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standard_container_utility.h File Reference

Provides utilities for working with data expressions of standard container sorts. More...

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namespace  mcrl2
 A class that takes a linear process specification and checks all tau-summands of that LPS for confluence.
namespace  mcrl2::data
 Namespace for all data library functionality.
namespace  mcrl2::data::sort_list
 Namespace for system defined sort list.
namespace  mcrl2::data::sort_set
 Namespace for system defined sort set_.
namespace  mcrl2::data::sort_fset
 Namespace for system defined sort fset.
namespace  mcrl2::data::sort_bag
 Namespace for system defined sort bag.
namespace  mcrl2::data::sort_fbag
 Namespace for system defined sort fbag.


template<typename Sequence >
application mcrl2::data::sort_list::list (const sort_expression &s, Sequence const &range, typename atermpp::enable_if_container< Sequence, data_expression >::type *=nullptr)
 Constructs a list expression from a range of expressions.
core::identifier_string const & mcrl2::data::sort_list::list_enumeration_name ()
 Generate identifier list_enumeration.
function_symbol mcrl2::data::sort_list::list_enumeration (const sort_expression &s)
 Constructor for function symbol list_enumeration.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_list_enumeration_function_symbol (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for function list_enumeration.
template<typename Sequence >
data_expression mcrl2::data::sort_list::list_enumeration (const sort_expression &s, Sequence const &range, typename atermpp::enable_if_container< Sequence, data_expression >::type *=nullptr)
 Application of function symbol list_enumeration.
data_expression mcrl2::data::sort_list::list_enumeration (const sort_expression &s, data_expression_list const &range)
 Application of function symbol list_enumeration.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_list::is_list_enumeration_application (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for application of list_enumeration.
core::identifier_string const & mcrl2::data::sort_set::set_enumeration_name ()
 Generate identifier set_enumeration.
function_symbol mcrl2::data::sort_set::set_enumeration (const sort_expression &s)
 Constructor for function symbol set_enumeration.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_set::is_set_enumeration_function_symbol (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for function set_enumeration.
template<typename Sequence >
data_expression mcrl2::data::sort_set::set_enumeration (const sort_expression &s, Sequence const &range, typename atermpp::enable_if_container< Sequence, data_expression >::type *=0)
 Application of function symbol set_enumeration.
data_expression mcrl2::data::sort_set::set_enumeration (const sort_expression &s, data_expression_list const &range)
 Application of function symbol set_enumeration.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_set::is_set_enumeration_application (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for application of set_enumeration.
template<typename Sequence >
application mcrl2::data::sort_fset::fset (const sort_expression &s, Sequence const &range, typename atermpp::enable_if_container< Sequence, data_expression >::type *=nullptr)
 Constructs a finite set expression from a range of expressions.
application mcrl2::data::sort_fset::fset (const sort_expression &s, const data_expression_list &range)
 Constructs a finite set expression from a list of expressions.
core::identifier_string const & mcrl2::data::sort_bag::bag_enumeration_name ()
 Generate identifier bag_enumeration.
function_symbol mcrl2::data::sort_bag::bag_enumeration (const sort_expression &s)
 Constructor for function symbol bag_enumeration.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_bag::is_bag_enumeration_function_symbol (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for function bag_enumeration.
template<typename Sequence >
data_expression mcrl2::data::sort_bag::bag_enumeration (const sort_expression &s, Sequence const &range, typename atermpp::enable_if_container< Sequence, data_expression >::type *=0)
 Application of function symbol bag_enumeration.
data_expression mcrl2::data::sort_bag::bag_enumeration (const sort_expression &s, data_expression_list const &range)
 Application of function symbol bag_enumeration.
bool mcrl2::data::sort_bag::is_bag_enumeration_application (const atermpp::aterm &e)
 Recogniser for application of bag_enumeration.
template<typename Sequence >
application mcrl2::data::sort_fbag::fbag (const sort_expression &s, Sequence const &range, typename atermpp::enable_if_container< Sequence, data_expression >::type *=nullptr)
 Constructs a finite bag expression from a range of expressions Type Sequence must be a model of the Forward Traversal Iterator concept; with value_type convertible to data_expression.
application mcrl2::data::sort_fbag::fbag (const sort_expression &s, const data_expression_list &range)
 Constructs a finite bag expression from a list of expressions.

Detailed Description

Provides utilities for working with data expressions of standard container sorts.

Definition in file standard_container_utility.h.