No Matches
mcrl2::pbes_system::detail Namespace Reference


namespace  combined_access
 The namespace for access functions that operate on both pbes and data expressions.


struct  add_capture_avoiding_replacement
struct  add_capture_avoiding_replacement_with_an_identifier_generator
struct  add_data_rewriter
class  add_edges
struct  add_simplify
struct  add_simplify_quantifiers
struct  anonymize_builder
struct  anonymize_builder_instance
struct  apply_e_lts2pbes_traverser
struct  apply_e_structured_traverser
struct  apply_e_traverser
struct  apply_enumerate_builder
struct  apply_rewriter_builder
struct  apply_rhs_lts2pbes_traverser
struct  apply_rhs_structured_traverser
struct  apply_rhs_traverser
struct  apply_sat_traverser
class  belongs_relation
class  bes_algorithm
 Algorithm class for algorithms on linear process specifications. More...
struct  bes_equation_limit
struct  bqnf2ppg_rewriter
struct  bqnf_quantifier_rewriter
struct  bqnf_visitor
 A visitor class for PBES equations in BQNF. There is a visit_<node> function for each type of node. By default these functions do nothing, but check that the PBES equations are indeed in BQNF, so they must be overridden in order to add behaviour. More...
class  computation_guard
struct  control_flow_graph
struct  data2pbes_builder
struct  data_rewriter_builder
struct  default_rules_predicate
struct  e_lts2pbes_traverser
struct  e_structured_traverser
struct  e_traverser
struct  edge_condition_traverser
struct  edge_details
struct  edge_traverser_stack_elem
struct  enumerate_quantifiers_builder
struct  find_equalities_traverser
struct  find_equalities_traverser_inst
struct  find_free_variables_traverser
struct  find_propositional_variables_traverser
struct  find_quantifier_variables_traverser
 Visitor for collecting the quantifier variables that occur in a pbes expression. More...
struct  find_subterm_traverser
struct  fresh_variable_name_generator
class  GCFP_graph
class  GCFP_vertex
struct  global_control_flow_graph
class  global_control_flow_graph_vertex
class  global_reset_variables_algorithm
 Adds the reset variables procedure to the stategraph algorithm. More...
struct  guard_expression
struct  guard_traverser
 Computes a multimap of propositional variable instantiations and the corresponding guards from a PBES expression. More...
struct  has_propositional_variables_traverser
struct  has_quantifier_name_clashes_traverser
 Visitor for determining if within the scope of a quantifier there are quantifier variables of free variables with the same name. More...
struct  if_rewrite_builder
struct  is_pfnf_traverser
class  LCFP_vertex
struct  local_control_flow_graph
class  local_control_flow_graph_vertex
struct  local_reset_traverser
 N.B. It is essential that this traverser uses the same traversal order as the guard_traverser. More...
class  local_reset_variables_algorithm
 Adds the reset variables procedure to the stategraph algorithm. More...
struct  lps2pbes_counter_example_parameters
struct  lps2pbes_parameters
struct  lps_reset_traverser
class  lpsstategraph_algorithm
struct  lts2pbes_counter_example_parameters
class  lts2pbes_lts
struct  lts2pbes_parameters
struct  manual_structure_graph_builder
struct  normalize_and_or_builder
struct  occurring_variable_visitor
struct  order_quantified_variables_builder
struct  par_traverser
class  parity_game_output
struct  pbes2data_builder
struct  pbes_abstract_builder
 Visitor that implements the pbes-abstract algorithm. More...
struct  pbes_actions
struct  pbes_command
 Command that operates on a PBES. More...
class  pbes_context
class  pbes_greybox_interface
class  pbes_property_map
 Stores the following properties of a linear process specification: More...
struct  pbes_rewriter_command
 PBES command that uses a rewrite strategy. More...
struct  pbesinst_finite_builder
 Visitor that applies a propositional variable substitution to a pbes expression. More...
class  periodic_guard
class  pfnf_equation
class  pfnf_implication
class  pfnf_pbes
struct  pfnf_printer
class  pfnf_quantifier
struct  pfnf_traverser
 Applies the PFNF rewriter to a PBES expression. More...
struct  pfnf_traverser_expression
struct  pfnf_traverser_implication
 Represents the implication g => ( X0(e0) \/ ... \/ Xk(ek) ) More...
struct  position_count_traverser
class  ppg_visitor
class  predicate_variable
struct  printer
struct  QPVI
 A quantified predicate variable instantiation. More...
class  quantified_variable
class  quantifier
struct  quantifier_propagate_builder
struct  quantifiers_inside_builder
struct  quantifiers_inside_exists_builder
struct  quantifiers_inside_forall_builder
class  rename_pbesinst_consecutively
struct  replace_constants_by_variables_builder
struct  replace_subterm_builder
struct  reset_traverser
 reset propositional variables N.B. It is essential that this traverser uses the same traversal order as the guard_traverser. More...
struct  reset_variable_builder
struct  rewrite_pbes_expressions_builder
struct  rewrite_pbes_expressions_with_substitution_builder
struct  rhs_lts2pbes_traverser
struct  rhs_structured_traverser
struct  rhs_traverser
struct  sat_traverser
struct  significant_variables_traverser
struct  simplify_builder
struct  simplify_data_rewriter_builder
struct  simplify_quantifiers_builder
struct  simplify_quantifiers_data_rewriter_builder
struct  srf_and_traverser
struct  srf_or_traverser
class  standard_form_traverser
 Traverser that implements the standard form normalization. More...
class  stategraph_algorithm
 Algorithm class for the computation of the local and global control flow graphs. More...
struct  stategraph_edge
class  stategraph_equation
class  stategraph_global_algorithm
 Algorithm class for the global variant of the stategraph algorithm. More...
struct  stategraph_global_graph
class  stategraph_influence_graph_algorithm
 Algorithm class for the stategraph algorithm. More...
class  stategraph_local_algorithm
 Algorithm class for the local variant of the stategraph algorithm. More...
class  stategraph_pbes
struct  stategraph_simplify_builder
class  stategraph_simplify_rewriter
 A rewriter that simplifies expressions that simplifies quantifiers. More...
struct  stategraph_vertex
struct  structure_graph_builder
class  symbolic_exploration_algorithm
struct  typecheck_builder
struct  variable_data_expression_substitution
struct  variable_variable_substitution


typedef lts::lts_lts_t::states_size_type lts2pbes_state_type
typedef std::map< core::identifier_string, std::vector< data::variable > > pbes_parameter_map
 Data structure for storing the variables that should be expanded by the finite pbesinst algorithm.
typedef std::pair< bool, data::variable_listpfnf_traverser_quantifier
 Represents a quantifier Qv:V. If the bool is true it is a forall, otherwise an exists.
typedef std::pair< pbes_expression, standard_form_typestandard_form_pair


enum  standard_form_type { standard_form_both , standard_form_and , standard_form_or }


