator== (const cs_game_node &n0, const cs_game_node &n1)
bool operator!= (const cs_game_node &n0, const cs_game_node &n1)
bool operator< (const cs_game_node &n0, const cs_game_node &n1)
std::string to_string (const cs_game_node &n)
bool equals (const cs_game_move &m0, const cs_game_move &m1, bool weak_transition=false)
bool operator< (const cs_game_move &m0, const cs_game_move &m1)
template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool coupled_simulation_compare (LTS_TYPE &l1, LTS_TYPE &l2)
bool antichain_insert (anti_chain_type &anti_chain, const state_states_counter_example_index_triple< COUNTER_EXAMPLE_CONSTRUCTOR > &impl_spec)
template<class LTS_TYPE >
set_of_states collect_reachable_states_via_taus (const state_type s, const lts_cache< LTS_TYPE > &weak_property_cache, const bool weak_reduction)
template<class LTS_TYPE >
set_of_states collect_reachable_states_via_an_action (const state_type s, const label_type e, const lts_cache< LTS_TYPE > &weak_property_cache, const bool weak_reduction, const LTS_TYPE &l)
template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool refusals_contained_in (const state_type impl, const set_of_states &spec, const lts_cache< LTS_TYPE > &weak_property_cache, label_type &culprit, const LTS_TYPE &l, const bool provide_a_counter_example, const bool structured_output)
 This function checks that the refusals(impl) are contained in the refusals of spec, where the refusals of spec are defined by { r | exists s in spec. r in refusals(s) and stable(r) }.
template<class LTS_TYPE >
set_of_states collect_reachable_states_via_taus (const set_of_states &s, const lts_cache< LTS_TYPE > &weak_property_cache, const bool weak_reduction)
template<class LTS_TYPE >
const set_of_statescalculate_tau_reachable_states (const set_of_states &states, const lts_cache< LTS_TYPE > &weak_property_cache)
template<class LTS_TYPE >
void merge (LTS_TYPE &l1, const LTS_TYPE &l2)
template<class LTS_TYPE >
void probabilistic_bisimulation_reduce_bem (LTS_TYPE &l, utilities::execution_timer &timer)
 Reduce transition system l with respect to probabilistic bisimulation.
template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool destructive_probabilistic_bisimulation_compare_bem (LTS_TYPE &l1, LTS_TYPE &l2, utilities::execution_timer &timer)
 Checks whether the two initial states of two plts's are probabilistic bisimilar.
template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool probabilistic_bisimulation_compare_bem (const LTS_TYPE &l1, const LTS_TYPE &l2, utilities::execution_timer &timer)
 Checks whether the two initial states of two plts's are probabilistic bisimilar.
template<class LTS_TYPE >
void probabilistic_bisimulation_reduce_grv (LTS_TYPE &l, utilities::execution_timer &timer)
 Reduce transition system l with respect to probabilistic bisimulation.
template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool destructive_probabilistic_bisimulation_compare_grv (LTS_TYPE &l1, LTS_TYPE &l2, utilities::execution_timer &timer)
 Checks whether the two initial states of two plts's are probabilistic bisimilar.
template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool probabilistic_bisimulation_compare_grv (const LTS_TYPE &l1, const LTS_TYPE &l2, utilities::execution_timer &timer)
 Checks whether the two initial states of two plts's are probabilistic bisimilar.
template<class LTS_TYPE >
void plts_merge (LTS_TYPE &l1, const LTS_TYPE &l2)
template<class STATE_LABEL_T , class ACTION_LABEL_T , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE_T , class LTS_BASE >
void swap_to_non_probabilistic_lts (probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL_T, ACTION_LABEL_T, PROBABILISTIC_STATE_T, LTS_BASE > &l_probabilistic, lts< STATE_LABEL_T, ACTION_LABEL_T, LTS_BASE > &l_plain)
template<class STATE_LABEL_T , class ACTION_LABEL_T , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE_T , class LTS_BASE >
void translate_to_probabilistic_lts (const lts< STATE_LABEL_T, ACTION_LABEL_T, LTS_BASE > &l_plain, probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL_T, ACTION_LABEL_T, PROBABILISTIC_STATE_T, LTS_BASE > &l_probabilistic)
template<class STATE_LABEL_T , class ACTION_LABEL_T , class LTS_BASE_CLASS >
std::map< std::size_t, std::set< typename lts< STATE_LABEL_T, ACTION_LABEL_T, LTS_BASE_CLASS >::states_size_type > > calculate_non_reflexive_transitive_tau_closure (lts< STATE_LABEL_T, ACTION_LABEL_T, LTS_BASE_CLASS > &l, const bool forward)
 This procedure calculates the transitive tau closure as a separate vector of transitions, for a given transition system. \parameter l A labelled transition system \parameter forward A boolean that indicates whether the resulting closure.
template<class STATE_LABEL_T , class ACTION_LABEL_T , class LTS_BASE_CLASS >
void reflexive_transitive_tau_closure (lts< STATE_LABEL_T, ACTION_LABEL_T, LTS_BASE_CLASS > &l)
template<class STATE_LABEL_T , class ACTION_LABEL_T , class LTS_BASE_CLASS >
void remove_redundant_transitions (lts< STATE_LABEL_T, ACTION_LABEL_T, LTS_BASE_CLASS > &l)
 Removes each transition s-a->s' if also transitions s-a->-tau->s' or s-tau->-a->s' are present. It uses the hidden_label_set to determine whether transitions are internal.

