void | print_unary_data_operation (const application &x, const std::string &op) |
void | print_binary_data_operation (const application &x, const data_expression &x1, const data_expression &x2, const std::string &op) |
void | print_binary_data_operation (const application &x, const std::string &op) |
bool | is_infix_operation (const application &x) const |
core::identifier_string | generate_identifier (const std::string &prefix, const data_expression &context) const |
template<typename Container > |
void | print_container (const Container &container, int container_precedence=-1, const std::string &separator=", ", const std::string &open_bracket="(", const std::string &close_bracket=")") |
template<typename Variable > |
void | print_variable (const Variable &x, bool print_sort=false) |
template<typename Container , typename SortAccessor > |
void | print_sorted_declarations (const Container &container, bool print_sorts=true, bool join_sorts=true, bool maximally_shared=false, const std::string &opener="(", const std::string &closer=")", const std::string &separator=", ", SortAccessor get_sort=get_sort_default()) |
template<typename Container > |
void | print_variables (const Container &container, bool print_sorts=true, bool join_sorts=true, bool maximally_shared=false, const std::string &opener="(", const std::string &closer=")", const std::string &separator=", ") |
template<typename Container > |
void | print_assignments (const Container &container, bool print_lhs=true, const std::string &opener="", const std::string &closer="", const std::string &separator=", ", const std::string &assignment_symbol=" = ") |
template<typename T > |
void | print_condition (const T &x, const std::string &arrow=" -> ") |
template<typename Container > |
void | print_sort_list (const Container &container, const std::string &opener="(", const std::string &closer=")", const std::string &separator=", ") |
void | print_list_enumeration (const application &x) |
void | print_set_enumeration (const application &x) |
void | print_bag_enumeration (const application &x) |
void | print_setbag_comprehension (const abstraction &x) |
bool | is_abstraction_application (const application &x) const |
bool | is_cons_list (data_expression x) const |
bool | is_snoc_list (data_expression x) const |
bool | is_fset_cons_list (data_expression x) |
bool | is_fbag_cons_list (data_expression x) |
| Returns true if x is a list composed of cons, insert and cinsert applications.
bool | is_numeric_expression (const application &x) |
bool | is_standard_sort (const sort_expression &x) |
bool | is_fset_true (const data_expression &x) |
bool | is_fset_false (const data_expression &x) |
bool | is_fset_lambda (const data_expression &x) |
bool | is_fbag_zero (const data_expression &x) |
bool | is_fbag_one (const data_expression &x) |
bool | is_fbag_lambda (const data_expression &x) |
void | print_cons_list (data_expression x) |
void | print_snoc_list (data_expression x) |
void | print_fset_cons_list (data_expression x) |
void | print_fbag_zero (const data_expression &x) |
void | print_fbag_one (const data_expression &x) |
void | print_fbag_lambda (const data_expression &x) |
void | print_fbag_default (const data_expression &x) |
void | print_fbag_cons_list (data_expression x) |
void | print_fset_true (const data_expression &x) |
void | print_fset_false (const data_expression &x) |
void | print_fset_lambda (const data_expression &x) |
void | print_fset_set_operation (const data_expression &x, const std::string &op) |
void | print_fset_default (const data_expression &x) |
template<typename Abstraction > |
void | print_abstraction (const Abstraction &x, const std::string &op) |
void | print_function_application (const application &x) |
void | apply (const std::pair< data_expression, data_expression > &x) |
void | apply (const data::container_type &x) |
void | apply (const data::assignment &x) |
void | apply (const data::variable_list &x) |
void | apply (const data::untyped_data_parameter &x) |
void | apply (const data::untyped_identifier_assignment &x) |
void | apply (const data::untyped_set_or_bag_comprehension_binder &x) |
void | apply (const data::set_comprehension_binder &x) |
void | apply (const data::bag_comprehension_binder &x) |