data::data_specificationabsinthe_data_specification ()
template<typename T >
void absinthe_check_expression (const T &x)
bool is_structured_sort_constructor (const data::data_specification &dataspec, const data::function_symbol &f)
void print_used_function_symbols (const pbes &p)
data::sort_expression target_sort (const data::sort_expression &s)
void make_constelm_substitution (const std::map< data::variable, data::data_expression > &m, data::rewriter::substitution_type &result)
void set_bes_equation_limit (std::size_t size)
void check_bes_equation_limit (std::size_t size)
template<typename T >
bool is_bqnf (const T &x)
 Determines if an expression is a BQNF expression.
static void inc_indent ()
 Increases the current indent level.
static void dec_indent ()
 Decreases the current indent level.
static void indent ()
 Indents according to the current indent level.
std::set< data::variablefind_free_variables (const pbes_expression &x, const data::variable_list &bound_variables=data::variable_list(), bool search_propositional_variables=true)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const guard_expression &x)
bool has_propositional_variables (const pbes_expression &x)
void replace_global_variables (pbes &p, const data::mutable_map_substitution<> &sigma)
 Applies a global variable substitution to a PBES.
data::mutable_map_substitution instantiate_global_variables (pbes &p)
 Eliminates the global variables of a PBES, by substituting a constant value for them. If no constant value is found for one of the variables, an exception is thrown.
void split_and (const pbes_expression &expr, std::vector< pbes_expression > &result)
 Splits a conjunction into a sequence of operands Given a pbes expression of the form p1 && p2 && ... && pn, this will yield a vector of the form [ p1, p2, ..., pn ], assuming that pi does not have a && as main function symbol.
void split_or (const pbes_expression &expr, std::vector< pbes_expression > &result)
 Splits a conjunction into a sequence of operands Given a pbes expression of the form p1 || p2 || ... || pn, this will yield a vector of the form [ p1, p2, ..., pn ], assuming that pi does not have a || as main function symbol.
bool is_pfnf_simple_expression (const pbes_expression &x)
bool is_pfnf_data_expression (const pbes_expression &x)
bool is_pfnf_or_expression (const pbes_expression &x)
bool is_pfnf_or (const pbes_expression &x)
bool is_pfnf_imp (const pbes_expression &x)
bool is_pfnf_inner_and (const pbes_expression &x)
bool is_pfnf_outer_and (const pbes_expression &x)
bool is_pfnf_expression (const pbes_expression &x)
template<typename T >
bool is_pfnf (const T &x)
pbes_expression remove_quantifiers (const pbes_expression &x)
std::vector< pbes_expressionpfnf_implications (const pbes_expression &x)
void split_pfnf_expression (const pbes_expression &phi, pbes_expression &h, std::vector< pbes_expression > &g)
std::set< data::variablefind_quantifier_variables (const pbes_expression &x)
bool has_quantifier_name_clashes (const pbes_expression &x)
bool is_well_typed (const pbes_equation &eqn)
 Checks if the equation is well typed.
template<typename Iter >
bool has_conflicting_type (Iter first, Iter last, const propositional_variable_instantiation &v, const data::data_specification &data_spec)
 Checks if the propositional variable instantiation v has a conflict with the sequence of propositional variable declarations [first, last).
bool is_well_typed_equation (const pbes_equation &eqn, const std::set< data::sort_expression > &declared_sorts, const std::set< data::variable > &declared_global_variables, const data::data_specification &data_spec)
bool is_well_typed_pbes (const std::set< data::sort_expression > &declared_sorts, const std::set< data::variable > &declared_global_variables, const std::set< data::variable > &occurring_global_variables, const std::set< propositional_variable > &declared_variables, const std::set< propositional_variable_instantiation > &occ, const propositional_variable_instantiation &init, const data::data_specification &data_spec)
template<typename TermTraits , typename Parameters >
void E (const state_formulas::state_formula &x, Parameters &parameters, std::vector< pbes_equation > &result, TermTraits tr)
template<typename TermTraits , typename Parameters >
void E_structured (const state_formulas::state_formula &x, Parameters &parameters, std::vector< pbes_equation > &result, TermTraits tr)
data::variable_list Par (const core::identifier_string &X, const data::variable_list &l, const state_formulas::state_formula &x)
template<typename TermTraits , typename Parameters >
pbes_expression RHS (const state_formulas::state_formula &x, Parameters &parameters, TermTraits tr)
template<typename TermTraits , typename Parameters >
TermTraits::term_type RHS_structured (const state_formulas::state_formula &x, Parameters &parameters, const data::variable_list &variables, const fixpoint_symbol &sigma, std::vector< pbes_equation > &equations, TermTraits tr)
template<typename TermTraits >
TermTraits::term_type Sat (const lps::multi_action &a, const action_formulas::action_formula &x, data::set_identifier_generator &id_generator, TermTraits tr)
data::variable_list lhs_variables (const data::assignment_list &l)
data::data_expression_list rhs_expressions (const data::assignment_list &l)
const core::identifier_stringmu_name (const state_formulas::state_formula &f)
data::variable_list mu_variables (const state_formulas::state_formula &f)
 Returns the variables corresponding to ass(f)
data::data_expression_list mu_expressions (const state_formulas::state_formula &f)
 Returns the data expressions corresponding to ass(f)
std::string myprint (const std::vector< pbes_equation > &v)
data::mutable_map_substitution make_fresh_variable_substitution (const data::variable_list &variables, data::set_identifier_generator &id_generator, bool add_to_context=true)
 Generates a substitution that assigns fresh variables to the given sequence of variables. The identifier generator is used to assign names to the fresh variables. Caveat: the implementation is very inefficient.
void lps_reset_variables (lpsstategraph_algorithm &algorithm, const pbes_expression &x, const stategraph_equation &eq_X, const data::variable_list &process_parameters, std::vector< lps::action_summand > &summands)
data::assignment_list make_assignments (const data::variable_list &d, const data::data_expression_list &e)
template<typename TermTraits , typename Parameters >
void E_lts2pbes (const state_formulas::state_formula &x, Parameters &parameters, std::vector< pbes_equation > &result, TermTraits tr)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const lts::lts_lts_t &ltsspec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const lts2pbes_lts &ltsspec)
core::identifier_string make_identifier (const core::identifier_string &name, lts2pbes_state_type s)
template<typename TermTraits , typename Parameters >
pbes_expression RHS (const state_formulas::state_formula &x, lts2pbes_state_type s, Parameters &parameters, TermTraits tr)
template<typename T >
normalize_and_or (const T &x, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr)
template<typename T >
void normalize_and_or (T &x, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=0)
pbes load_pbes (const std::string &filename)
 Loads a PBES from filename, or from stdin if filename equals "".
void save_pbes (const pbes &pbesspec, const std::string &filename)
 Saves an PBES to filename, or to stdout if filename equals "".
bool match_declaration (const std::string &text, const data::variable &d, const data::data_specification &data_spec)
 Returns true if the declaration text matches with the variable d.
std::vector< data::variablefind_matching_parameters (const pbes &p, const std::string &name, const std::set< std::string > &declarations)
 Find parameter declarations that match a given string.
pbes_parameter_map parse_pbes_parameter_map (const pbes &p, const std::string &text)
 Parses parameter selection for finite pbesinst algorithm.
std::ostream & print_pbes_parameter_map (std::ostream &out, const pbes_parameter_map &m)
 Print a parameter map.
bool pbessolve (const pbes &p)
void split_pfnf_implication (const pbes_expression &x, pbes_expression &g, std::vector< propositional_variable_instantiation > &Xij)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const pfnf_implication &x)
template<typename Container >
Container concat (const Container &x, const Container &y)
 Concatenates two containers.
std::vector< std::size_t > position_counts (const pbes &x)
pbes to_ppg (pbes x)
 Rewrites a PBES to a PPG.
template<typename T >
bool is_ppg (const T &x)
 Determines if an expression is a PPG expression.
std::string print_index (std::size_t index)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const stategraph_vertex &u)
pbes_expression reset_variables (global_reset_variables_algorithm &algorithm, const pbes_expression &x, const stategraph_equation &eq_X)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCFP_vertex &u)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const GCFP_graph &G)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const local_control_flow_graph_vertex &u)
bool operator< (const local_control_flow_graph_vertex &u, const local_control_flow_graph_vertex &v)
template<typename Vertex >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const control_flow_graph< Vertex > &G)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const global_control_flow_graph_vertex &)
bool operator< (const global_control_flow_graph_vertex &x, const global_control_flow_graph_vertex &y)
template<typename Container >
std::string print_vector (const Container &v, const std::string &delim)
pbes_expression local_reset_variables (local_reset_variables_algorithm &algorithm, const pbes_expression &x, const stategraph_equation &eq_X)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const predicate_variable &x)
std::vector< stategraph_equation >::const_iterator find_equation (const stategraph_pbes &p, const core::identifier_string &X, bool warn=true)
pbes_expression stategraph_not (const pbes_expression &x)