template<class STATE_LABEL_T , class ACTION_LABEL_T , class LTS_BASE_CLASS >
void tau_star_reduce (lts< STATE_LABEL_T, ACTION_LABEL_T, LTS_BASE_CLASS > &l)
template<class LTS_TYPE >
void weak_bisimulation_reduce (LTS_TYPE &l, const bool preserve_divergences=false)
 Reduce LTS l with respect to (divergence-preserving) weak bisimulation.
template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool destructive_weak_bisimulation_compare (LTS_TYPE &l1, LTS_TYPE &l2, const bool preserve_divergences=false)
 Checks whether the initial states of two LTSs are weakly bisimilar.
template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool weak_bisimulation_compare (const LTS_TYPE &l1, const LTS_TYPE &l2, const bool preserve_divergences=false)
 Checks whether the initial states of two LTSs are weakly bisimilar.
utilities::probabilistic_arbitrary_precision_fraction translate_probability_data_to_arbitrary_size_probability (const data::data_expression &d)
 Translate a fraction given as a data_expression to a representation with an arbitrary size fraction.
PROBABILISTIC_STATE2 lts_convert_probabilistic_state (const PROBABILISTIC_STATE1 &)
mcrl2::utilities::probabilistic_arbitrary_precision_fraction translate_probability_data_prob (const data::data_expression &d)
action_label_lts translate_label_aux (const action_label_string &l1, const data::data_specification &data, lps::multi_action_type_checker &typechecker)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_lts_base &base_in, lts_lts_base &base_out)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_lts_base &base_in, lts_lts_base &base_out, const data::data_specification &, const process::action_label_list &, const data::variable_list &, const bool extra_data_is_defined=true)
action_label_lts lts_convert_translate_label (const action_label_lts &l_in, convertor< lts_lts_base, lts_lts_base > &)
void lts_convert_translate_state (const state_label_lts &state_label_in, state_label_lts &state_label_out, convertor< lts_lts_base, lts_lts_base > &)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_lts_base &base_in, lts_fsm_base &base_out)
action_label_string lts_convert_translate_label (const action_label_lts &l_in, convertor< lts_lts_base, lts_fsm_base > &)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_lts_base &base_in, lts_fsm_base &base_out, const data::data_specification &, const process::action_label_list &, const data::variable_list &, const bool extra_data_is_defined=true)
void lts_convert_translate_state (const state_label_lts &state_label_in, state_label_fsm &state_label_out, convertor< lts_lts_base, lts_fsm_base > &c)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_lts_base &, lts_aut_base &)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_lts_base &base_in, lts_aut_base &base_out, const data::data_specification &, const process::action_label_list &, const data::variable_list &, const bool extra_data_is_defined=true)
action_label_string lts_convert_translate_label (const action_label_lts &l_in, convertor< lts_lts_base, lts_aut_base > &)
void lts_convert_translate_state (const state_label_lts &, state_label_empty &state_label_out, convertor< lts_lts_base, lts_aut_base > &)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_lts_base &, lts_dot_base &)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_lts_base &base_in, lts_dot_base &base_out, const data::data_specification &, const process::action_label_list &, const data::variable_list &, const bool extra_data_is_defined=true)
action_label_string lts_convert_translate_label (const action_label_lts &l_in, convertor< lts_lts_base, lts_dot_base > &)
void lts_convert_translate_state (const state_label_lts &state_label_in, state_label_dot &state_label_out, convertor< lts_lts_base, lts_dot_base > &c)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_fsm_base &, lts_lts_base &)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_fsm_base &base_in, lts_lts_base &base_out, const data::data_specification &data, const process::action_label_list &action_labels, const data::variable_list &process_parameters, const bool extra_data_is_defined=true)
action_label_lts lts_convert_translate_label (const action_label_string &l1, convertor< lts_fsm_base, lts_lts_base > &c)
void lts_convert_translate_state (const state_label_fsm &state_label_in, state_label_lts &state_label_out, convertor< lts_fsm_base, lts_lts_base > &c)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_fsm_base &base_in, lts_fsm_base &base_out)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_fsm_base &base_in, lts_fsm_base &base_out, const data::data_specification &, const process::action_label_list &, const data::variable_list &, const bool extra_data_is_defined=true)
void lts_convert_translate_state (const state_label_fsm &state_label_in, state_label_fsm &state_label_out, convertor< lts_fsm_base, lts_fsm_base > &)
action_label_string lts_convert_translate_label (const action_label_string &l_in, convertor< lts_fsm_base, lts_fsm_base > &)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_fsm_base &, lts_aut_base &)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_fsm_base &base_in, lts_aut_base &base_out, const data::data_specification &, const process::action_label_list &, const data::variable_list &, const bool extra_data_is_defined=true)
void lts_convert_translate_state (const state_label_fsm &, state_label_empty &state_label_out, convertor< lts_fsm_base, lts_aut_base > &)
action_label_string lts_convert_translate_label (const action_label_string &l_in, convertor< lts_fsm_base, lts_aut_base > &)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_fsm_base &, lts_dot_base &)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_fsm_base &base_in, lts_dot_base &base_out, const data::data_specification &, const process::action_label_list &, const data::variable_list &, const bool extra_data_is_defined=true)
void lts_convert_translate_state (const state_label_fsm &state_label_in, state_label_dot &state_label_out, convertor< lts_fsm_base, lts_dot_base > &c)
action_label_string lts_convert_translate_label (const action_label_string &l_in, convertor< lts_fsm_base, lts_dot_base > &)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_aut_base &, lts_lts_base &)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_aut_base &base_in, lts_lts_base &base_out, const data::data_specification &data, const process::action_label_list &action_labels, const data::variable_list &process_parameters, const bool extra_data_is_defined=true)
action_label_lts lts_convert_translate_label (const action_label_string &l_in, convertor< lts_aut_base, lts_lts_base > &c)
void lts_convert_translate_state (const state_label_empty &, state_label_lts &state_label_out, convertor< lts_aut_base, lts_lts_base > &)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_aut_base &, lts_fsm_base &base_out)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_aut_base &base_in, lts_fsm_base &base_out, const data::data_specification &, const process::action_label_list &, const data::variable_list &, const bool extra_data_is_defined=true)
action_label_string lts_convert_translate_label (const action_label_string &l_in, convertor< lts_aut_base, lts_fsm_base > &)
void lts_convert_translate_state (const state_label_empty &, state_label_fsm &state_label_out, convertor< lts_aut_base, lts_fsm_base > &)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_aut_base &base_in, lts_aut_base &base_out)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_aut_base &base_in, lts_aut_base &base_out, const data::data_specification &, const process::action_label_list &, const data::variable_list &, const bool extra_data_is_defined=true)
void lts_convert_translate_state (const state_label_empty &state_label_in, state_label_empty &state_label_out, convertor< lts_aut_base, lts_aut_base > &)
action_label_string lts_convert_translate_label (const action_label_string &l_in, convertor< lts_aut_base, lts_aut_base > &)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_aut_base &, lts_dot_base &)
void lts_convert_base_class (const lts_aut_base &base_in, lts_dot_base &base_out, const data::data_specification &, const process::action_label_list &, const data::variable_list &, const bool extra_data_is_defined=true)
void lts_convert_translate_state (const state_label_empty &, state_label_dot &state_label_out, convertor< lts_aut_base, lts_dot_base > &)
action_label_string lts_convert_translate_label (const action_label_string &l_in, convertor< lts_aut_base, lts_dot_base > &)
template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void lts_convert_aux (const lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, LTS_BASE1 > &lts_in, lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, LTS_BASE2 > &lts_out)
template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void lts_convert (const lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, LTS_BASE1 > &lts_in, lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, LTS_BASE2 > &lts_out)
template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void lts_convert (const lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, LTS_BASE1 > &lts_in, lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, LTS_BASE2 > &lts_out, const data::data_specification &ds, const process::action_label_list &all, const data::variable_list &vl, const bool extra_data_is_defined=true)
template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void remove_probabilities (const probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, PROBABILISTIC_STATE1, LTS_BASE1 > &lts_in, lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, LTS_BASE2 > &lts_out)
template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void lts_convert (const probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, PROBABILISTIC_STATE1, LTS_BASE1 > &lts_in, lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, LTS_BASE2 > &lts_out)
template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void lts_convert (const probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, PROBABILISTIC_STATE1, LTS_BASE1 > &lts_in, lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, LTS_BASE2 > &lts_out, const data::data_specification &data, const process::action_label_list &action_label_list, const data::variable_list &process_parameters, const bool extra_data_is_defined=true)
template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void add_probabilities (const lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, LTS_BASE1 > &lts_in, probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, PROBABILISTIC_STATE2, LTS_BASE2 > &lts_out)
template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void lts_convert (const lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, LTS_BASE1 > &lts_in, probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, PROBABILISTIC_STATE2, LTS_BASE2 > &lts_out)
template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void lts_convert (const lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, LTS_BASE1 > &lts_in, probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, PROBABILISTIC_STATE2, LTS_BASE2 > &lts_out, const data::data_specification &data, const process::action_label_list &action_label_list, const data::variable_list &process_parameters, const bool extra_data_is_defined=true)
template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void translate_probability_labels (const probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, PROBABILISTIC_STATE1, LTS_BASE1 > &lts_in, probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, PROBABILISTIC_STATE2, LTS_BASE2 > &lts_out)
template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void lts_convert (const probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, PROBABILISTIC_STATE1, LTS_BASE1 > &lts_in, probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, PROBABILISTIC_STATE2, LTS_BASE2 > &lts_out)
template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void lts_convert (const probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, PROBABILISTIC_STATE1, LTS_BASE1 > &lts_in, probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, PROBABILISTIC_STATE2, LTS_BASE2 > &lts_out, const data::data_specification &data, const process::action_label_list &action_label_list, const data::variable_list &process_parameters, const bool extra_data_is_defined=true)
void add_options (utilities::interface_description &desc)
template<class LTS_TYPE >
void load_lts (const utilities::command_line_parser &parser, const std::string &ltsfilename, LTS_TYPE &result)
template<class LTS_TYPE >
lps::stochastic_specification extract_specification (const LTS_TYPE &l)
std::size_t apply_hidden_labels (const std::size_t n, const std::set< std::size_t > &hidden_action_set)
template<class LTS_TYPE >
void get_trans (const outgoing_transitions_per_state_t &begin, tree_set_store &tss, std::size_t d, std::vector< transition > &d_trans, LTS_TYPE &aut)
lts_type guess_format (std::string const &s, const bool be_verbose=true)
 Determines the LTS format from a filename by its extension.
lts_type parse_format (std::string const &s)
 Determines the LTS format from a format specification string.
std::string string_for_type (const lts_type type)
 Gives a string representation of an LTS format.
std::string extension_for_type (const lts_type type)
 Gives the filename extension associated with an LTS format.
std::string mime_type_for_type (const lts_type type)
 Gives the MIME type associated with an LTS format.
const std::set< lts_type > & supported_lts_formats ()
 Gives the set of all supported LTS formats.
std::string supported_lts_formats_text (lts_type default_format=lts_none, const std::set< lts_type > &supported=supported_lts_formats())
 Gives a textual list describing supported LTS formats.
std::string supported_lts_formats_text (const std::set< lts_type > &supported)
 Gives a textual list describing supported LTS formats.
std::string lts_extensions_as_string (const std::string &sep=",", const std::set< lts_type > &supported=supported_lts_formats())
 Gives a list of extensions for supported LTS formats.
std::string lts_extensions_as_string (const std::set< lts_type > &supported)
 Gives a list of extensions for supported LTS formats.
void read_lps_context (const std::string &data_file, data::data_specification &data, process::action_label_list &action_labels, data::variable_list &process_parameters)
void read_data_context (const std::string &data_file, data::data_specification &data, process::action_label_list &action_labels)
void read_mcrl2_context (const std::string &data_file, data::data_specification &data, process::action_label_list &action_labels)
template<class LTS_TYPE_IN , class LTS_TYPE_OUT >
void convert_to_lts_lts (LTS_TYPE_IN &src, LTS_TYPE_OUT &dest, const data_file_type_t extra_data_file_type, const std::string &extra_data_file_name)
template<class LABEL_TYPE >
LABEL_TYPE make_divergence_label (const std::string &s)
mcrl2::lts::action_label_lts make_divergence_label< mcrl2::lts::action_label_lts > (const std::string &s)
template<class LTS_TYPE >
std::size_t mark_explicit_divergence_transitions (LTS_TYPE &l)
template<class LTS_TYPE >
void unmark_explicit_divergence_transitions (LTS_TYPE &l, const std::size_t divergent_transition_label)
bool save_trace (class trace &tr, const std::string &filename)
void save_traces (class trace &tr, const std::string &filename1, class trace &tr2, const std::string &filename2)
static const std::set< lts_type > & initialise_supported_lts_formats ()
template<typename T >
bool lts_named_cmp (const std::string N[], T a, T b)
static const atermpp::atermtransition_mark ()
static const atermpp::atermprobabilistic_transition_mark ()
static const atermpp::aterminitial_state_mark ()
static const atermpp::atermlabelled_transition_system_mark ()
static void set_initial_state (lts_lts_t &lts, const probabilistic_lts_lts_t::probabilistic_state_t &initial_state)
static void set_initial_state (probabilistic_lts_lts_t &lts, const probabilistic_lts_lts_t::probabilistic_state_t &initial_state)
template<class LTS >
static void read_lts (atermpp::aterm_istream &stream, LTS &lts)
template<class LTS_TRANSITION_SYSTEM >
static void read_from_lts (LTS_TRANSITION_SYSTEM &lts, const std::string &filename)
void write_initial_state (atermpp::aterm_ostream &stream, const probabilistic_lts_lts_t &lts)
void write_initial_state (atermpp::aterm_ostream &stream, const lts_lts_t &lts)
template<class LTS >
static void write_lts (atermpp::aterm_ostream &stream, const LTS &lts)
template<class LTS_TRANSITION_SYSTEM >
static void write_to_lts (const LTS_TRANSITION_SYSTEM &lts, const std::string &filename)


