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remove.h File Reference

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struct  mcrl2::lps::detail::is_trivial_summand
 Function object that checks if a summand has a false condition. More...
struct  mcrl2::lps::detail::is_singleton_sort
 Function object that checks if a sort is a singleton sort. Note that it is an approximation, meaning that in some cases it may return false whereas in reality the answer is true. More...
struct  mcrl2::lps::detail::remove_parameters_builder
 Traverser for removing parameters from LPS data types. These parameters can be either process parameters or free variables. Assignments to these parameters are removed as well. More...


namespace  mcrl2
 A class that takes a linear process specification and checks all tau-summands of that LPS for confluence.
namespace  mcrl2::lps
 The main namespace for the LPS library.
namespace  mcrl2::lps::detail


template<typename Object >
void mcrl2::lps::remove_parameters (Object &x, const std::set< data::variable > &to_be_removed)
 Rewrites an LPS data type.
template<typename Specification >
void mcrl2::lps::remove_trivial_summands (Specification &spec)
 Removes summands with condition equal to false from a linear process specification.
template<typename Specification >
void mcrl2::lps::remove_singleton_sorts (Specification &spec)
 Removes parameters with a singleton sort from a linear process specification.
data::assignment_list mcrl2::lps::remove_redundant_assignments (const data::assignment_list &assignments, const data::variable_list &do_not_remove)
 Removes assignments of the form x := x from v for variables x that are not contained in do_not_remove.
template<typename Specification >
void mcrl2::lps::remove_redundant_assignments (Specification &lpsspec)
 Removes redundant assignments of the form x = x from an LPS specification.

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Definition in file remove.h.