pbes_expression smart_and (const pbes_expression &x, const pbes_expression &y)
pbes_expression smart_or (const pbes_expression &x, const pbes_expression &y)
void stategraph_split_and (const pbes_expression &expr, std::vector< pbes_expression > &result)
void stategraph_split_or (const pbes_expression &expr, std::vector< pbes_expression > &result)
std::string print_equation (const pbes_equation &eq)
std::string print_set (const std::set< std::size_t > &v)
const data::data_expressionnth_element (const data::data_expression_list &e, std::size_t n)
std::string print_pbes_expressions (const std::set< pbes_expression > &v)
void symbolic_exploration (const std::string &input_filename, const std::string &output_filename, const utilities::file_format &input_format, const utilities::file_format &output_format, bool optimized=true, bool clustered=false, bool instantiate=false)
data::variable nat (const std::string &name)
 Returns a data variable of type Nat with a given name.
data::variable pos (const std::string &name)
 Returns a data variable of type Pos with a given name.
data::variable bool_ (const std::string &name)
 Returns a data variable of type Bool with a given name.
propositional_variable propvar (const std::string &name, const data::variable_list &parameters)
 Returns a propositional variable declaration with the given name and parameters.
propositional_variable_instantiation propvarinst (const std::string &name, const data::data_expression_list &parameters)
 Returns a propositional variable instantiation with the given name and parameters.
template<template< class > class Traverser, class OutputIterator >
find_propositional_variables_traverser< Traverser, OutputIterator > make_find_propositional_variables_traverser (OutputIterator out)
int variable_index (const data::variable_list &variables, const data::variable &d)
 Finds the index of a variable in a sequence.
pbes_expression parse_pbes_expression_new (const std::string &text)
untyped_pbes parse_pbes_new (const std::string &text)
void complete_pbes (pbes &x)
propositional_variable parse_propositional_variable (const std::string &text)
pbes_expression parse_pbes_expression (const std::string &text)
data::data_expression make_and (const data::data_expression &x1, const data::data_expression &x2, const data::data_expression &x3)
data::data_expression equal_to (const data::data_expression_list &x, const data::data_expression_list &y)
template<typename MapContainer >
MapContainer::mapped_type map_at (const MapContainer &m, typename MapContainer::key_type key)
std::unordered_map< propositional_variable_instantiation, propositional_variable_instantiationcreate_pv_renaming (std::vector< std::vector< propositional_variable_instantiation > > &instantiations, bool short_renaming_scheme)
template<typename StructureGraph , typename Compare >
deque_vertex_set attr_min_rank_todo_generic (const StructureGraph &G, const vertex_set &A, const vertex_set &U, std::size_t j, Compare compare)
template<typename StructureGraph >
deque_vertex_set attr_min_rank_original_todo (const StructureGraph &G, const vertex_set &A, const vertex_set &U, std::size_t j)
void insert_in_rank_map (std::map< std::size_t, vertex_set > &U_rank_map, structure_graph::index_type u, std::size_t j, std::size_t n)
template<typename StructureGraph >
std::map< std::size_t, vertex_setcompute_U_j_map (const StructureGraph &G, const vertex_set &V)
template<typename StructureGraph , typename Compare >
vertex_set attr_min_rank_generic (const StructureGraph &G, vertex_set A, std::size_t alpha, const vertex_set &U, std::size_t j, Compare compare)
template<typename Compare >
void fatal_attractors_generic (const simple_structure_graph &G, std::array< vertex_set, 2 > &S, std::array< strategy_vector, 2 > &tau, std::size_t equation_count, Compare compare)
void fatal_attractors (const simple_structure_graph &G, std::array< vertex_set, 2 > &S, std::array< strategy_vector, 2 > &tau, std::size_t equation_count)
void find_loops2 (const simple_structure_graph &G, std::array< vertex_set, 2 > &S, std::array< strategy_vector, 2 > &tau, std::size_t equation_count)
template<typename StructureGraph >
vertex_set attr_min_rank_original (const StructureGraph &G, vertex_set A, std::size_t alpha, const vertex_set &U, std::size_t j)
void fatal_attractors_original (const simple_structure_graph &G, std::array< vertex_set, 2 > &S, std::array< strategy_vector, 2 > &tau, std::size_t equation_count)
bool find_loop (const simple_structure_graph &G, const vertex_set &U, structure_graph::index_type v, structure_graph::index_type w, std::size_t p, std::unordered_map< structure_graph::index_type, bool > &visited)
template<class Container >
void find_loops (const simple_structure_graph &G, const Container &discovered, const pbesinst_lazy_todo &todo, std::array< vertex_set, 2 > &S, std::array< strategy_vector, 2 > &tau, std::size_t iteration_count, const detail::structure_graph_builder &graph_builder)
template<typename PropositionalVariable , typename Parameter >
void split_parameters (const PropositionalVariable &X, const pbesinst_index_map &index_map, std::vector< Parameter > &finite, std::vector< Parameter > &infinite)
 Computes the subset with variables of finite sort and infinite.
void partial_solve (structure_graph &G, const pbesinst_lazy_todo &todo, std::array< vertex_set, 2 > &S, std::array< strategy_vector, 2 > &tau, std::size_t equation_count, const detail::structure_graph_builder &graph_builder)
pbes_expression quantifier_propagate (const pbes_expression &x)
pbes_expression make_exists_ (std::set< data::variable > vars, const pbes_expression &expr)
pbes_expression make_forall_ (std::set< data::variable > vars, const pbes_expression &expr)
pbes_expression make_quantifier (bool is_forall, const data::variable_list &vars, const pbes_expression &body)
void quantifier_propagate (std::list< std::pair< core::identifier_string, pbes_equation > > &new_equations, data::set_identifier_generator &id_gen, const quantifier_propagate_builder::equation_map_t eqn_map, pbes_expression &x)
std::string print_removed_equations (const std::vector< propositional_variable > &removed)
void resolve_summand_variable_name_clashes (srf_summand &summand, const std::set< core::identifier_string > &process_parameter_names, data::set_identifier_generator &generator)
template<template< class > class Builder, class Rewriter >
rewrite_pbes_expressions_builder< Builder, Rewriter > make_rewrite_pbes_expressions_builder (const Rewriter &R)
template<template< class > class Builder, class Rewriter , class Substitution >
rewrite_pbes_expressions_with_substitution_builder< Builder, Rewriter, Substitution > make_rewrite_pbes_expressions_with_substitution_builder (const Rewriter &R, Substitution sigma)
template<typename T >
data2pbes (const T &x, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr)
template<typename T >
void data2pbes (T &x, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=0)
template<typename DataRewriter , typename SubstitutionFunction >
const data::data_expression data_rewrite (const data::data_expression &x, const DataRewriter &R, SubstitutionFunction &sigma)
template<typename DataRewriter , typename SubstitutionFunction >
void data_rewrite (data::data_expression &result, const data::data_expression &x, const DataRewriter &R, SubstitutionFunction &sigma)
template<typename DataRewriter >
const data::data_expression data_rewrite (const data::data_expression &x, const DataRewriter &R, data::no_substitution &)
template<typename DataRewriter >
void data_rewrite (data::data_expression &result, const data::data_expression &x, const DataRewriter &R, data::no_substitution &)
template<template< class, class, class > class Builder, class DataRewriter , class SubstitutionFunction >
apply_rewriter_builder< Builder, DataRewriter, SubstitutionFunction > make_apply_rewriter_builder (const DataRewriter &datar, SubstitutionFunction &sigma)
template<template< class, class, class > class Builder, class DataRewriter , class MutableSubstitution >
apply_enumerate_builder< Builder, DataRewriter, MutableSubstitution > make_apply_enumerate_builder (const DataRewriter &R, MutableSubstitution &sigma, const data::data_specification &dataspec, data::enumerator_identifier_generator &id_generator, bool enumerate_infinite_sorts)
template<typename T >
pbes2data (const T &x, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr)
template<typename T >
void pbes2data (T &x, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=0)
pbes_expression quantifiers_inside (const pbes_expression &x)
pbes_expression quantifiers_inside_forall (const std::set< data::variable > &variables, const pbes_expression &x)
pbes_expression quantifiers_inside_exists (const std::set< data::variable > &variables, const pbes_expression &x)
template<typename BinaryOperation >
std::tuple< pbes_expression, pbes_expressioncompute_Phi_Psi (const std::vector< pbes_expression > &X, const std::set< data::variable > &V, BinaryOperation op, pbes_expression empty_sequence_result)
pbes_expression make_not (const pbes_expression &x)
std::vector< srf_summandsrf_or (const pbes_expression &phi, std::deque< pbes_equation > &equations, const pbes_equation &eqn, const data::variable_list &V, data::set_identifier_generator &id_generator, const core::identifier_string &X_true, const core::identifier_string &X_false, std::vector< srf_equation > &result)
std::vector< srf_summandsrf_and (const pbes_expression &phi, std::deque< pbes_equation > &equations, const pbes_equation &eqn, const data::variable_list &V, data::set_identifier_generator &id_generator, const core::identifier_string &X_true, const core::identifier_string &X_false, std::vector< srf_equation > &result)
bool is_conjunctive (const pbes_expression &phi)
void check_lps2pbes_actions (const state_formulas::state_formula &formula, const lps::stochastic_specification &lpsspec)
 Prints a warning if formula contains an action that is not used in lpsspec.
typecheck_builder make_typecheck_builder (data::data_type_checker &data_typechecker, const data::detail::variable_context &variables, const detail::pbes_context &propositional_variables)


