Git workflow
This page describes the workflow for people with write-access to our repository.
A workflow describes the procedures to follow when publishing the changes made to the files in the repository to other developers. In Git there is a difference between recording changes and pushing them to the public. A single record is called a commit which consists of a message and the author (you). The commit message describes the reason for a change, it should consist of a summary on the first line followed by a detailed description starting on the third line if necessary. For a detailed description on committing changes see the following documentation.
The next step is to publish the changes so that they are accessible to other developers. For this step the Centralized Workflow as described in the following tutorial was chosen as our workflow. In this workflow the master branch contains all the latest changes and preserves a linear history similar to SVN. Every commit should first be rebased on top of the latest master branch before it can be pushed. The documentation for rebasing can be found here.
To contribute changes without write-access the contributors are required to make a pull request. This is a request to pull in the changes from their mirror repository, which is referred to as a fork by Github. These pull requests must be reviewed and approved by one of the developers with write-access. For information on merging pull requests see the corresponding Github documentation. To preserve a linear history every pull request should be merged by means of a rebase.
Finally, the repository can also be conveniently used to work on release candidates in a separate branch. Whenever a release is desired a new branch named release-<version> is created based of the master branch. This branch is then exclusively used to record changes relevant to that release. When this branch is deemed stable enough for an actual release a tag is added to it. After this step a binary release is made from this branch and published online.