Construct a PBES that expresses whether the two LPSs given as input are equal modulo some behavioural equivalence relation specified with option -b/–bisimulation. The two LPSs used to construct the PBES are equivalent if and only if the solution to the PBES is true.
A precise definition of the construction of the PBES can be found in [CBPW07].
T. Chen, B. Ploeger, J. van de Pol, and T. A. C. Willemse: Equivalence Checking for Infinite Systems using Parameterized Boolean Equation Systems, in CONCUR 2007, vol. 4703 of LNCS, pp. 120–135.
- orphan:
lpsbisim2pbes [OPTION]... INFILE1 [INFILE2 [OUTFILE]]
Reads two files containing an LPS, and computes a PBES that expresses bisimulation between the two. If OUTFILE is not present, standard output is used.
Command line options
, --bisimulation=NAME
generate a PBES for the bisimulation type NAME:
strong bisimulation
weak bisimulation
branching bisimulation
branching simulation equivalence
, --normalize
normalize the result
, --out=FORMAT
use output format FORMAT:
BES in internal format
PBES in internal format
BES in PGSolver format
PBES in textual (mCRL2) format
append timing measurements to FILE. Measurements are written to standard error if no FILE is provided
Standard options
, --quiet
do not display warning messages
, --verbose
display short log messages
, --debug
display detailed log messages
display log messages up to and including level; either warn, verbose, debug or trace
, --help
display help information
display version information
display help information, including hidden and experimental options