static int indent_count = 0
 The current indent level. Used for debug output.

Typedef Documentation

◆ lts2pbes_state_type

◆ pbes_parameter_map

Data structure for storing the variables that should be expanded by the finite pbesinst algorithm.

Definition at line 29 of file pbes_parameter_map.h.

◆ pfnf_traverser_quantifier

Represents a quantifier Qv:V. If the bool is true it is a forall, otherwise an exists.

Definition at line 33 of file pfnf_traverser.h.

◆ standard_form_pair

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ standard_form_type


Definition at line 26 of file normal_forms.h.

Function Documentation

◆ absinthe_check_expression()

template<typename T >
void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::absinthe_check_expression ( const T &  x)

Definition at line 53 of file absinthe.h.

◆ absinthe_data_specification()

data::data_specification & mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::absinthe_data_specification ( )

Definition at line 45 of file absinthe.h.

◆ attr_min_rank_generic()

template<typename StructureGraph , typename Compare >
vertex_set mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::attr_min_rank_generic ( const StructureGraph &  G,
vertex_set  A,
std::size_t  alpha,
const vertex_set U,
std::size_t  j,
Compare  compare 

Definition at line 100 of file pbesinst_fatal_attractors.h.

◆ attr_min_rank_original()

template<typename StructureGraph >
vertex_set mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::attr_min_rank_original ( const StructureGraph &  G,
vertex_set  A,
std::size_t  alpha,
const vertex_set U,
std::size_t  j 

Definition at line 246 of file pbesinst_fatal_attractors.h.

◆ attr_min_rank_original_todo()

template<typename StructureGraph >
deque_vertex_set mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::attr_min_rank_original_todo ( const StructureGraph &  G,
const vertex_set A,
const vertex_set U,
std::size_t  j 

Definition at line 43 of file pbesinst_fatal_attractors.h.

◆ attr_min_rank_todo_generic()

template<typename StructureGraph , typename Compare >
deque_vertex_set mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::attr_min_rank_todo_generic ( const StructureGraph &  G,
const vertex_set A,
const vertex_set U,
std::size_t  j,
Compare  compare 

Definition at line 25 of file pbesinst_fatal_attractors.h.

◆ bool_()

data::variable mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::bool_ ( const std::string &  name)

Returns a data variable of type Bool with a given name.

nameA string
A data variable of type Bool with a given name

Definition at line 44 of file test_utility.h.

◆ check_bes_equation_limit()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::check_bes_equation_limit ( std::size_t  size)

Definition at line 46 of file bes_equation_limit.h.

◆ check_lps2pbes_actions()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::check_lps2pbes_actions ( const state_formulas::state_formula formula,
const lps::stochastic_specification lpsspec 

Prints a warning if formula contains an action that is not used in lpsspec.

Definition at line 27 of file lps2pbes.h.

◆ complete_pbes()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::complete_pbes ( pbes x)

Definition at line 144 of file pbes.cpp.

◆ compute_Phi_Psi()

template<typename BinaryOperation >
std::tuple< pbes_expression, pbes_expression > mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::compute_Phi_Psi ( const std::vector< pbes_expression > &  X,
const std::set< data::variable > &  V,
BinaryOperation  op,
pbes_expression  empty_sequence_result 

Definition at line 30 of file quantifiers_inside_rewriter.h.

◆ compute_U_j_map()

template<typename StructureGraph >
std::map< std::size_t, vertex_set > mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::compute_U_j_map ( const StructureGraph &  G,
const vertex_set V 

Definition at line 72 of file pbesinst_fatal_attractors.h.

◆ concat()

template<typename Container >
Container mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::concat ( const Container &  x,
const Container &  y 

Concatenates two containers.

xA container
yA container
The concatenation of x and y

Definition at line 171 of file pfnf_traverser.h.

◆ create_pv_renaming()

std::unordered_map< propositional_variable_instantiation, propositional_variable_instantiation > mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::create_pv_renaming ( std::vector< std::vector< propositional_variable_instantiation > > &  instantiations,
bool  short_renaming_scheme 

Definition at line 34 of file pbesinst_alternative_lazy_algorithm.h.

◆ data2pbes() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::data2pbes ( const T &  x,
typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *  = nullptr 

Definition at line 127 of file data2pbes_rewriter.h.

◆ data2pbes() [2/2]

template<typename T >
void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::data2pbes ( T &  x,
typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *  = 0 

Definition at line 137 of file data2pbes_rewriter.h.

◆ data_rewrite() [1/4]

template<typename DataRewriter >
const data::data_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::data_rewrite ( const data::data_expression x,
const DataRewriter &  R,

Definition at line 39 of file data_rewriter.h.

◆ data_rewrite() [2/4]

template<typename DataRewriter , typename SubstitutionFunction >
const data::data_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::data_rewrite ( const data::data_expression x,
const DataRewriter &  R,
SubstitutionFunction &  sigma 

Definition at line 25 of file data_rewriter.h.

