
The lpssim tool simulates a linear process specification (LPS) using a command-line interface.

In the first screen, lpssim shows the state vector of the initial state and a list of all possible transitions that can be taken from this state. These transitions are numbered from 0 onwards. For each transition, the state vector of the state that is reached after taking that transition, is shown. When a transition has been taken, lpssim shows the action label of that transition, the state vector of the current state and (again) a list of numbered transitions that can be taken from the current state along with the state vector of the resulting state, respectively.

On the lpssim command-line - which starts with a question mark ? - the following commands can be entered:


Execute the action with number n from the list of actions that are possible in the current state.

u, undo

Go to previous state in the trace.

r, redo

Go to next state in the trace.

i, initial

Go to initial state. Note that this preserves the trace; it is equivalent to goto 0.

g n, goto n

Go to position n of the trace.

t, trace

Print the current trace. The current position in the trace is indicated with >.

l filename, load filename

Load a trace from filename.

s filename, save filename

Save the current trace to filename.

h, help

Display a help message explaining the available commands.

q, quit, Ctrl-D

Quit lpssim.



lpssim   [OPTION]... [INFILE]


Simulate the LPS in INFILE via a text-based interface.

Command line options

-y , --nodummy

do not replace global variables in the LPS with dummy values

-QNUM , --qlimit=NUM

limit enumeration of universal and existential quantifiers in data expressions to NUM iterations (default NUM=10, NUM=0 for unlimited).

-rNAME , --rewriter=NAME

use rewrite strategy NAME:


jitty rewriting


compiled jitty rewriting


jitty rewriting with prover


append timing measurements to FILE. Measurements are written to standard error if no FILE is provided

Standard options

-q , --quiet

do not display warning messages

-v , --verbose

display short log messages

-d , --debug

display detailed log messages


display log messages up to and including level; either warn, verbose, debug or trace

-h , --help

display help information


display version information


display help information, including hidden and experimental options


Muck van Weerdenburg