const unsigned char NODE_ATK = 0
const unsigned char NODE_DEF = 1
const unsigned char NODE_CPL = 2
static const std::string type_strings [] = { "unknown", "lts", "aut", "fsm", "dot" }
static const std::string extension_strings [] = { "", "lts", "aut", "fsm", "dot" }
static std::string type_desc_strings []
static std::string mime_type_strings []

Detailed Description

A base class for the lts_dot labelled transition system.

Typedef Documentation

◆ action_label_set

Definition at line 37 of file liblts_failures_refinement.h.

◆ anti_chain_type

◆ iterator_or_null_t

template<class El >
using mcrl2::lts::detail::iterator_or_null_t = typedef typename simple_list<El>::iterator_or_null

Definition at line 612 of file simple_list.h.

◆ label_type

typedef std::size_t mcrl2::lts::detail::label_type

type used to store label numbers and counts

It would be better to define it as LTS_TYPE::labels_size_type, but that would require most classes to become templates.

Definition at line 113 of file liblts_bisim_dnj.h.

◆ R_map_t

◆ set_of_states

Definition at line 35 of file liblts_failures_refinement.h.

◆ signed_trans_type

typedef std::make_signed<trans_type>::type mcrl2::lts::detail::signed_trans_type

type used to store differences between transition counters

Definition at line 114 of file check_complexity.h.

◆ state_type

typedef std::size_t mcrl2::lts::detail::state_type

type used to store state (numbers and) counts

defined here because this is the most basic #include header that uses it.

It would be better to define it as LTS_TYPE::states_size_type but that would require most classes to become templates.

Definition at line 97 of file check_complexity.h.

◆ trans_type

typedef std::size_t mcrl2::lts::detail::trans_type

type used to store transition (numbers and) counts

defined here because this is the most basic #include header that uses it.

It would be better to define it as LTS_TYPE::transitions_size_type but that would require most classes to become templates.

Definition at line 107 of file check_complexity.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ t_reach


Definition at line 26 of file liblts_tau_star_reduce.h.

Function Documentation

◆ add_an_action_loop_to_each_state()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::add_an_action_loop_to_each_state ( LTS_TYPE &  l,
std::size_t  action 

Definition at line 25 of file liblts_add_an_action_loop.h.

◆ add_options()

void mcrl2::lts::detail::add_options ( utilities::interface_description &  desc)

Definition at line 26 of file lts_load.h.

◆ add_probabilities()

template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::add_probabilities ( const lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, LTS_BASE1 > &  lts_in,
probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, PROBABILISTIC_STATE2, LTS_BASE2 > &  lts_out 

Definition at line 906 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ antichain_insert()

bool mcrl2::lts::detail::antichain_insert ( anti_chain_type anti_chain,
const state_states_counter_example_index_triple< COUNTER_EXAMPLE_CONSTRUCTOR > &  impl_spec 

Definition at line 504 of file liblts_failures_refinement.h.

◆ apply_hidden_labels()

std::size_t mcrl2::lts::detail::apply_hidden_labels ( const std::size_t  n,
const std::set< std::size_t > &  hidden_action_set 

Definition at line 25 of file transition.h.

◆ bisimulation_compare()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool mcrl2::lts::detail::bisimulation_compare ( const LTS_TYPE &  l1,
const LTS_TYPE &  l2,
const bool  branching = false,
const bool  preserve_divergences = false,
const bool  generate_counter_examples = false,
const std::string &  counter_example_file = "",
const bool  structured_output = false 

Checks whether the two initial states of two lts's are strong or branching bisimilar.

The current transitions system and the lts l2 are first duplicated and subsequently reduced modulo bisimulation. If memory space is a concern, one could consider to use destructive_bisimulation_compare. This routine uses the Groote-Vaandrager branching bisimulation routine. It runs in O(mn) and uses O(n) memory where n is the number of states and m is the number of transitions.

[in/out]l1 A first transition system.
[in/out]l2 A second transistion system.
[in]branchingIf true branching bisimulation is used, otherwise strong bisimulation is applied.
[in]preserve_divergencesIf true and branching is true, preserve tau loops on states.
[in]generate_counter_examplesWhether to generate a counter example
[in]counter_example_fileThe file to store the counter example in
Return values
Trueiff the initial states of the current transition system and l2 are (divergence preserving) (branching) bisimilar

Definition at line 1214 of file liblts_bisim.h.