◆ data_rewrite() [3/4]

template<typename DataRewriter >
void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::data_rewrite ( data::data_expression result,
const data::data_expression x,
const DataRewriter &  R,

Definition at line 46 of file data_rewriter.h.

◆ data_rewrite() [4/4]

template<typename DataRewriter , typename SubstitutionFunction >
void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::data_rewrite ( data::data_expression result,
const data::data_expression x,
const DataRewriter &  R,
SubstitutionFunction &  sigma 

Definition at line 32 of file data_rewriter.h.

◆ dec_indent()

static void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::dec_indent ( )

Decreases the current indent level.

Definition at line 35 of file bqnf_visitor.h.

◆ E()

template<typename TermTraits , typename Parameters >
void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::E ( const state_formulas::state_formula x,
Parameters &  parameters,
std::vector< pbes_equation > &  result,
TermTraits  tr 

Definition at line 216 of file lps2pbes_e.h.

◆ E_lts2pbes()

template<typename TermTraits , typename Parameters >
void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::E_lts2pbes ( const state_formulas::state_formula x,
Parameters &  parameters,
std::vector< pbes_equation > &  result,
TermTraits  tr 

Definition at line 210 of file lts2pbes_e.h.

◆ E_structured()

template<typename TermTraits , typename Parameters >
void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::E_structured ( const state_formulas::state_formula x,
Parameters &  parameters,
std::vector< pbes_equation > &  result,
TermTraits  tr 

Definition at line 308 of file lps2pbes_e.h.

◆ equal_to()

data::data_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::equal_to ( const data::data_expression_list x,
const data::data_expression_list y 

Definition at line 40 of file partial_order_reduction.h.

◆ fatal_attractors()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::fatal_attractors ( const simple_structure_graph G,
std::array< vertex_set, 2 > &  S,
std::array< strategy_vector, 2 > &  tau,
std::size_t  equation_count 

Definition at line 221 of file pbesinst_fatal_attractors.h.

◆ fatal_attractors_generic()

template<typename Compare >
void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::fatal_attractors_generic ( const simple_structure_graph G,
std::array< vertex_set, 2 > &  S,
std::array< strategy_vector, 2 > &  tau,
std::size_t  equation_count,
Compare  compare 

Definition at line 130 of file pbesinst_fatal_attractors.h.

◆ fatal_attractors_original()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::fatal_attractors_original ( const simple_structure_graph G,
std::array< vertex_set, 2 > &  S,
std::array< strategy_vector, 2 > &  tau,
std::size_t  equation_count 

Definition at line 285 of file pbesinst_fatal_attractors.h.

◆ find_equation()

std::vector< stategraph_equation >::const_iterator mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::find_equation ( const stategraph_pbes p,
const core::identifier_string X,
bool  warn = true 

Definition at line 576 of file stategraph_pbes.h.

◆ find_free_variables()

std::set< data::variable > mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::find_free_variables ( const pbes_expression x,
const data::variable_list bound_variables = data::variable_list(),
bool  search_propositional_variables = true 

Definition at line 125 of file find_free_variables.h.

◆ find_loop()

bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::find_loop ( const simple_structure_graph G,
const vertex_set U,
structure_graph::index_type  v,
structure_graph::index_type  w,
std::size_t  p,
std::unordered_map< structure_graph::index_type, bool > &  visited 

Definition at line 27 of file pbesinst_find_loops.h.

◆ find_loops()

template<class Container >
void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::find_loops ( const simple_structure_graph G,
const Container &  discovered,
const pbesinst_lazy_todo todo,
std::array< vertex_set, 2 > &  S,
std::array< strategy_vector, 2 > &  tau,
std::size_t  iteration_count,
const detail::structure_graph_builder graph_builder 

Definition at line 75 of file pbesinst_find_loops.h.

◆ find_loops2()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::find_loops2 ( const simple_structure_graph G,
std::array< vertex_set, 2 > &  S,
std::array< strategy_vector, 2 > &  tau,
std::size_t  equation_count 

Definition at line 231 of file pbesinst_fatal_attractors.h.

◆ find_matching_parameters()

std::vector< data::variable > mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::find_matching_parameters ( const pbes p,
const std::string &  name,
const std::set< std::string > &  declarations 

Find parameter declarations that match a given string.

Definition at line 51 of file pbes_parameter_map.h.

◆ find_quantifier_variables()

std::set< data::variable > mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::find_quantifier_variables ( const pbes_expression x)

Definition at line 49 of file is_well_typed.h.

◆ has_conflicting_type()

template<typename Iter >
bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::has_conflicting_type ( Iter  first,
Iter  last,
const propositional_variable_instantiation v,
const data::data_specification data_spec 

Checks if the propositional variable instantiation v has a conflict with the sequence of propositional variable declarations [first, last).

firstStart of a sequence of propositional variable declarations
lastEnd of a sequence of propositional variable declarations
True if a conflict has been detected
vA propositional variable instantiation

Definition at line 206 of file is_well_typed.h.

◆ has_propositional_variables()

bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::has_propositional_variables ( const pbes_expression x)

Definition at line 43 of file has_propositional_variables.h.

◆ has_quantifier_name_clashes()

bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::has_quantifier_name_clashes ( const pbes_expression x)

Definition at line 145 of file is_well_typed.h.

◆ inc_indent()

static void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::inc_indent ( )

Increases the current indent level.

Definition at line 30 of file bqnf_visitor.h.

◆ indent()

static void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::indent ( )

Indents according to the current indent level.

Definition at line 41 of file bqnf_visitor.h.

◆ insert_in_rank_map()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::insert_in_rank_map ( std::map< std::size_t, vertex_set > &  U_rank_map,
structure_graph::index_type  u,
std::size_t  j,
std::size_t  n 

Definition at line 61 of file pbesinst_fatal_attractors.h.

◆ instantiate_global_variables()

data::mutable_map_substitution mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::instantiate_global_variables ( pbes p)

Eliminates the global variables of a PBES, by substituting a constant value for them. If no constant value is found for one of the variables, an exception is thrown.

Definition at line 40 of file instantiate_global_variables.h.

◆ is_bqnf()

template<typename T >
bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::is_bqnf ( const T &  x)

Determines if an expression is a BQNF expression.

xa PBES object
true if x is a BQNF expression.

Definition at line 237 of file bqnf_traverser.h.

◆ is_conjunctive()

bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::is_conjunctive ( const pbes_expression phi)

Definition at line 523 of file srf_pbes.h.

◆ is_pfnf()

template<typename T >
bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::is_pfnf ( const T &  x)

Definition at line 188 of file is_pfnf.h.

◆ is_pfnf_data_expression()

bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::is_pfnf_data_expression ( const pbes_expression x)

Definition at line 57 of file is_pfnf.h.

◆ is_pfnf_expression()

bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::is_pfnf_expression ( const pbes_expression x)

Definition at line 152 of file is_pfnf.h.

◆ is_pfnf_imp()

bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::is_pfnf_imp ( const pbes_expression x)

Definition at line 86 of file is_pfnf.h.

◆ is_pfnf_inner_and()

bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::is_pfnf_inner_and ( const pbes_expression x)

Definition at line 106 of file is_pfnf.h.

◆ is_pfnf_or()

bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::is_pfnf_or ( const pbes_expression x)

Definition at line 79 of file is_pfnf.h.

◆ is_pfnf_or_expression()

bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::is_pfnf_or_expression ( const pbes_expression x)

Definition at line 63 of file is_pfnf.h.

◆ is_pfnf_outer_and()

bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::is_pfnf_outer_and ( const pbes_expression x)

Definition at line 121 of file is_pfnf.h.

