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parser_utility.h File Reference

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struct  mcrl2::core::detail::is_binary_operator_node
 Checks if a node is the binary operation op. More...
struct  mcrl2::core::detail::is_and_node
 Checks if a node is the binary operation '&&'. More...
struct  mcrl2::core::detail::is_or_node
 Checks if a node is the binary operation '||'. More...
struct  mcrl2::core::detail::is_merge_node
 Checks if a node is the merge operation '||'. More...
struct  mcrl2::core::detail::is_left_merge_node
 Checks if a node is the left merge operation '||_'. More...
struct  mcrl2::core::detail::is_and_or_node
 Checks if a node is of type 'x && (y || z)'. More...
struct  mcrl2::core::detail::is_left_merge_merge
 Checks if a node is of type 'x ||_ (y || z)'. More...
struct  mcrl2::core::detail::find_and_or
struct  mcrl2::core::detail::find_left_merge_merge


namespace  mcrl2
 A class that takes a linear process specification and checks all tau-summands of that LPS for confluence.
namespace  mcrl2::core
namespace  mcrl2::core::detail


template<typename Function >
void mcrl2::core::detail::foreach_parse_node (const parse_node &x, Function f)
 Calls the function f on each node in the parse tree with x as root.
void mcrl2::core::warn_and_or (const parse_node &)
 Prints a warning for each occurrence of 'x && y || z' in the parse tree.
void mcrl2::core::warn_left_merge_merge (const parse_node &)
 Prints a warning for each occurrence of 'x ||_ y || z' in the parse tree.

Detailed Description

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Definition in file parser_utility.h.