void | apply (const data::forall_binder &x) |
void | apply (const data::exists_binder &x) |
void | apply (const data::lambda_binder &x) |
void | apply (const data::structured_sort_constructor_argument &x) |
void | apply (const data::structured_sort_constructor &x) |
void | apply (const data::alias &x) |
void | apply (const data::list_container &x) |
void | apply (const data::set_container &x) |
void | apply (const data::bag_container &x) |
void | apply (const data::fset_container &x) |
void | apply (const data::fbag_container &x) |
void | apply (const data::basic_sort &x) |
void | apply (const data::container_sort &x) |
void | apply (const data::structured_sort &x) |
void | apply (const data::function_sort &x) |
void | apply (const data::untyped_sort &x) |
void | apply (const data::untyped_possible_sorts &x) |
void | apply (const data::untyped_sort_variable &x) |
void | apply (const data::untyped_identifier &x) |
void | apply (const data::variable &x) |
void | apply (const data::function_symbol &x) |
void | apply (const data::application &x) |
void | apply (const machine_number &x) |
void | apply (const data::where_clause &x) |
void | apply (const data::forall &x) |
void | apply (const data::exists &x) |
void | apply (const data::lambda &x) |
void | apply (const data::data_equation &x) |
void | update_mappings (const data_equation &eqn, std::vector< variable > &variables, std::map< core::identifier_string, variable > &variable_map, std::set< core::identifier_string > &function_symbol_names) |
bool | has_conflict (const data_equation &eqn, const std::map< core::identifier_string, variable > &variable_map) |
template<typename Iter > |
Iter | find_conflicting_equation (Iter first, Iter last, std::vector< variable > &variables) |
| Searches in the range of equations [first, last) for the first equation that conflicts with one of the previous equations. We say that equation e1 conflicts with another equation e2 if their declared variables contain a variable with the same name and a different sort, or if a declared variable in e1 has the same name as a function symbol appearing in equation e2.
template<typename AliasContainer , typename SortContainer > |
void | print_sort_declarations (const AliasContainer &aliases, const SortContainer &sorts, const std::string &opener="(", const std::string &closer=")", const std::string &separator=", ") |
template<typename Container > |
void | print_equations (const Container &equations, const data_specification &data_spec, const std::string &opener="(", const std::string &closer=")", const std::string &separator=", ") |
void | apply (const data::data_specification &x) |
void | apply (const data::abstraction &x) |
void | apply (const data::variable &x) |
void | apply (const data::function_symbol &x) |
void | apply (const data::application &x) |
void | apply (const data::where_clause &x) |
void | apply (const data::machine_number &x) |
void | apply (const data::untyped_identifier &x) |
void | apply (const data::assignment &x) |
void | apply (const data::untyped_identifier_assignment &x) |
void | apply (const data::basic_sort &x) |
void | apply (const data::container_sort &x) |
void | apply (const data::structured_sort &x) |
void | apply (const data::function_sort &x) |
void | apply (const data::untyped_sort &x) |
void | apply (const data::untyped_possible_sorts &x) |
void | apply (const data::untyped_sort_variable &x) |
void | apply (const data::forall &x) |
void | apply (const data::exists &x) |
void | apply (const data::lambda &x) |
void | apply (const data::set_comprehension &x) |
void | apply (const data::bag_comprehension &x) |
void | apply (const data::untyped_set_or_bag_comprehension &x) |
void | apply (const data::structured_sort_constructor_argument &x) |
void | apply (const data::structured_sort_constructor &x) |
void | apply (const data::alias &x) |
void | apply (const data::data_equation &x) |
void | apply (const data::untyped_data_parameter &x) |
void | apply (const data::data_expression &x) |
void | apply (const data::assignment_expression &x) |
void | apply (const data::sort_expression &x) |
void | apply (const data::abstraction &x) |
template<typename Derived>
struct mcrl2::data::detail::printer< Derived >
Definition at line 448 of file print.h.