◆ is_pfnf_simple_expression()

bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::is_pfnf_simple_expression ( const pbes_expression x)

Definition at line 51 of file is_pfnf.h.

◆ is_ppg()

template<typename T >
bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::is_ppg ( const T &  x)

Determines if an expression is a PPG expression.

xa PBES object
true if x is a PPG expression.

Definition at line 260 of file ppg_traverser.h.

◆ is_structured_sort_constructor()

bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::is_structured_sort_constructor ( const data::data_specification dataspec,
const data::function_symbol f 

Definition at line 65 of file absinthe.h.

◆ is_well_typed()

bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::is_well_typed ( const pbes_equation eqn)

Checks if the equation is well typed.

True if
  • the binding variable parameters have unique names
  • the names of the quantifier variables in the equation are disjoint with the binding variable parameter names
  • within the scope of a quantifier variable in the formula, no other quantifier variables with the same name may occur

Definition at line 160 of file is_well_typed.h.

◆ is_well_typed_equation()

bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::is_well_typed_equation ( const pbes_equation eqn,
const std::set< data::sort_expression > &  declared_sorts,
const std::set< data::variable > &  declared_global_variables,
const data::data_specification data_spec 

Definition at line 219 of file is_well_typed.h.

◆ is_well_typed_pbes()

bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::is_well_typed_pbes ( const std::set< data::sort_expression > &  declared_sorts,
const std::set< data::variable > &  declared_global_variables,
const std::set< data::variable > &  occurring_global_variables,
const std::set< propositional_variable > &  declared_variables,
const std::set< propositional_variable_instantiation > &  occ,
const propositional_variable_instantiation init,
const data::data_specification data_spec 

Definition at line 269 of file is_well_typed.h.

◆ lhs_variables()

data::variable_list mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::lhs_variables ( const data::assignment_list l)

Definition at line 56 of file lps2pbes_utility.h.

◆ load_pbes()

pbes mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::load_pbes ( const std::string &  filename)

Loads a PBES from filename, or from stdin if filename equals "".

Definition at line 292 of file io.cpp.

◆ local_reset_variables()

pbes_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::local_reset_variables ( local_reset_variables_algorithm algorithm,
const pbes_expression x,
const stategraph_equation eq_X 

Definition at line 259 of file stategraph_local_reset_variables.h.

◆ lps_reset_variables()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::lps_reset_variables ( lpsstategraph_algorithm algorithm,
const pbes_expression x,
const stategraph_equation eq_X,
const data::variable_list process_parameters,
std::vector< lps::action_summand > &  summands 

Definition at line 185 of file lpsstategraph_algorithm.h.

◆ make_and()

data::data_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::make_and ( const data::data_expression x1,
const data::data_expression x2,
const data::data_expression x3 

Definition at line 34 of file partial_order_reduction.h.

◆ make_apply_enumerate_builder()

template<template< class, class, class > class Builder, class DataRewriter , class MutableSubstitution >
apply_enumerate_builder< Builder, DataRewriter, MutableSubstitution > mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::make_apply_enumerate_builder ( const DataRewriter &  R,
MutableSubstitution &  sigma,
const data::data_specification dataspec,
data::enumerator_identifier_generator id_generator,
bool  enumerate_infinite_sorts 

Definition at line 267 of file enumerate_quantifiers_rewriter.h.

◆ make_apply_rewriter_builder()

template<template< class, class, class > class Builder, class DataRewriter , class SubstitutionFunction >
apply_rewriter_builder< Builder, DataRewriter, SubstitutionFunction > mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::make_apply_rewriter_builder ( const DataRewriter &  datar,
SubstitutionFunction &  sigma 

Definition at line 114 of file data_rewriter.h.

◆ make_assignments()

data::assignment_list mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::make_assignments ( const data::variable_list d,
const data::data_expression_list e 

Definition at line 137 of file lpsstategraph_algorithm.h.

◆ make_constelm_substitution()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::make_constelm_substitution ( const std::map< data::variable, data::data_expression > &  m,
data::rewriter::substitution_type result 

Definition at line 29 of file constelm.h.

◆ make_exists_()

pbes_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::make_exists_ ( std::set< data::variable vars,
const pbes_expression expr 

Definition at line 28 of file quantifier_propagate.h.

◆ make_find_propositional_variables_traverser()

template<template< class > class Traverser, class OutputIterator >
find_propositional_variables_traverser< Traverser, OutputIterator > mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::make_find_propositional_variables_traverser ( OutputIterator  out)

Definition at line 53 of file find.h.

◆ make_forall_()

pbes_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::make_forall_ ( std::set< data::variable vars,
const pbes_expression expr 

Definition at line 34 of file quantifier_propagate.h.

◆ make_fresh_variable_substitution()

data::mutable_map_substitution mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::make_fresh_variable_substitution ( const data::variable_list variables,
data::set_identifier_generator id_generator,
bool  add_to_context = true 

Generates a substitution that assigns fresh variables to the given sequence of variables. The identifier generator is used to assign names to the fresh variables. Caveat: the implementation is very inefficient.

update_contextIf true, then generated names are added to the context

Definition at line 148 of file lps2pbes_utility.h.

◆ make_identifier()

core::identifier_string mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::make_identifier ( const core::identifier_string name,
lts2pbes_state_type  s 

Definition at line 30 of file lts2pbes_rhs.h.

◆ make_not()

pbes_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::make_not ( const pbes_expression x)

Definition at line 28 of file srf_pbes.h.

◆ make_quantifier()

pbes_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::make_quantifier ( bool  is_forall,
const data::variable_list vars,
const pbes_expression body 

Definition at line 40 of file quantifier_propagate.h.

◆ make_rewrite_pbes_expressions_builder()

template<template< class > class Builder, class Rewriter >
rewrite_pbes_expressions_builder< Builder, Rewriter > mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::make_rewrite_pbes_expressions_builder ( const Rewriter &  R)

Definition at line 56 of file rewrite.h.

◆ make_rewrite_pbes_expressions_with_substitution_builder()

template<template< class > class Builder, class Rewriter , class Substitution >
rewrite_pbes_expressions_with_substitution_builder< Builder, Rewriter, Substitution > mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::make_rewrite_pbes_expressions_with_substitution_builder ( const Rewriter &  R,
Substitution  sigma 

Definition at line 84 of file rewrite.h.

◆ make_typecheck_builder()

typecheck_builder mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::make_typecheck_builder ( data::data_type_checker data_typechecker,
const data::detail::variable_context variables,
const detail::pbes_context propositional_variables 

Definition at line 159 of file typecheck.h.

◆ map_at()

template<typename MapContainer >
MapContainer::mapped_type mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::map_at ( const MapContainer &  m,
typename MapContainer::key_type  key 

Definition at line 30 of file pbes_explorer.cpp.

◆ match_declaration()

bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::match_declaration ( const std::string &  text,
const data::variable d,
const data::data_specification data_spec 

Returns true if the declaration text matches with the variable d.

Definition at line 33 of file pbes_parameter_map.h.

◆ mu_expressions()

data::data_expression_list mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::mu_expressions ( const state_formulas::state_formula f)

Returns the data expressions corresponding to ass(f)

fA modal formula
The data expressions corresponding to ass(f)

Definition at line 115 of file lps2pbes_utility.h.

◆ mu_name()

const core::identifier_string & mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::mu_name ( const state_formulas::state_formula f)

Definition at line 78 of file lps2pbes_utility.h.

◆ mu_variables()

data::variable_list mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::mu_variables ( const state_formulas::state_formula f)

Returns the variables corresponding to ass(f)

fA modal formula
The variables corresponding to ass(f)

Definition at line 96 of file lps2pbes_utility.h.