◆ bisimulation_compare_gj()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool mcrl2::lts::detail::bisimulation_compare_gj ( const LTS_TYPE &  l1,
const LTS_TYPE &  l2,
const bool  branching = false,
const bool  preserve_divergence = false 

Checks whether the two initial states of two LTSs are strong or (divergence-preserving) branching bisimilar.

The LTSs l1 and l2 are first duplicated and subsequently reduced modulo bisimulation. If memory is a concern, one could consider to use destructive_bisimulation_compare(). This routine uses the O(m log n) branching bisimulation algorithm developed in 2018 by David N. Jansen. It runs in O(m log n) time and uses O(m) memory, where n is the number of states and m is the number of transitions.

l1A first transition system.
l2A second transistion system.
branchingIf true branching bisimulation is used, otherwise strong bisimulation is applied.
preserve_divergenceIf true and branching is true, preserve tau loops on states.
Return values
Trueiff the initial states of the transition systems l1 and l2 are ((divergence-preserving) branching) bisimilar.

Definition at line 7136 of file liblts_bisim_gj.h.

◆ bisimulation_reduce()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::bisimulation_reduce ( LTS_TYPE &  l,
const bool  branching = false,
const bool  preserve_divergences = false 

Reduce transition system l with respect to strong or (divergence preserving) branching bisimulation.

[in/out]l The transition system that is reduced.
[in]branchingIf true branching bisimulation is applied, otherwise strong bisimulation.
[in]preserve_divergencesIndicates whether loops of internal actions on states must be preserved. If false these are removed. If true these are preserved.

Definition at line 1195 of file liblts_bisim.h.

◆ bisimulation_reduce_gj()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::bisimulation_reduce_gj ( LTS_TYPE &  l,
const bool  branching = false,
const bool  preserve_divergence = false 

nonmember functions serving as interface with the rest of mCRL2

These functions are copied, almost without changes, from liblts_bisim_gw.h, which was written by Anton Wijs.

Reduce transition system l with respect to strong or (divergence-preserving) branching bisimulation.

[in,out]lThe transition system that is reduced.
branchingIf true branching bisimulation is applied, otherwise strong bisimulation.
preserve_divergenceIndicates whether loops of internal actions on states must be preserved. If false these are removed. If true these are preserved.

Definition at line 7043 of file liblts_bisim_gj.h.

◆ calculate_non_reflexive_transitive_tau_closure()

template<class STATE_LABEL_T , class ACTION_LABEL_T , class LTS_BASE_CLASS >
std::map< std::size_t, std::set< typename lts< STATE_LABEL_T, ACTION_LABEL_T, LTS_BASE_CLASS >::states_size_type > > mcrl2::lts::detail::calculate_non_reflexive_transitive_tau_closure ( lts< STATE_LABEL_T, ACTION_LABEL_T, LTS_BASE_CLASS > &  l,
const bool  forward 

This procedure calculates the transitive tau closure as a separate vector of transitions, for a given transition system. \parameter l A labelled transition system \parameter forward A boolean that indicates whether the resulting closure.

A map from states to sets of states indicating for each state those

Definition at line 40 of file liblts_tau_star_reduce.h.

◆ calculate_tau_reachable_states()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
const set_of_states & mcrl2::lts::detail::calculate_tau_reachable_states ( const set_of_states states,
const lts_cache< LTS_TYPE > &  weak_property_cache 

Definition at line 543 of file liblts_failures_refinement.h.

◆ collect_reachable_states_via_an_action()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
set_of_states mcrl2::lts::detail::collect_reachable_states_via_an_action ( const state_type  s,
const label_type  e,
const lts_cache< LTS_TYPE > &  weak_property_cache,
const bool  weak_reduction,
const LTS_TYPE &  l 

Definition at line 468 of file liblts_failures_refinement.h.

◆ collect_reachable_states_via_taus() [1/2]

template<class LTS_TYPE >
set_of_states mcrl2::lts::detail::collect_reachable_states_via_taus ( const set_of_states s,
const lts_cache< LTS_TYPE > &  weak_property_cache,
const bool  weak_reduction 

Definition at line 428 of file liblts_failures_refinement.h.

◆ collect_reachable_states_via_taus() [2/2]

template<class LTS_TYPE >
set_of_states mcrl2::lts::detail::collect_reachable_states_via_taus ( const state_type  s,
const lts_cache< LTS_TYPE > &  weak_property_cache,
const bool  weak_reduction 

Definition at line 458 of file liblts_failures_refinement.h.

◆ convert_to_lts_lts()

template<class LTS_TYPE_IN , class LTS_TYPE_OUT >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::convert_to_lts_lts ( LTS_TYPE_IN &  src,
LTS_TYPE_OUT &  dest,
const data_file_type_t  extra_data_file_type,
const std::string &  extra_data_file_name 

Definition at line 153 of file lts_io.h.

◆ coupled_simulation_compare()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool mcrl2::lts::detail::coupled_simulation_compare ( LTS_TYPE &  l1,
LTS_TYPE &  l2 


Definition at line 148 of file liblts_coupledsim.h.

◆ destructive_bisimulation_compare()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool mcrl2::lts::detail::destructive_bisimulation_compare ( LTS_TYPE &  l1,
LTS_TYPE &  l2,
const bool  branching = false,
const bool  preserve_divergences = false,
const bool  generate_counter_examples = false,
const std::string &  counter_example_file = "",
const bool  structured_output = false 

Checks whether the two initial states of two lts's are strong or branching bisimilar.

This lts and the lts l2 are not usable anymore after this call. The space consumption is O(n) and time is O(nm). It uses the branching bisimulation algorithm by Groote and Vaandrager from 1990.

[in/out]l1 A first transition system.
[in/out]l2 A second transition system.
[in]branchingIf true branching bisimulation is used, otherwise strong bisimulation is applied.
[in]preserve_divergencesIf true and branching is true, preserve tau loops on states.
[in]generate_counter_examplesWhether to generate a counter example
[in]counter_example_fileThe file to store the counter example in
Return values
Trueiff the initial states of the current transition system and l2 are (divergence preserving) (branching) bisimilar

Definition at line 1242 of file liblts_bisim.h.

◆ destructive_bisimulation_compare_gj()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool mcrl2::lts::detail::destructive_bisimulation_compare_gj ( LTS_TYPE &  l1,
LTS_TYPE &  l2,
const bool  branching = false,
const bool  preserve_divergence = false,
const bool  generate_counter_examples = false,
const std::string &  = "",
bool  = false 

Checks whether the two initial states of two LTSs are strong or (divergence-preserving) branching bisimilar.

This routine uses the O(m log n) branching bisimulation algorithm developed in 2018 by David N. Jansen. It runs in O(m log n) time and uses O(m) memory, where n is the number of states and m is the number of transitions.

The LTSs l1 and l2 are not usable anymore after this call.

[in,out]l1A first transition system.
[in,out]l2A second transistion system.
branchingIf true branching bisimulation is used, otherwise strong bisimulation is applied.
preserve_divergenceIf true and branching is true, preserve tau loops on states.
generate_counter_examples(non-functional, only in the interface for historical reasons)
True iff the initial states of the transition systems l1 and l2 are ((divergence-preserving) branching) bisimilar.

Definition at line 7090 of file liblts_bisim_gj.h.

◆ destructive_bisimulation_compare_minimal_depth()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool mcrl2::lts::detail::destructive_bisimulation_compare_minimal_depth ( LTS_TYPE &  l1,
LTS_TYPE &  l2,
const std::string &  counter_example_file 

Definition at line 631 of file liblts_bisim_minimal_depth.h.

◆ destructive_branching_bisimulation_compare_minimal_depth()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool mcrl2::lts::detail::destructive_branching_bisimulation_compare_minimal_depth ( LTS_TYPE &  l1,
LTS_TYPE &  l2,
const std::string &  counter_example_file 

Definition at line 613 of file liblts_branching_bisim_minimal_depth.h.

