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join.h File Reference

Generic join and split functions. More...

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namespace  mcrl2
 A class that takes a linear process specification and checks all tau-summands of that LPS for confluence.
namespace  mcrl2::utilities
namespace  mcrl2::utilities::detail


template<typename T , typename OutputIterator , typename MatchFunction , typename AccessorFunction1 , typename AccessorFunction2 >
void mcrl2::utilities::detail::split (const T &t, OutputIterator i, MatchFunction match, AccessorFunction1 lhs, AccessorFunction2 rhs)
 Splits a binary tree T into a sequence, and writes the result to the output range given by an output iterator.
template<typename T , typename FwdIt , typename BinaryOperation >
mcrl2::utilities::detail::join (FwdIt first, FwdIt last, BinaryOperation op, T empty_sequence_result)
 Given a sequence [t1, t2, ..., tn] of elements of type T, returns op(t1, op(t2, ...), tn)))).
template<typename T , typename RndIt , typename BinaryOperation >
mcrl2::utilities::detail::join_balanced (RndIt first, RndIt last, BinaryOperation op)
 Given a non-empty sequence [t1, t2, ..., tn] of elements of type T, returns op(op(t1, op(t2, ...), tn)))). The height of the resulting expression tree is minimal.

Detailed Description

Generic join and split functions.

Definition in file join.h.