◆ myprint()

std::string mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::myprint ( const std::vector< pbes_equation > &  v)

Definition at line 131 of file lps2pbes_utility.h.

◆ nat()

data::variable mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::nat ( const std::string &  name)

Returns a data variable of type Nat with a given name.

nameA string
A data variable of type Nat with a given name

Definition at line 28 of file test_utility.h.

◆ normalize_and_or() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::normalize_and_or ( const T &  x,
typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *  = nullptr 

Definition at line 96 of file normalize_and_or.h.

◆ normalize_and_or() [2/2]

template<typename T >
void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::normalize_and_or ( T &  x,
typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *  = 0 

Definition at line 106 of file normalize_and_or.h.

◆ nth_element()

const data::data_expression & mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::nth_element ( const data::data_expression_list e,
std::size_t  n 

Definition at line 47 of file stategraph_utility.h.

◆ operator<() [1/2]

bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::operator< ( const global_control_flow_graph_vertex x,
const global_control_flow_graph_vertex y 

Definition at line 740 of file stategraph_graph.h.

◆ operator<() [2/2]

bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::operator< ( const local_control_flow_graph_vertex u,
const local_control_flow_graph_vertex v 

Definition at line 295 of file stategraph_graph.h.

◆ operator<<() [1/11]

template<typename Vertex >
std::ostream & mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const control_flow_graph< Vertex > &  G 

Definition at line 510 of file stategraph_graph.h.

◆ operator<<() [2/11]

std::ostream & mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const GCFP_graph G 

Definition at line 149 of file stategraph_graph.h.

◆ operator<<() [3/11]

std::ostream & mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const global_control_flow_graph_vertex u 

Definition at line 745 of file stategraph_graph.h.

◆ operator<<() [4/11]

std::ostream & mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const guard_expression x 

Definition at line 231 of file guard_traverser.h.

◆ operator<<() [5/11]

std::ostream & mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const LCFP_vertex u 

Definition at line 59 of file stategraph_graph.h.

◆ operator<<() [6/11]

std::ostream & mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const local_control_flow_graph_vertex u 

Definition at line 284 of file stategraph_graph.h.

◆ operator<<() [7/11]

std::ostream & mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const lts2pbes_lts ltsspec 

Definition at line 113 of file lts2pbes_lts.h.

◆ operator<<() [8/11]

std::ostream & mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const lts::lts_lts_t ltsspec 

Definition at line 24 of file lts2pbes_lts.h.

◆ operator<<() [9/11]

std::ostream & mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const pfnf_implication x 

Definition at line 96 of file pfnf_pbes.h.

◆ operator<<() [10/11]

std::ostream & mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const predicate_variable x 

Definition at line 140 of file stategraph_pbes.h.

◆ operator<<() [11/11]

std::ostream & mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const stategraph_vertex u 

Definition at line 180 of file stategraph_global_graph.h.

◆ Par()

data::variable_list mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::Par ( const core::identifier_string X,
const data::variable_list l,
const state_formulas::state_formula x 

Definition at line 171 of file lps2pbes_par.h.

◆ parse_pbes_expression()

pbes_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::parse_pbes_expression ( const std::string &  text)

Definition at line 160 of file pbes.cpp.

◆ parse_pbes_expression_new()

pbes_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::parse_pbes_expression_new ( const std::string &  text)

Definition at line 122 of file pbes.cpp.

◆ parse_pbes_new()

untyped_pbes mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::parse_pbes_new ( const std::string &  text)

Definition at line 133 of file pbes.cpp.

◆ parse_pbes_parameter_map()

pbes_parameter_map mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::parse_pbes_parameter_map ( const pbes p,
const std::string &  text 

Parses parameter selection for finite pbesinst algorithm.

Definition at line 78 of file pbes_parameter_map.h.

◆ parse_propositional_variable()

propositional_variable mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::parse_propositional_variable ( const std::string &  text)

Definition at line 151 of file pbes.cpp.

◆ partial_solve()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::partial_solve ( structure_graph G,
const pbesinst_lazy_todo todo,
std::array< vertex_set, 2 > &  S,
std::array< strategy_vector, 2 > &  tau,
std::size_t  equation_count,
const detail::structure_graph_builder graph_builder 

Definition at line 27 of file pbesinst_partial_solve.h.

◆ pbes2data() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::pbes2data ( const T &  x,
typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *  = nullptr 

Definition at line 83 of file pbes2data_rewriter.h.

◆ pbes2data() [2/2]

template<typename T >
void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::pbes2data ( T &  x,
typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *  = 0 

Definition at line 93 of file pbes2data_rewriter.h.

◆ pbessolve()

bool mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::pbessolve ( const pbes p)

Definition at line 25 of file pbessolve.h.

◆ pfnf_implications()

std::vector< pbes_expression > mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::pfnf_implications ( const pbes_expression x)

Definition at line 218 of file is_pfnf.h.

◆ pos()

data::variable mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::pos ( const std::string &  name)

Returns a data variable of type Pos with a given name.

nameA string
A data variable of type Pos with a given name

Definition at line 36 of file test_utility.h.

◆ position_counts()

std::vector< std::size_t > mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::position_counts ( const pbes x)

Definition at line 78 of file position_count_traverser.h.

◆ print_equation()

std::string mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::print_equation ( const pbes_equation eq)

Definition at line 24 of file stategraph_utility.h.

◆ print_index()

std::string mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::print_index ( std::size_t  index)

Definition at line 26 of file stategraph_algorithm.h.

◆ print_pbes_expressions()

std::string mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::print_pbes_expressions ( const std::set< pbes_expression > &  v)

Definition at line 59 of file stategraph_utility.h.

◆ print_pbes_parameter_map()

std::ostream & mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::print_pbes_parameter_map ( std::ostream &  out,
const pbes_parameter_map m 

Print a parameter map.

Definition at line 156 of file pbes_parameter_map.h.

◆ print_removed_equations()

std::string mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::print_removed_equations ( const std::vector< propositional_variable > &  removed)

Definition at line 24 of file remove_equations.h.

◆ print_set()

std::string mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::print_set ( const std::set< std::size_t > &  v)

Definition at line 30 of file stategraph_utility.h.

◆ print_used_function_symbols()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::print_used_function_symbols ( const pbes p)

Definition at line 90 of file absinthe.h.

◆ print_vector()

template<typename Container >
std::string mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::print_vector ( const Container &  v,
const std::string &  delim 

Definition at line 25 of file stategraph_local_reset_variables.h.

◆ propvar()

propositional_variable mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::propvar ( const std::string &  name,
const data::variable_list parameters 

Returns a propositional variable declaration with the given name and parameters.

nameA string
parametersA sequence of data variables
A propositional variable declaration with the given name and parameters

Definition at line 53 of file test_utility.h.

◆ propvarinst()

propositional_variable_instantiation mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::propvarinst ( const std::string &  name,
const data::data_expression_list parameters 

Returns a propositional variable instantiation with the given name and parameters.

nameA string
parametersA sequence of data expressions
A propositional variable instantiation with the given name and parameters

Definition at line 62 of file test_utility.h.

◆ quantifier_propagate() [1/2]

pbes_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::quantifier_propagate ( const pbes_expression x)

◆ quantifier_propagate() [2/2]

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::quantifier_propagate ( std::list< std::pair< core::identifier_string, pbes_equation > > &  new_equations,
data::set_identifier_generator id_gen,
const quantifier_propagate_builder::equation_map_t  eqn_map,
pbes_expression x 

Definition at line 362 of file quantifier_propagate.h.