◆ destructive_probabilistic_bisimulation_compare_bem()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool mcrl2::lts::detail::destructive_probabilistic_bisimulation_compare_bem ( LTS_TYPE &  l1,
LTS_TYPE &  l2,
utilities::execution_timer timer 

Checks whether the two initial states of two plts's are probabilistic bisimilar.

This lts and the lts l2 are not usable anymore after this call.

[in/out]l1 A first probabilistic transition system.
[in/out]l2 A second probabilistic transition system.
Return values
Trueiff the initial states of the current transition system and l2 are probabilistic bisimilar

Definition at line 834 of file liblts_pbisim_bem.h.

◆ destructive_probabilistic_bisimulation_compare_grv()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool mcrl2::lts::detail::destructive_probabilistic_bisimulation_compare_grv ( LTS_TYPE &  l1,
LTS_TYPE &  l2,
utilities::execution_timer timer 

Checks whether the two initial states of two plts's are probabilistic bisimilar.

This lts and the lts l2 are not usable anymore after this call.

[in/out]l1 A first probabilistic transition system.
[in/out]l2 A second probabilistic transition system.
Return values
Trueiff the initial states of the current transition system and l2 are probabilistic bisimilar

Definition at line 1378 of file liblts_pbisim_grv.h.

◆ destructive_weak_bisimulation_compare()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool mcrl2::lts::detail::destructive_weak_bisimulation_compare ( LTS_TYPE &  l1,
LTS_TYPE &  l2,
const bool  preserve_divergences = false 

Checks whether the initial states of two LTSs are weakly bisimilar.

The LTSs l1 and l2 are not usable anymore after this call. The space consumption is O(n) and running time is dominated by the transitive closure (after branching bisimulation).

[in/out]l1 A first transition system.
[in/out]l2 A second transistion system.
[preserve_divergences]If true and branching is true, preserve tau loops on states.
Return values
Trueiff the initial states of the current transition system and l2 are (divergence preserving) (branching) bisimilar

Definition at line 75 of file liblts_weak_bisim.h.

◆ equals()

bool mcrl2::lts::detail::equals ( const cs_game_move m0,
const cs_game_move m1,
bool  weak_transition = false 

Definition at line 131 of file liblts_coupledsim.h.

◆ extension_for_type()

std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::extension_for_type ( const lts_type  type)

Gives the filename extension associated with an LTS format.

[in]typeThe LTS format.
The filename extension of the LTS format specified by type.

Definition at line 118 of file liblts.cpp.

◆ extract_specification()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
lps::stochastic_specification mcrl2::lts::detail::extract_specification ( const LTS_TYPE &  l)

Definition at line 87 of file lts_load.h.

◆ get_trans()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::get_trans ( const outgoing_transitions_per_state_t begin,
tree_set_store tss,
std::size_t  d,
std::vector< transition > &  d_trans,
LTS_TYPE &  aut 

Definition at line 1036 of file lts_algorithm.h.

◆ guess_format()

lts_type mcrl2::lts::detail::guess_format ( std::string const &  s,
const bool  be_verbose = true 

Determines the LTS format from a filename by its extension.

[in]sThe name of the file of which the format will be determined.
[in]be_verboseIf true, messages about the detected file format are printed in verbose mode.
The LTS format based on the extension of s. If no supported format can be determined from the extension then lts_none is returned.

Definition at line 26 of file liblts.cpp.

◆ initial_state_mark()

static const atermpp::aterm & mcrl2::lts::detail::initial_state_mark ( )

Definition at line 102 of file liblts_lts.cpp.

◆ initialise_supported_lts_formats()

static const std::set< lts_type > & mcrl2::lts::detail::initialise_supported_lts_formats ( )

Definition at line 128 of file liblts.cpp.

◆ labelled_transition_system_mark()

static const atermpp::aterm & mcrl2::lts::detail::labelled_transition_system_mark ( )

Definition at line 108 of file liblts_lts.cpp.

◆ load_lts()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::load_lts ( const utilities::command_line_parser &  parser,
const std::string &  ltsfilename,
LTS_TYPE &  result 

Definition at line 44 of file lts_load.h.

◆ lts_convert() [1/8]

template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert ( const lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, LTS_BASE1 > &  lts_in,
lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, LTS_BASE2 > &  lts_out 

Definition at line 826 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert() [2/8]

template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert ( const lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, LTS_BASE1 > &  lts_in,
lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, LTS_BASE2 > &  lts_out,
const data::data_specification ds,
const process::action_label_list all,
const data::variable_list vl,
const bool  extra_data_is_defined = true 

Definition at line 835 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert() [3/8]

template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert ( const lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, LTS_BASE1 > &  lts_in,
probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, PROBABILISTIC_STATE2, LTS_BASE2 > &  lts_out 

Definition at line 918 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert() [4/8]

template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert ( const lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, LTS_BASE1 > &  lts_in,
probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, PROBABILISTIC_STATE2, LTS_BASE2 > &  lts_out,
const data::data_specification data,
const process::action_label_list action_label_list,
const data::variable_list process_parameters,
const bool  extra_data_is_defined = true 

Definition at line 927 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert() [5/8]

template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert ( const probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, PROBABILISTIC_STATE1, LTS_BASE1 > &  lts_in,
lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, LTS_BASE2 > &  lts_out 

Definition at line 879 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert() [6/8]

template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert ( const probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, PROBABILISTIC_STATE1, LTS_BASE1 > &  lts_in,
lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, LTS_BASE2 > &  lts_out,
const data::data_specification data,
const process::action_label_list action_label_list,
const data::variable_list process_parameters,
const bool  extra_data_is_defined = true 

Definition at line 891 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert() [7/8]

template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert ( const probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, PROBABILISTIC_STATE1, LTS_BASE1 > &  lts_in,
probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, PROBABILISTIC_STATE2, LTS_BASE2 > &  lts_out 

Definition at line 956 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert() [8/8]

template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert ( const probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, PROBABILISTIC_STATE1, LTS_BASE1 > &  lts_in,
probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, PROBABILISTIC_STATE2, LTS_BASE2 > &  lts_out,
const data::data_specification data,
const process::action_label_list action_label_list,
const data::variable_list process_parameters,
const bool  extra_data_is_defined = true 

Definition at line 966 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_aux()

template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_aux ( const lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, LTS_BASE1 > &  lts_in,
lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, LTS_BASE2 > &  lts_out 

Definition at line 789 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [1/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_aut_base ,

Definition at line 751 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [2/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_aut_base ,
lts_fsm_base base_out 

Definition at line 688 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [3/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_aut_base ,

Definition at line 646 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [4/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_aut_base base_in,
lts_aut_base base_out 

Definition at line 720 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [5/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_aut_base base_in,
lts_aut_base base_out,
const data::data_specification ,
const process::action_label_list ,
const data::variable_list ,
const bool  extra_data_is_defined = true 

Definition at line 725 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [6/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_aut_base base_in,
lts_dot_base base_out,
const data::data_specification ,
const process::action_label_list ,
const data::variable_list ,
const bool  extra_data_is_defined = true 

Definition at line 756 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [7/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_aut_base base_in,
lts_fsm_base base_out,
const data::data_specification ,
const process::action_label_list ,
const data::variable_list ,
const bool  extra_data_is_defined = true 

Definition at line 694 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [8/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_aut_base base_in,
lts_lts_base base_out,
const data::data_specification data,
const process::action_label_list action_labels,
const data::variable_list process_parameters,
const bool  extra_data_is_defined = true 

Definition at line 651 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [9/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_fsm_base ,

Definition at line 541 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [10/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_fsm_base ,

Definition at line 586 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [11/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_fsm_base ,

Definition at line 436 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [12/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_fsm_base base_in,
lts_aut_base base_out,
const data::data_specification ,
const process::action_label_list ,
const data::variable_list ,
const bool  extra_data_is_defined = true 

