A class containing triples, source label and target representing transitions.
void set_label(const size_type label)
Set the label of the transition.
transition & operator=(const transition &t)=default
void set_to(const size_type to)
Set the target of the transition.
bool operator<(const transition &t) const
Standard lexicographic ordering on transitions.
transition(const std::size_t f, const std::size_t l, const std::size_t t)
Constructor (there is no default constructor).
size_type from() const
The source of the transition.
transition & operator=(transition &&t)=default
Move assignment.
bool operator!=(const transition &t) const
Standard inequality on transitions.
size_type label() const
The label of the transition.
size_type to() const
The target of the transition.
void set_from(const size_type from)
Set the source of the transition.
transition(transition &&t)=default
Move constructor.
transition(const transition &t)=default
Copy constructor.
std::size_t size_type
The type of the elements in a transition.
bool operator==(const transition &t) const
Standard equality on transitions.
This file contains a specialisation for hashes on pairs. This is not a part of the standard,...
Transition sort styles.
static const std::size_t const_tau_label_index
std::size_t hash_combine(const std::size_t h1, const std::size_t h2)
A class that takes a linear process specification and checks all tau-summands of that LPS for conflue...
std::size_t operator()(const mcrl2::lts::transition &t) const