◆ quantifiers_inside()

pbes_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::quantifiers_inside ( const pbes_expression x)

Definition at line 285 of file quantifiers_inside_rewriter.h.

◆ quantifiers_inside_exists()

pbes_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::quantifiers_inside_exists ( const std::set< data::variable > &  variables,
const pbes_expression x 

Definition at line 303 of file quantifiers_inside_rewriter.h.

◆ quantifiers_inside_forall()

pbes_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::quantifiers_inside_forall ( const std::set< data::variable > &  variables,
const pbes_expression x 

Definition at line 294 of file quantifiers_inside_rewriter.h.

◆ remove_quantifiers()

pbes_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::remove_quantifiers ( const pbes_expression x)

Definition at line 196 of file is_pfnf.h.

◆ replace_global_variables()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::replace_global_variables ( pbes p,
const data::mutable_map_substitution<> &  sigma 

Applies a global variable substitution to a PBES.

Definition at line 29 of file instantiate_global_variables.h.

◆ reset_variables()

pbes_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::reset_variables ( global_reset_variables_algorithm algorithm,
const pbes_expression x,
const stategraph_equation eq_X 

Definition at line 389 of file stategraph_global_reset_variables.h.

◆ resolve_summand_variable_name_clashes()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::resolve_summand_variable_name_clashes ( srf_summand summand,
const std::set< core::identifier_string > &  process_parameter_names,
data::set_identifier_generator generator 

Definition at line 26 of file resolve_name_clashes.h.

◆ RHS() [1/2]

template<typename TermTraits , typename Parameters >
pbes_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::RHS ( const state_formulas::state_formula x,
lts2pbes_state_type  s,
Parameters &  parameters,
TermTraits  tr 

Definition at line 414 of file lts2pbes_rhs.h.

◆ RHS() [2/2]

template<typename TermTraits , typename Parameters >
pbes_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::RHS ( const state_formulas::state_formula x,
Parameters &  parameters,
TermTraits  tr 

Definition at line 504 of file lps2pbes_rhs.h.

◆ rhs_expressions()

data::data_expression_list mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::rhs_expressions ( const data::assignment_list l)

Definition at line 67 of file lps2pbes_utility.h.

◆ RHS_structured()

template<typename TermTraits , typename Parameters >
TermTraits::term_type mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::RHS_structured ( const state_formulas::state_formula x,
Parameters &  parameters,
const data::variable_list variables,
const fixpoint_symbol sigma,
std::vector< pbes_equation > &  equations,
TermTraits  tr 

Definition at line 641 of file lps2pbes_rhs.h.

◆ Sat()

template<typename TermTraits >
TermTraits::term_type mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::Sat ( const lps::multi_action a,
const action_formulas::action_formula x,
data::set_identifier_generator id_generator,
TermTraits  tr 

Definition at line 166 of file lps2pbes_sat.h.

◆ save_pbes()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::save_pbes ( const pbes pbesspec,
const std::string &  filename 

Saves an PBES to filename, or to stdout if filename equals "".

Definition at line 307 of file io.cpp.

◆ set_bes_equation_limit()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::set_bes_equation_limit ( std::size_t  size)

Definition at line 40 of file bes_equation_limit.h.

◆ smart_and()

pbes_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::smart_and ( const pbes_expression x,
const pbes_expression y 

Definition at line 57 of file stategraph_simplify_rewriter.h.

◆ smart_or()

pbes_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::smart_or ( const pbes_expression x,
const pbes_expression y 

Definition at line 67 of file stategraph_simplify_rewriter.h.

◆ split_and()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::split_and ( const pbes_expression expr,
std::vector< pbes_expression > &  result 

Splits a conjunction into a sequence of operands Given a pbes expression of the form p1 && p2 && ... && pn, this will yield a vector of the form [ p1, p2, ..., pn ], assuming that pi does not have a && as main function symbol.

exprA PBES expression
A sequence of operands

Definition at line 31 of file is_pfnf.h.

◆ split_or()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::split_or ( const pbes_expression expr,
std::vector< pbes_expression > &  result 

Splits a conjunction into a sequence of operands Given a pbes expression of the form p1 || p2 || ... || pn, this will yield a vector of the form [ p1, p2, ..., pn ], assuming that pi does not have a || as main function symbol.

exprA PBES expression
A sequence of operands

Definition at line 44 of file is_pfnf.h.

◆ split_parameters()

template<typename PropositionalVariable , typename Parameter >
void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::split_parameters ( const PropositionalVariable &  X,
const pbesinst_index_map index_map,
std::vector< Parameter > &  finite,
std::vector< Parameter > &  infinite 

Computes the subset with variables of finite sort and infinite.

XA propositional variable instantiation
index_mapa container storing the indices of the variables that should be expanded by the finite pbesinst algorithm.
finiteA sequence of data expressions
infiniteA sequence of data expressions

Definition at line 98 of file pbesinst_finite_algorithm.h.

◆ split_pfnf_expression()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::split_pfnf_expression ( const pbes_expression phi,
pbes_expression h,
std::vector< pbes_expression > &  g 

Definition at line 233 of file is_pfnf.h.

◆ split_pfnf_implication()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::split_pfnf_implication ( const pbes_expression x,
pbes_expression g,
std::vector< propositional_variable_instantiation > &  Xij 

Definition at line 26 of file pfnf_pbes.h.

◆ srf_and()

std::vector< srf_summand > mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::srf_and ( const pbes_expression phi,
std::deque< pbes_equation > &  equations,
const pbes_equation eqn,
const data::variable_list V,
data::set_identifier_generator id_generator,
const core::identifier_string X_true,
const core::identifier_string X_false,
std::vector< srf_equation > &  result 

Definition at line 506 of file srf_pbes.h.

◆ srf_or()

std::vector< srf_summand > mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::srf_or ( const pbes_expression phi,
std::deque< pbes_equation > &  equations,
const pbes_equation eqn,
const data::variable_list V,
data::set_identifier_generator id_generator,
const core::identifier_string X_true,
const core::identifier_string X_false,
std::vector< srf_equation > &  result 

Definition at line 349 of file srf_pbes.h.

◆ stategraph_not()

pbes_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::stategraph_not ( const pbes_expression x)

Definition at line 27 of file stategraph_simplify_rewriter.h.

◆ stategraph_split_and()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::stategraph_split_and ( const pbes_expression expr,
std::vector< pbes_expression > &  result 

Definition at line 64 of file stategraph_split.h.

◆ stategraph_split_or()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::stategraph_split_or ( const pbes_expression expr,
std::vector< pbes_expression > &  result 

Definition at line 71 of file stategraph_split.h.

◆ symbolic_exploration()

void mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::symbolic_exploration ( const std::string &  input_filename,
const std::string &  output_filename,
const utilities::file_format input_format,
const utilities::file_format output_format,
bool  optimized = true,
bool  clustered = false,
bool  instantiate = false 

Definition at line 409 of file symbolic_exploration.h.

◆ target_sort()

data::sort_expression mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::target_sort ( const data::sort_expression s)

Definition at line 101 of file absinthe.h.

◆ to_ppg()

pbes mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::to_ppg ( pbes  x)

Rewrites a PBES to a PPG.

a PPG.

Definition at line 431 of file ppg_rewriter.h.

◆ variable_index()

int mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::variable_index ( const data::variable_list variables,
const data::variable d 

Finds the index of a variable in a sequence.

variablesA sequence of data variables
dA data variable
The index of d in v, or -1 if the variable wasn't found

Definition at line 27 of file parelm.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ indent_count

int mcrl2::pbes_system::detail::indent_count = 0

The current indent level. Used for debug output.

Definition at line 28 of file bqnf_visitor.h.