Definition at line 546 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [13/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_fsm_base base_in,
lts_dot_base base_out,
const data::data_specification ,
const process::action_label_list ,
const data::variable_list ,
const bool  extra_data_is_defined = true 

Definition at line 591 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [14/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_fsm_base base_in,
lts_fsm_base base_out 

Definition at line 510 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [15/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_fsm_base base_in,
lts_fsm_base base_out,
const data::data_specification ,
const process::action_label_list ,
const data::variable_list ,
const bool  extra_data_is_defined = true 

Definition at line 515 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [16/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_fsm_base base_in,
lts_lts_base base_out,
const data::data_specification data,
const process::action_label_list action_labels,
const data::variable_list process_parameters,
const bool  extra_data_is_defined = true 

Definition at line 441 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [17/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_lts_base ,

Definition at line 343 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [18/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_lts_base ,

Definition at line 386 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [19/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_lts_base base_in,
lts_aut_base base_out,
const data::data_specification ,
const process::action_label_list ,
const data::variable_list ,
const bool  extra_data_is_defined = true 

Definition at line 348 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [20/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_lts_base base_in,
lts_dot_base base_out,
const data::data_specification ,
const process::action_label_list ,
const data::variable_list ,
const bool  extra_data_is_defined = true 

Definition at line 391 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [21/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_lts_base base_in,
lts_fsm_base base_out 

Definition at line 271 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [22/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_lts_base base_in,
lts_fsm_base base_out,
const data::data_specification ,
const process::action_label_list ,
const data::variable_list ,
const bool  extra_data_is_defined = true 

Definition at line 286 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [23/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_lts_base base_in,
lts_lts_base base_out 

Definition at line 225 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_base_class() [24/24]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_base_class ( const lts_lts_base base_in,
lts_lts_base base_out,
const data::data_specification ,
const process::action_label_list ,
const data::variable_list ,
const bool  extra_data_is_defined = true 

Definition at line 230 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_probabilistic_state()

PROBABILISTIC_STATE2 mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_probabilistic_state ( const PROBABILISTIC_STATE1 &  )

Definition at line 50 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_label() [1/12]

action_label_string mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_label ( const action_label_lts l_in,
convertor< lts_lts_base, lts_aut_base > &   

Definition at line 362 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_label() [2/12]

action_label_string mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_label ( const action_label_lts l_in,
convertor< lts_lts_base, lts_dot_base > &   

Definition at line 405 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_label() [3/12]

action_label_string mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_label ( const action_label_lts l_in,
convertor< lts_lts_base, lts_fsm_base > &   

Definition at line 281 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_label() [4/12]

action_label_lts mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_label ( const action_label_lts l_in,
convertor< lts_lts_base, lts_lts_base > &   

Definition at line 244 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_label() [5/12]

action_label_lts mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_label ( const action_label_string l1,
convertor< lts_fsm_base, lts_lts_base > &  c 

Definition at line 460 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_label() [6/12]

action_label_string mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_label ( const action_label_string l_in,
convertor< lts_aut_base, lts_aut_base > &   

Definition at line 744 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_label() [7/12]

action_label_string mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_label ( const action_label_string l_in,
convertor< lts_aut_base, lts_dot_base > &   

Definition at line 775 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_label() [8/12]

action_label_string mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_label ( const action_label_string l_in,
convertor< lts_aut_base, lts_fsm_base > &   

Definition at line 708 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_label() [9/12]

action_label_lts mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_label ( const action_label_string l_in,
convertor< lts_aut_base, lts_lts_base > &  c 

Definition at line 670 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_label() [10/12]

action_label_string mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_label ( const action_label_string l_in,
convertor< lts_fsm_base, lts_aut_base > &   

Definition at line 565 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_label() [11/12]

action_label_string mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_label ( const action_label_string l_in,
convertor< lts_fsm_base, lts_dot_base > &   

Definition at line 624 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_label() [12/12]

action_label_string mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_label ( const action_label_string l_in,
convertor< lts_fsm_base, lts_fsm_base > &   

Definition at line 534 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_state() [1/12]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_state ( const state_label_empty ,
state_label_dot state_label_out,
convertor< lts_aut_base, lts_dot_base > &   

Definition at line 770 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_state() [2/12]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_state ( const state_label_empty ,
state_label_fsm state_label_out,
convertor< lts_aut_base, lts_fsm_base > &   

Definition at line 713 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_state() [3/12]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_state ( const state_label_empty ,
state_label_lts state_label_out,
convertor< lts_aut_base, lts_lts_base > &   

Definition at line 675 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_state() [4/12]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_state ( const state_label_empty state_label_in,
state_label_empty state_label_out,
convertor< lts_aut_base, lts_aut_base > &   

Definition at line 739 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_state() [5/12]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_state ( const state_label_fsm ,
state_label_empty state_label_out,
convertor< lts_fsm_base, lts_aut_base > &   

Definition at line 560 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_state() [6/12]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_state ( const state_label_fsm state_label_in,
state_label_dot state_label_out,
convertor< lts_fsm_base, lts_dot_base > &  c 

Definition at line 605 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_state() [7/12]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_state ( const state_label_fsm state_label_in,
state_label_fsm state_label_out,
convertor< lts_fsm_base, lts_fsm_base > &   

Definition at line 529 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_state() [8/12]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_state ( const state_label_fsm state_label_in,
state_label_lts state_label_out,
convertor< lts_fsm_base, lts_lts_base > &  c 

Definition at line 465 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_state() [9/12]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_state ( const state_label_lts ,
state_label_empty state_label_out,
convertor< lts_lts_base, lts_aut_base > &   

Definition at line 367 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_state() [10/12]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_state ( const state_label_lts state_label_in,
state_label_dot state_label_out,
convertor< lts_lts_base, lts_dot_base > &  c 

Definition at line 410 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_state() [11/12]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_state ( const state_label_lts state_label_in,
state_label_fsm state_label_out,
convertor< lts_lts_base, lts_fsm_base > &  c 

Definition at line 300 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_convert_translate_state() [12/12]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_convert_translate_state ( const state_label_lts state_label_in,
state_label_lts state_label_out,
convertor< lts_lts_base, lts_lts_base > &   

Definition at line 249 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ lts_extensions_as_string() [1/2]

std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_extensions_as_string ( const std::set< lts_type > &  supported)

Gives a list of extensions for supported LTS formats.

[in]supportedThe formats that should be considered supported.
A string containing a list of extensions of the formats in supported, separated by ','. E.g. "*.aut,*.lts"

Definition at line 220 of file liblts.cpp.

◆ lts_extensions_as_string() [2/2]

std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_extensions_as_string ( const std::string &  sep = ",",
const std::set< lts_type > &  supported = supported_lts_formats() 

Gives a list of extensions for supported LTS formats.

[in]sepThe separator to use between each extension.
[in]supportedThe formats that should be considered supported.
A string containing a list of extensions of the formats in supported, separated by sep. E.g. "*.aut,*.lts"

Definition at line 190 of file liblts.cpp.

◆ lts_named_cmp()

template<typename T >
bool mcrl2::lts::detail::lts_named_cmp ( const std::string  N[],

Definition at line 148 of file liblts.cpp.

◆ make_divergence_label()

template<class LABEL_TYPE >
LABEL_TYPE mcrl2::lts::detail::make_divergence_label ( const std::string &  s)

Definition at line 784 of file lts_utilities.h.

◆ make_divergence_label< mcrl2::lts::action_label_lts >()

Definition at line 790 of file lts_utilities.h.

◆ mark_explicit_divergence_transitions()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
std::size_t mcrl2::lts::detail::mark_explicit_divergence_transitions ( LTS_TYPE &  l)

Definition at line 800 of file lts_utilities.h.

◆ merge()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::merge ( LTS_TYPE &  l1,
const LTS_TYPE &  l2 

Definition at line 43 of file liblts_merge.h.

◆ mime_type_for_type()

std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::mime_type_for_type ( const lts_type  type)

Gives the MIME type associated with an LTS format.

[in]typeThe LTS format.
The MIME type of the LTS format specified by type.

