AIA ITP load-balancer

The AIA company is one of the world leading companies if it comes to software for print job distribution over document processors (high volume printers). The core of the software consists of 7.5 thousand lines of C code. In order to understand this job distribution process better, a large part of this software system has been modeled and analyzed using mCRL2. Six critical issues were discovered. Since the model was close to the code, all problems that were found in the model, could be traced back to the actual code resulting in concrete suggestions for improvement of the code. All in all, the analysis significantly improved the quality of this system and led to its certification by the Laboratory for Quality Software (LaQuSo).
Technical details
Session Layer of the load-balancer implementation was modeled in mCRL2 based on the C code. The underlying network socket administration layer and the upper application layers were modeled in an abstract way.
- Type of verification
Deadlock and safety properties violations detection by explicit state-space generation (breadth-first search).
- Data size
For the case of 3 clients and 1 server configuration 1.9 billion states was generated.
- Equipment (computers, CPU, RAM)
Large experiments were performed on an 8-way AMD 64 bit machine with 128Gb RAM.
- Models
The model is available as an appendix of [EHSU07a].
- Organizational context
- Contact person:
Yaroslav S. Usenko (LaQuSo Eindhoven)
- Other people involved:
Marko van Eekelen (LaQuSo Nijmegen)
Stefan ten Hoedt (AIA)
René Schreurs (AIA)
- Institution:
The project was a cooperation between two branches of LaQuSo: LaQuSo Nijmegen, a part of Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, and LaQuSo Eindhoven, a part of Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
- Industrial partner:
Aia Software B.V., a mid-size software development company with headquaters in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
- Project:
The work was supported by SenterNovem Innovation Voucher Inv053967.
- Time period:
Main project including the modeling and verification was the first half of 2006. Later on verification of bigger instances were performed.
Y.S. Usenko, M. van Eekelen, S. ten Hoedt, R. Schreurs. Testing of inter-process communication and synchronization of ITP LoadBalancer software via model-checking. TUE Computer Science Reports 07-04. 2007.