Term containing a string.
parameterized boolean equation system
Standard exception class for reporting runtime errors.
The strategy of the rewriter.
std::set< data::variable > significant_variables(const pbes_expression &x)
Returns the significant variables of a pbes expression.
void remove_parameters(pbes &x, const std::set< data::variable > &to_be_removed)
Removes parameters from propositional variable instantiations in a pbes expression.
void pbesinst_finite(pbes &p, data::rewrite_strategy rewrite_strategy, const std::string &finite_parameter_selection)
Apply finite instantiation to the given PBES.
bool is_normalized(const pbes &x)
Checks if a PBEs is normalized.
std::vector< propositional_variable > remove_unreachable_variables(pbes &p)
Removes equations that are not (syntactically) reachable from the initial state of a PBES.
std::string print_removed_equations(const std::vector< propositional_variable > &removed)
Print removed equations.
void normalize(pbes &x)
The function normalize brings (embedded) pbes expressions into positive normal form,...
std::string print_removed_equations(const std::vector< propositional_variable > &removed)
T remove_parameters(const T &x, const std::vector< std::size_t > &to_be_removed, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr)
Removes parameters from propositional variable instantiations in a pbes expression.
void pbesinst_finite(pbes &p, data::rewrite_strategy rewrite_strategy, const std::string &finite_parameter_selection)
std::set< data::variable > significant_variables(const pbes_expression &x)
void normalize(T &x, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_base_of< atermpp::aterm, T >::value >::type *=nullptr)
The function normalize brings (embedded) pbes expressions into positive normal form,...
std::vector< propositional_variable > remove_unreachable_variables(pbes &p)
Removes equations that are not (syntactically) reachable from the initial state of a PBES.
bool is_normalized(const T &x)
Checks if a pbes expression is normalized.
A class that takes a linear process specification and checks all tau-summands of that LPS for conflue...
Normalization of pbes expressions.
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Functions for removing insignificant parameters from pbes types.
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