Definition at line 123 of file liblts.cpp.

◆ operator!=()

bool mcrl2::lts::detail::operator!= ( const cs_game_node n0,
const cs_game_node n1 

Definition at line 87 of file liblts_coupledsim.h.

◆ operator<() [1/2]

bool mcrl2::lts::detail::operator< ( const cs_game_move m0,
const cs_game_move m1 

Definition at line 140 of file liblts_coupledsim.h.

◆ operator<() [2/2]

bool mcrl2::lts::detail::operator< ( const cs_game_node n0,
const cs_game_node n1 

Definition at line 93 of file liblts_coupledsim.h.

◆ operator==()

bool mcrl2::lts::detail::operator== ( const cs_game_node n0,
const cs_game_node n1 

Definition at line 77 of file liblts_coupledsim.h.

◆ parse_distribution()

lts_fsm_base::probabilistic_state mcrl2::lts::detail::parse_distribution ( const std::string &  distribution)

Definition at line 45 of file fsm_builder.h.

◆ parse_format()

lts_type mcrl2::lts::detail::parse_format ( std::string const &  s)

Determines the LTS format from a format specification string.

This can be any of the following strings:

  • "aut" for the Aldébaran format;
  • "fsm" for the FSM format;
  • "dot" for the GraphViz format;
[in]sThe format specification string.
The LTS format based on the value of s. If no supported format can be determined then lts_none is returned.

Definition at line 92 of file liblts.cpp.

◆ plts_merge()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::plts_merge ( LTS_TYPE &  l1,
const LTS_TYPE &  l2 

Definition at line 43 of file liblts_plts_merge.h.

◆ probabilistic_bisimulation_compare_bem()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool mcrl2::lts::detail::probabilistic_bisimulation_compare_bem ( const LTS_TYPE &  l1,
const LTS_TYPE &  l2,
utilities::execution_timer timer 

Checks whether the two initial states of two plts's are probabilistic bisimilar.

The current transitions system and the lts l2 are first duplicated and subsequently reduced modulo bisimulation. If memory space is a concern, one could consider to use destructive_bisimulation_compare.

[in/out]l1 A first transition system.
[in/out]l2 A second transistion system.
Return values
Trueiff the initial states of the current transition system and l2 are probabilistic bisimilar

Definition at line 823 of file liblts_pbisim_bem.h.

◆ probabilistic_bisimulation_compare_grv()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool mcrl2::lts::detail::probabilistic_bisimulation_compare_grv ( const LTS_TYPE &  l1,
const LTS_TYPE &  l2,
utilities::execution_timer timer 

Checks whether the two initial states of two plts's are probabilistic bisimilar.

The current transitions system and the lts l2 are first duplicated and subsequently reduced modulo bisimulation. If memory space is a concern, one could consider to use destructive_bisimulation_compare.

[in/out]l1 A first transition system.
[in/out]l2 A second transistion system.
Return values
Trueiff the initial states of the current transition system and l2 are probabilistic bisimilar

Definition at line 1367 of file liblts_pbisim_grv.h.

◆ probabilistic_bisimulation_reduce_bem()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::probabilistic_bisimulation_reduce_bem ( LTS_TYPE &  l,
utilities::execution_timer timer 

Reduce transition system l with respect to probabilistic bisimulation.

[in/out]l The transition system that is reduced.
[in/out]timer A timer that can be used to report benchmarking results.

Definition at line 807 of file liblts_pbisim_bem.h.

◆ probabilistic_bisimulation_reduce_grv()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::probabilistic_bisimulation_reduce_grv ( LTS_TYPE &  l,
utilities::execution_timer timer 

Reduce transition system l with respect to probabilistic bisimulation.

[in/out]l The transition system that is reduced.

Definition at line 1352 of file liblts_pbisim_grv.h.

◆ probabilistic_transition_mark()

static const atermpp::aterm & mcrl2::lts::detail::probabilistic_transition_mark ( )

Definition at line 96 of file liblts_lts.cpp.

◆ read_data_context()

void mcrl2::lts::detail::read_data_context ( const std::string &  data_file,
data::data_specification data,
process::action_label_list action_labels 

Definition at line 127 of file lts_io.h.

◆ read_from_lts()

template<class LTS_TRANSITION_SYSTEM >
static void mcrl2::lts::detail::read_from_lts ( LTS_TRANSITION_SYSTEM &  lts,
const std::string &  filename 

Definition at line 299 of file liblts_lts.cpp.

◆ read_lps_context()

void mcrl2::lts::detail::read_lps_context ( const std::string &  data_file,
data::data_specification data,
process::action_label_list action_labels,
data::variable_list process_parameters 

Definition at line 115 of file lts_io.h.

◆ read_lts()

template<class LTS >
static void mcrl2::lts::detail::read_lts ( atermpp::aterm_istream stream,
LTS &  lts 

Definition at line 132 of file liblts_lts.cpp.

◆ read_mcrl2_context()

void mcrl2::lts::detail::read_mcrl2_context ( const std::string &  data_file,
data::data_specification data,
process::action_label_list action_labels 

Definition at line 141 of file lts_io.h.

◆ reflexive_transitive_tau_closure()

template<class STATE_LABEL_T , class ACTION_LABEL_T , class LTS_BASE_CLASS >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::reflexive_transitive_tau_closure ( lts< STATE_LABEL_T, ACTION_LABEL_T, LTS_BASE_CLASS > &  l)

Definition at line 91 of file liblts_tau_star_reduce.h.

◆ refusals_contained_in()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool mcrl2::lts::detail::refusals_contained_in ( const state_type  impl,
const set_of_states spec,
const lts_cache< LTS_TYPE > &  weak_property_cache,
label_type culprit,
const LTS_TYPE &  l,
const bool  provide_a_counter_example,
const bool  structured_output 

This function checks that the refusals(impl) are contained in the refusals of spec, where the refusals of spec are defined by { r | exists s in spec. r in refusals(s) and stable(r) }.

This is equivalent to saying that for all enabled actions of impl it must be contained in the enabled actions of every stable state in spec. If enable(t') is not included in enable(s'), their is a problematic action a. This action is returned as "culprit". It can be used to construct an extended counterexample.

Definition at line 607 of file liblts_failures_refinement.h.

◆ remove_probabilities()

template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::remove_probabilities ( const probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, PROBABILISTIC_STATE1, LTS_BASE1 > &  lts_in,
lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, LTS_BASE2 > &  lts_out 

Definition at line 849 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ remove_redundant_transitions()

template<class STATE_LABEL_T , class ACTION_LABEL_T , class LTS_BASE_CLASS >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::remove_redundant_transitions ( lts< STATE_LABEL_T, ACTION_LABEL_T, LTS_BASE_CLASS > &  l)

Removes each transition s-a->s' if also transitions s-a->-tau->s' or s-tau->-a->s' are present. It uses the hidden_label_set to determine whether transitions are internal.

Definition at line 139 of file liblts_tau_star_reduce.h.

◆ save_trace()

bool mcrl2::lts::detail::save_trace ( class trace tr,
const std::string &  filename 

Definition at line 43 of file state_space_generator.h.

◆ save_traces()

void mcrl2::lts::detail::save_traces ( class trace tr,
const std::string &  filename1,
class trace tr2,
const std::string &  filename2 

Definition at line 62 of file state_space_generator.h.

◆ set_initial_state() [1/2]

static void mcrl2::lts::detail::set_initial_state ( lts_lts_t lts,
const probabilistic_lts_lts_t::probabilistic_state_t initial_state 

Definition at line 116 of file liblts_lts.cpp.

◆ set_initial_state() [2/2]

static void mcrl2::lts::detail::set_initial_state ( probabilistic_lts_lts_t lts,
const probabilistic_lts_lts_t::probabilistic_state_t initial_state 

Definition at line 126 of file liblts_lts.cpp.

◆ split_string_until()

std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::split_string_until ( std::string &  s,
const std::string &  c1,
const std::string &  c2 = "" 

Definition at line 22 of file fsm_builder.h.

◆ string_for_type()

std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::string_for_type ( const lts_type  type)

Gives a string representation of an LTS format.

This is the "inverse" of parse_format.

[in]typeThe LTS format.
The name of the LTS format specified by type.

Definition at line 113 of file liblts.cpp.

◆ supported_lts_formats()

const std::set< lts_type > & mcrl2::lts::detail::supported_lts_formats ( )

Gives the set of all supported LTS formats.

The set of all supported LTS formats.

Definition at line 140 of file liblts.cpp.

◆ supported_lts_formats_text() [1/2]

std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::supported_lts_formats_text ( const std::set< lts_type > &  supported)

Gives a textual list describing supported LTS formats.

[in]supportedThe formats that should be considered supported.
A string containing lines of the form " 'name' for the ... format". Every line except the last is terminated with '\n'.

Definition at line 185 of file liblts.cpp.

◆ supported_lts_formats_text() [2/2]

std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::supported_lts_formats_text ( lts_type  default_format = lts_none,
const std::set< lts_type > &  supported = supported_lts_formats() 

Gives a textual list describing supported LTS formats.

[in]default_formatThe format that should be marked as default (or lts_none for no default).
[in]supportedThe formats that should be considered supported.
A string containing lines of the form " 'name' for the ... format". Every line except the last is terminated with '\n'.

Definition at line 153 of file liblts.cpp.

◆ swap_to_non_probabilistic_lts()

template<class STATE_LABEL_T , class ACTION_LABEL_T , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE_T , class LTS_BASE >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::swap_to_non_probabilistic_lts ( probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL_T, ACTION_LABEL_T, PROBABILISTIC_STATE_T, LTS_BASE > &  l_probabilistic,

Definition at line 28 of file liblts_swap_to_from_probabilistic_lts.h.

◆ tau_star_reduce()

template<class STATE_LABEL_T , class ACTION_LABEL_T , class LTS_BASE_CLASS >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::tau_star_reduce ( lts< STATE_LABEL_T, ACTION_LABEL_T, LTS_BASE_CLASS > &  l)

Definition at line 245 of file liblts_tau_star_reduce.h.

◆ to_string()

std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::to_string ( const cs_game_node n)

Definition at line 103 of file liblts_coupledsim.h.

◆ transition_mark()

static const atermpp::aterm & mcrl2::lts::detail::transition_mark ( )

Definition at line 90 of file liblts_lts.cpp.

◆ translate_label_aux()

action_label_lts mcrl2::lts::detail::translate_label_aux ( const action_label_string l1,
const data::data_specification data,
lps::multi_action_type_checker typechecker 

Definition at line 198 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ translate_probability_data_prob()

mcrl2::utilities::probabilistic_arbitrary_precision_fraction mcrl2::lts::detail::translate_probability_data_prob ( const data::data_expression d)

Definition at line 92 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ translate_probability_data_to_arbitrary_size_probability()

utilities::probabilistic_arbitrary_precision_fraction mcrl2::lts::detail::translate_probability_data_to_arbitrary_size_probability ( const data::data_expression d)

Translate a fraction given as a data_expression to a representation with an arbitrary size fraction.

Definition at line 37 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ translate_probability_labels()

template<class STATE_LABEL1 , class ACTION_LABEL1 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE1 , class LTS_BASE1 , class STATE_LABEL2 , class ACTION_LABEL2 , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE2 , class LTS_BASE2 >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::translate_probability_labels ( const probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL1, ACTION_LABEL1, PROBABILISTIC_STATE1, LTS_BASE1 > &  lts_in,
probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL2, ACTION_LABEL2, PROBABILISTIC_STATE2, LTS_BASE2 > &  lts_out 

Definition at line 942 of file lts_convert.h.

◆ translate_to_probabilistic_lts()

template<class STATE_LABEL_T , class ACTION_LABEL_T , class PROBABILISTIC_STATE_T , class LTS_BASE >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::translate_to_probabilistic_lts ( const lts< STATE_LABEL_T, ACTION_LABEL_T, LTS_BASE > &  l_plain,
probabilistic_lts< STATE_LABEL_T, ACTION_LABEL_T, PROBABILISTIC_STATE_T, LTS_BASE > &  l_probabilistic 

Definition at line 63 of file liblts_swap_to_from_probabilistic_lts.h.

◆ unmark_explicit_divergence_transitions()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::unmark_explicit_divergence_transitions ( LTS_TYPE &  l,
const std::size_t  divergent_transition_label 

Definition at line 818 of file lts_utilities.h.

◆ weak_bisimulation_compare()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
bool mcrl2::lts::detail::weak_bisimulation_compare ( const LTS_TYPE &  l1,
const LTS_TYPE &  l2,
const bool  preserve_divergences = false 

Checks whether the initial states of two LTSs are weakly bisimilar.

The LTSs l1 and l2 are first duplicated and subsequently reduced modulo bisimulation. If memory space is a concern, one could consider to use destructive_weak_bisimulation_compare. The running time of this routine is dominated by the transitive closure (after branching bisimulation). It uses O(m+n) memory in addition to the copies of l1 and l2, where n is the number of states and m is the number of transitions.

[in/out]l1 A first transition system.
[in/out]l2 A second transistion system.
[preserve_divergences]If true and branching is true, preserve tau loops on states.
Return values
Trueiff the initial states of the current transition system and l2 are (divergence preserving) (branching) bisimilar

Definition at line 99 of file liblts_weak_bisim.h.

◆ weak_bisimulation_reduce()

template<class LTS_TYPE >
void mcrl2::lts::detail::weak_bisimulation_reduce ( LTS_TYPE &  l,
const bool  preserve_divergences = false 

Reduce LTS l with respect to (divergence-preserving) weak bisimulation.

[in/out]l The transition system that is reduced.
[in]preserve_divergencesIndicates whether loops of internal actions on states must be preserved. If false these are removed. If true these are preserved.

Definition at line 36 of file liblts_weak_bisim.h.

◆ write_initial_state() [1/2]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::write_initial_state ( atermpp::aterm_ostream stream,
const lts_lts_t lts 

Definition at line 347 of file liblts_lts.cpp.

◆ write_initial_state() [2/2]

void mcrl2::lts::detail::write_initial_state ( atermpp::aterm_ostream stream,
const probabilistic_lts_lts_t lts 

Definition at line 341 of file liblts_lts.cpp.

◆ write_lts()

template<class LTS >
static void mcrl2::lts::detail::write_lts ( atermpp::aterm_ostream stream,
const LTS &  lts 

Definition at line 354 of file liblts_lts.cpp.

◆ write_to_lts()

template<class LTS_TRANSITION_SYSTEM >
static void mcrl2::lts::detail::write_to_lts ( const LTS_TRANSITION_SYSTEM &  lts,
const std::string &  filename 

Definition at line 394 of file liblts_lts.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ extension_strings

const std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::extension_strings[] = { "", "lts", "aut", "fsm", "dot" }

Definition at line 73 of file liblts.cpp.

◆ mime_type_strings

std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::mime_type_strings[]
Initial value:
= { "",

Definition at line 85 of file liblts.cpp.


const unsigned char mcrl2::lts::detail::NODE_ATK = 0

Definition at line 45 of file liblts_coupledsim.h.


const unsigned char mcrl2::lts::detail::NODE_CPL = 2

Definition at line 47 of file liblts_coupledsim.h.


const unsigned char mcrl2::lts::detail::NODE_DEF = 1

Definition at line 46 of file liblts_coupledsim.h.

◆ type_desc_strings

std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::type_desc_strings[]
Initial value:
= {
"unknown LTS format",
"mCRL2 LTS format",
"Aldebaran format (CADP)",
"Finite State Machine format",
"GraphViz format (no longer supported as input format)",
"SVC format"

Definition at line 75 of file liblts.cpp.

◆ type_strings

const std::string mcrl2::lts::detail::type_strings[] = { "unknown", "lts", "aut", "fsm", "dot" }

Definition at line 71 of file liblts.cpp.